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The Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas Files "The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:



Following is a lecture in six parts depicting the quantum mechanical and biological reasons for, and consequences of, man's consumption of alcohol and other mind altering drugs and chemicals, legal and illegal.
This is today variably known as:

"Alcoholism", "Drug Addiction",
"Pollution of the Human Brain",
"Neuro-transmitter Cheating".

The lecture is the world's first explanation of the functions of the neuronal addiction sicknesses and the recovery from them, but its composite parts are:

01 : Introductions
Prologue and presentation of the subject.
02 : Firsti part Structure and healthy brain programs.
03 : Second part Brain's regularion of the realityperception.
04 : Third part #1 Addiction through use of alien chemicals.
05 : Third part #2 Addiction through use of alien chemicals.
06 : Forth part Recovery and permanent brain-changes.
07 : Epilogue Conclusion and lecture discussions.

To Home-Index-Front-Page





Here it is fitting to become aware of the fact that it is only possible to explain the wrong functions of the human brain (4) and the recovery from them (5) through the understanding of its correct functions (1+2+3). This is the reason why we begin by looking at the healthy brain functions. It is suggested to the participants that they try to achieve the overview insight into what here is presented, rather than to try to understand the details. -- They may be studied later.
Note that the lecture is not teaching a
practical application of the AA-program.


In the AA-fellowship and in addiction recovery therapies, we may be informed of how this sickness behaves and how it evolves. We may further be shown the solution to it—that is—how we need to live in order to be freed from the grips of this sickness. These are the HOW explanations regarding this phenomena. However, no one can tell us WHY this sickness comes into being, nor WHY it appears in people in such a haphazard manner as is the case. Neither can anyone tell us WHY it is now appearing in ever increasing numbers in humanity. Much the less can anyone tell us WHY the addicted individual has to live as the AA-program suggests, if he wants to escape its horrors. This lecture is the first that offers the WHY explanation for the quantum mechanical and neurological mechanism behind the manifestation and symptomatic evolution of alcohol addiction and the recovery from it, but the solution of the riddle requires a prior solution to the riddle of the human brain.

At the leading edge of science we are told that the brain represents the ultimate challenge of the human intillect. We are in fact told that this is Humanities Final Frontier!  However, we are further told that this cannot be resolved unless we first resolve the still unresolved riddles regarding the OBSERVER in the quantum phenomena. This the QF-THEORY claims to have resolved, but that solution shows that the riddle cannot be resolved by a human brain, before that brain first over comes the asymmetric effects that humanities collective ALCOHOL ADDICTION has on its own functions. The solution of that problem thus becomes man’s first challenge, which in turn shows us that man’s ALCOHOL ADDICTION, as well as his GENEARL USE OF ALCOHOL, is humanities first problem.



It is suggested that at the onset of the twentieth century about five percent (5%) of the population of the western cultures were suffering from alcoholism, but that during the century the alcoholism had increased five fold (quintupled) and that at the turn of the century in 2000, this percentage had reached 25.

Now 70 years after the solution to the alcoholic syndrome coming into being through the birth of the AA Fellowship, the situation is such that only 20 of every 36 alcoholics get to know the solution and the AA Fellowship. What is more serious is that of the 20 that are presented the solution, only 5 to 10 percent, or 1 to 2 achieve permanent recovery. This percentage was 75%, or 15 out of 20, in the first years of the Fellowship in the USA.

As an example of the current evolution that is taking place on planet earth, here are the statistics of a small nation--Iceland-- with a population of 290.000, which in the comparson represents 1 Icelander to every 100 Canadians or 1000 USA Americans.
It is not the intention by the lecture to make projections of the future of humanity, this each and every participant can do for himself. Neither is it the intention of this lecture to save the world, that is the role of the world itself, but it may on the other side serve to help save the world from intoxication unmanageability of the participant. On the other hand it should become obvious to the participant at the end of the lecture, that if nothing is done, the consequences of man's pollution of his brain will lead to his demise as many anthropologists predict. Here we are now facing the fact that during the 20th century the addiction sicknesses have quintupled and are now 15% in alcohol, 5% in illegal drugs and 5% in legal drugs. The risk has now become 36% of those that try alcohol or other substances becoming addicted. The consequences of this are gradually creeping into our knowledge, but no one knows what to do about it. Recently it was claimed in Russia that during the years from 2002 to 2003, alcoholism has increased 30%, but prior to this the Russians were still in the front line of addiction suffering nations. Another indication is the British prime ministers talk of a new sickness in his nation;  "binge drinking".

This information by the National Statistics Bureau comes shortly after the publication of research news by the nations first psychiatrist, Professor Tomas Helgason, chief doctor of the psychiatry department of the National University Hospital, regarding the sale of "happy pills", or fluoxitin based psycho-reactive medication in Iceland, for the period from 1975 to 2000. Professor Helgason announced that the sale of these drugs had increased from 8,4 day dosages per every 1000 inhabitants to 72,7 dosages, but that at the same time the mental health of the population had not improved. This meant an 8,65 fold increase during the 25 years, but invalidity due to depression and anxiety had not decreased during this time and that hospital admission due to these ailments had increase from 1989 to 2000.

What is not reflected in these statistics is the unknown accumulative degenerative change in the fundamental programming of the brains of the population. These changes are then, through the genetic inheritance, carried forward into the next generations and are primarily reflected in the mental health of the nation. This is in turn reflected in the statistic for the consumption of fluoxitin based drugs such as Prozac, Efexor, Fluoxin, Fontex, Seról, Cipramil, Seroxat, Zoloft, but this increase is exponential over extended periods of time, which means that of the Scandinavian nations, Iceland has the highest psycho-pharmaceutical  consumption. Since the Scandinavian nations have the highest such consumption, then Iceland must hold the world record. This means that  28% of the nation are addicted, or 16% to alcohol, 6% to illegal drugs and 6% to legal drugs.

The 2002 pure alcohol consumption statistics for Scandinavia suggests that each citizen--from babies to the aged--be as follows on national basis: The Danes : 11,3 lites, The Finns : 9,2 liters, The Swedes : 6,9 liters, The Icelanders : 6,5 liters and the Norwegians : 5,9 liters.
A recent social study world news-item from Denmark July 2003, has the following cheerful news: “Danish health authorities say that alcohol consumption increases in Denmark in the last 3 decades of the 20th century are now killing 5% of the population, or every 20th Dane. Experts say the high death rate due increased consumption. Each Dane is now drinking an average of 11,5 liters of pure alcohol spirits a year. This is more than a half-increase from 1970, but this rate was prior about 2,9%. The increase is mainly for the 16 to 24 age groups.” If this rate should prevail for the next 30 years, then it will mean 5,11 daily alcohol deaths or 1,05 hourly alcohol deaths in Denmark . Population of Denmark is 5.500.000.

All this is an indication of the evolution that this lecture endeavors to explain.

It took 8 years to develop this lecture, which is put together from pictures taken from proven research on the human brain and for the missing parts the findings of the QF-theory fill the gaps. This is further supported by the experience of the AA-fellowship. These inferences are made where not enough empirical information are available or could not be found, but the outcome is not unlike that of the periodic table Dimitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev discovered. When it was first developed it had many missing parts, but the general picture was clear. It was soon realized that what was missing in the table would sooner or later be discovered, but here next we have an introduction that tries to portray this idea.


Humanities questions regarding the brain and our wishes to know;
Why we are here?, What we are doing here? and Where we are going?,
will not be resolved unless we first resolve the still unresolved riddles regarding:

What is behind the "Incompleteness Theorem"?
What is behind the
"Universes First Second of Creation"?
What is behind the “Reality of the Quantum Phenomena"?
The answers to these questions are not independent of each other.
No single brain riddle can be resolved without the complete and ultimate resolution of the others.
These riddles cannot be resolved by the human brain before it first resolves the riddle of the
Alcohol Addiction phenomena in human brains.

                                        Paul John II


Here then is where begins this unique scrutiny of the human brain, its constructions, functions and most important of all: Its malfunctions and the correction of these. These viewing are in the form of models that are founded in the findings of the Venn-diagrams set mathematical quantum-models of the QF-theory, where the goal is to achieve the greatest simplicity in the description of its construction and programing. It is through the Venn-set diagrams sets--shown in the title-graphic here above--that relative simplicity is achieved considering the enormous complexity involved in the brains construction and function. In the title-graphic the lateral cutaway of the human brain, the two hemispheres are represented by the Venn-set circles where the blue one represents always the matter-hemisphere--usually the left-hemisphere --and the where a read circle represents always the spatial hemisphere--usually the right-hemisphere. Information on the origin of these ideas presented in this lecture are found in The Origin of the QF-models presented under the UNIFICATION FILES, found at the PEACE-Files Master Index Page at:


A generalized comparison between the models of Molecular Biology and those of the QF-theory for the brains functions and malfunctions, offer quite considerable differences in perspectives, findings and results. It is, however, not our intention to deal with these differences here to any extent beyond introducing to the reader the threefold fundamental differences between the models of
Molecular Biology and those of the QF-theory. The differences are insights that surpass the traditional models of Molecular Biology and to accentuate the importance of this difference, we introduce these fundamental nouvelle insights here in the shorter version under the titles: The First Novelty, The Second Novelty and The Third Novelty, with the explanation for these ideas being found in the lectures Parts and Slides as indicated

The First Novelty:
      QF-model presents a new twofold (holographicly founded) and at the same time evenly distributed role of the nucleotides in the whole of the
      genome in the pyramid neurons of the brain's seat of consciousness. In this arrangement one set of nucleotide-fields produces excitatory
      neurotransmitters, while the other produces inhibitory neurotransmitters.

                                           This is shown in: Part-One, Slides #2-05, #2-06, #2-07, #2-09 and Slide #2-19.  In the second part, slide  #3-09.

The Second Novelty:
      QF-model presents a new holographic model for the brain's field of consciousness that includes the cognitive process and the mechanism in the
      thoughts in the form of holographic photons and coordinates the function f the homeotic genes and the spliceosomes in the brain's neuro-
      transmitter production.

                                                                           This is shown in: Part-One, Slides #2-14 and #2-15. 

The Third Novelty:
      QF-model presents a new holographic model for the fundamental reality program of the human brain that contain regulatory programs for the
      homeostasis (the cell's work) of the cells and nucleotide transcripts for protein production.

                                                                      This is shown in: Part-One, Slides #2-15, #2-16, #2-17 and #2-19.

The meaning of the concepts that are being used here will be clarified in the lecture.

An additional major difference between the brainmodels of the QF-theory and the models of Molecular Biology, is in the fact that the former sees the neuronal action impulses in the seat of consciousness as being primarily a natural reward system. A system rewarding the neurons for information and memory storage and retrieval in the form of holistic photons, which are the units of thought. Most Molecular Biology models see these action impulses as being the thinking process, which in turn leads to these models not contain any comprehensive, consistent and conclusively explanatory insights into the fundamental cognition process of the brain including explanations for consciousness and its workings. This is the cause for their inability to produce explanations for the multitude of psychiatric disturbances, psychiatric sickness and psychosis. The same is true for the numerous functional disturbances appearing in the addiction and compulsion syndromes. These are on the other hand subjects that the QF-models claim to explain.

The reader should here be made aware that if there existed no differences between the brain models of the QF-theory and the current brain models of Molecular Biology, the information presented here would not exist.    

Well then;
We’re off into the solution to the riddles of the greatest mystery of all times!


We begin this introduction by reviewing an overview for the creation and composition of all reality, which is the creation of matter and space. The reasons for this are in the fact that we are about to undertake a study of a phenomena that represents the only known real reality computer in the Universe. On the slide we have in coarse details the evolution of the Universe, which was initiated in the Big Bang about 14.000 million years ago. In this review we learn that about 4.000 million years after the Big Bang, or about 10.000 million years ago galaxies have formed and the so-called first generation of suns have begun burning. The matter in the suns comes out of the two light atoms that were created in the Big Bang, but this is about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. It is then from these atoms that all the elements of the periodic table are created through the nuclear fusion in the suns burning, including the carbon that is the basic element in all living organism. These first generation suns are hundreds of times bigger than our sun and due to the enormous amount of gravitational pressure in their gigantic mass they burn much faster than our sun, or in about 5.000 million years. When they have spent their fuel, they expand and then collapse into a black hole or they explode in a colossal blast known as a "supernova", which spews its elements into the surrounding space.

About 5.000 million years ago the so-called second generation of suns started to appear, but these are much smaller than the first generation and burn therefore much slower. Our sun is one such second-generation sun, which has burned about 5.000 million years or about half of its lifetime of 10.000 million years and thus has about 5.000 million years left to burn. Shortly after our sun was formed, or about 400 million years later, the gravitational field that surrounds it collected into orbits leftover elements from some previous supernova explosion. These elements form the planets and the Earth including the matter in our bodies, so we are in the literal sense of the word, made from "stardust". Thus the planet we live on and are a part of, is about 4.600 million years old and it is now believed that it only took 600 million years for it to cool enough for life to appear on its surface. This means that the clock of life has been ticking on planet Earth for 4.000 million years.

The first life that appears is in the form of single cell organism called prokaryotes since they have practically no nucleus and only a small single strand DNA in a closed loop, which does not permit the collection of evolutionary information or traits. These prokaryotes did not know "sex" or "death" and multiplied themselves through binary fission which is DNA copying, or progeny, which is similar to taking a root-branch of a plant an planting it, but their death comes about mostly through damages rather than through an aging process. This organism was alone and dominated earth for about 2.500 million years so life was rather simple during this time, but the prokaryotes are still a large part of the Earth's biosphere. The fossil fuels of coal and oil which man is withdrawing from the Earths crust, are leftovers of this organism, but it even managed to build up whole landmasses such as some Pacific islands and the Florida peninsula. During the 2.500 million years of their predominance, the prokaryotes build the biosphere of Earth including the oxygen atmosphere, but without their work no further evolution of life would have been possible.

It was then about 1.500 million years ago that a single cellular organism with an isolated nucleus and chromosomes called eukaryotes appeared, but these are organism divided themselves into two sex-groups and multiplyed by exchanging DNA-information. This necleus-single cell organism then evolved for the next 800 million years until 700 million years ago it produced the multicelluar double helix DNA organism that allows the collection of evolutionary traits and their propogation to new individuals. Thus these cells live together in collections and form biological individual wholes that procreate through “sex” and terminate in “death”. Their procreation is through their division into two sex-groups, male and female, that share one half each of their DNA-helix in a fusion that forms a new cell through a process called meiosis. The first 160 million years this organism was rather monotone and simplistic, but about 540 million years ago, through what is commonly called the Cambrian Explosion. About 320 million years later, or 220 million years ago, this produced the dinosaurs, which roamed the Earth for about 155 million years, at which time they where wiped out in some enormous cataclysm produced either by an asteroid or a comet colliding with earth. This was about 65 million years ago when a small warm-blooded mammal stepped onto the stage and started the great chain of animals that we know today, including us.

It was then 7 to 5 million years ago that our predecessors separated themselves from the other primates, the apes by starting to walk upright, which in turn had an enormous effect on the evolution of their brains and bodies. This evolution then leads to the "homo sapience", appearing about one and a half million years ago. On the "clock of life" in our life-diagram, this time would be represented by the thickness of the vertical line, or the equivalent of a few seconds in the lifetime of life. During this time one and a half million years ago the brains of our ancestors had reached the size it is today, but its functional development has been accelerated enormously since then. This development has here lead to this organ examining itself here in this lecture, this in order to try to understand what it is that can and does go so horrendously wrong with it as the addiction syndromes and their collective consequences present. What is mildly amazing here is the fact that the accumulation of the scientific knowledge that this organ now scrutinizes, has been acquired in only a second fraction of the timescale of our metaphorical "clock of life", but this raises the question; What is the limit of our brains capacity?   


Our next step is to view the overview of the foundations of all reality as it appears today, which is obviously the visible Universe. This we need to do because our brain is--amongst other things--a reality perception organ and it is in the fundamental reality of the Universe it is founded. This is the reason for Einstein's remark when he said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible."

The visible Universe, which is believed to be about 14.000 million years old and is believed to contain about 100.000 million galaxies, has now been "scanned" and "mapped" by scientists as can be seen in Slide #1-03. This is an overview of the galactic collections that form walls similar to that in a froth of soap, where the "bubble" gaps between the walls may be as much as 400 to 600 million light-years wide. The milliards of suns in the galaxies are burning in nuclear fusion of baryonic matter radiating photons into the cosmos, but this is what is making them visible. However, our cosmologists now believed that this is representing only about 10% of the Universe's total mass. The indications are that another 90% of what is called "dark-matter" and "dark- energy"--that does not emit visible light--may be filling the cosmos. This includes the phenomena of "black holes", which are now believed to be commonplace at the center of the galaxies.

Somewhere in these massive walls of galaxies is our galaxy, the Milkyway, with its 100.000 million suns and our sun with its planets situated somewhere in its outer spiral arms, its suburbs. Our solar system is therefore just a speck of dust in the galactic ocean of the Universe, but in this comparison the comparative logic of size tends to loose its meaning.

What we want to emphasize here with this graphic is that fundamentally there are only two kinds of phenomena or "substances" in the reality of the Universe. This is on the one hand space, which sometimes is referred to as "nothing" or "vacuum". Then on the other hand we have matter, which also appears in the form of energy. Nothing else exists. The foundations of reality are thus these two: space and matter, but initially all the matter-energy  and even space itself, came out of nothing, or that which some physicists call super-space. We can thus say that the Universe has sprung out of nothing in the Big Bang and it is thus the only thing we get 100% free. It is thus nothing, or space, that is the initial causative reality for everything we see and don’t see; the first reality of the Universe.


We can now turn to the central theme of this lecture, which is Man, the Observer of the Universe,  about which the first Greek Sophist philosopher, Protagoras had this to say “Man is the measurer of all things”. Obviously it is our brain that is the measure of all things, since without the human brain and consciousness, no measurement or analyzes will be made. It is this organ that here in this lecture undertakes to scrutinize itself in the light of the sciences of physics and biology, which is a different self-analyzes from the one that we practice in meditation. It is not only that this organ--our brain--makes us different from other animals on planet Earth and places us above them in the hierarchy of life, but it is through this organ that we have survived the harsh selection process of evolution. It was not by claw and tooth or by a swift foot that we survived, it was first and foremost our brain that was the organ that made our evolution and spectacular mental growth possible.

On the graphic we see some main parts of the brain which are the left and right hemispheres with the limbic system, or instinct brain in a read color in the center. It is usually the left hemisphere that negotiates all matter perception and the right hemisphere that makes the spatial perceptions, this in accordance with the fundaments of the Universal reality. Here we need to be aware that this organ is in reality so enormously complexed that we have to take all that we know in the Universe, should we wish to compare it to something. It is thus not strange that many brain researchers say that all that is found in the brain can be found in the Universe and all that which is found in the reality of the Universe may be found in the brain. This rule of thumb has proven itself to be valid in all cases except for the region in the brain's spatial hemispheric temporal lobe, or the Jamais vu and Déjà vu center, but their correspondence to physical universal reality has not been explained conclusively. This means that science does not know why we have them, or whether they correspond to something in the reality of nature. Some suggest that they may have been produced by our thinking but these areas are the areas in the brain that have now been shown to be that seat of our religious-spiritual perceptions. This is the age-old controversy regarding the age-old question. "Did Man create God, or did God create Man?" Have we developed this faculty in order to pacify ourselves spiritually in the struggle to survive, or has nature provided us with it on some other grounds? In this lecture the findings of the QF-theory are the reference for this faculty, but there these nervecenters have a correspondence to the virtual energy V-poles of the vacuum. It is out of these poles that all the matter in the Universe has come and it is therefore quite plausible that these may correspond to the faith, compassion and creativity faculties of the brain. Along with these mystical religious-spiritual questions, these faculties are the major part of the greatest riddle in the neurosciences, since they are a part of the mystery of the subconscious, which may contain the final answers regarding the brain. Since the observer--or the brain--is a part of the final riddles regarding quantum mechanics, then it is the key to the greatest riddle in all of man's sciences, not just its cutting edge but its final frontier. It may also represent the final riddles regarding the religious-spiritual mysteries of the Universe.

It is therefor generally accepted in the sciences of man that our brain is not only the leading edge of the sciences, but as well its final frontier. The famous British neuro physiologist, Professor Susanne Greenfield, has defined the final riddle of the human brain as "The Ultimate Mystery". In 1979 the well known psycho-biologist, Professor Richard M. Restak, told of the following case: "Two former Nobel Prize laureates in physics were recently asked to guess what area of research would win the Nobel Prize for physics in the year 2000. Both of them, without prior consultation and without hardly a hesitation, said brain research. The human brain, they concluded, is our ultimate intellectual challenge in the last quarter of the twentieth century." In 1984 Professor Stephen Hawking declared that the final quest of science was the discovery of the ultimate unification theory in physics and that this could only be answered by solving the riddle of creation in the Big Bang, and in that answer the final mystery of Life-itself would also be solved. Here we dare add that any ultimate solution of the riddle of life must obviously included the brain.

Already in 1998, these riddles of Professor Hawking were solved in quietude and obscurity by the QF-theory and then published in 2002 trough the book THE LITTLE SCROLL. As this solution is not produced by a know and respected scientist, but by an unknown amateur, then it is natural that it will not be popping into the reality of the scientists and be accepted without a long period of assimilation, which may even take generations. The brainmodels and their functional explanations in this lecture--which are the first of its kind on our planet--are the fruits of the QF-theory, but without it they could not have been constructed. However, as regards the traditional proceedings of since and that fact that these models have to do with the question whether human beings live or die, they are being presented without awaiting the "proper" approval of the scientific community.

Although the neuro-physiologist, Professor Paul Mac Lean, is not referring to this lecture, the final words in this introduction come from him. He has had this to say about the subject that is being dealt with in this presentation: "An interest in the brain requires no justification other than a curiosity to know why we are here, what we are doing here, and where we are going."

This then is the end of our introduction section: Reality and the Observer, of which it is hoped that it has given a simplistic fundamental overview insight into the brain's foundations. We are thus ready to turn to the First Part of the lecture where we scrutinize a simplistic presentation of The Anatomical Construction and The Healthy Programming of the Human Brain.

The next part of this lecture is:

02 : First Part.
Structures and Healthy Programs of the Brain.


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