This home page is a part of:
The Physics Enigmas And
Consciousness Enigmas Files 
"The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:


The PEACE-Group
(Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas)

The PEACE-Group welcomes any form of support and
accepts any form of contribution to this fledgling research program. This applys in particular to upkeep of the
“peace-files.com” Website.

The PEACE Publication Ltd partners and those who are affiliated with this organisation have developed the material presented in these web-files without any form of reimbursement. The files are in the same manner updated and maintained by volunteer efforts, but the information in these files is presented for the purpose of being of help to those who are engaged in various forms of self-help brain and consciousness biofeedback techniques.

However, since the web-creation and installation involves some cost, anyone wishing to participate in the developing and maintaining of the PEACE-Files Web may do so, either by financial or work support. This is in particular aimed at work involving translations and creation of the files in different languages. Financial support may be directed to the Webmaster for the PEACE Publication Ltd, in the following manner:

Via mail an international check or money order to
PEACE Publication Ltd, P. O. Box 1300, 121 Reykjavik, ICELAND.

PEACE Publication Ltd, care of Islandsbanki, Reykjavik, ICELAND,
The Icebank US$ account number is:  0513-38-100410-550202-3870.
Icelandic currency account number is: 0513-14-607333-550202-3870.

In either case an e-mail or fax of notification may be sent to PEACE Publication Ltd at peace@peace-files.com or Iceland Fax: 354-561-7772

PEACE Publication Ltd is engaged in the creation of CD-ROM disks, VHS-tapes and DVD-disks that present this material in English and Icelandic, but this is currently proceeding very slow as this is done on volunteer bases.

May the force of the endorphins be with you!

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Should the reader of this file have any remarks or complaints regarding the material here presented, be they positive or negative, they will be welcomed by the Web master, who will forward them to the proper persons. Here are the e-mails, which may be used for any messages or inquiries:

peace@centrum.is                                                                                                                                         peace@peace-files.com
