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The Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas Files "The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:



Following is a lecture in six parts depicting the quantum mechanical and biological reasons for, and consequences of, man's consumption of alcohol and other mind altering drugs and chemicals, legal and illegal.
This is today variably known as:

"Alcoholism", "Drug Addiction",
"Pollution of the Human Brain",
"Neuro-transmitter Cheating".

The lecture is the world's first explanation of the functions of the neuronal addiction sicknesses and the recovery from them, but its composite parts are:

01 : Introductions
Prologue and presentation of the subject.
02 : Firsti part Structure and healthy brain programs.
03 : Second part Brain's regularion of the realityperception.
04 : Third part #1 Addiction through use of alien chemicals.
05 : Third part #2 Addiction through use of alien chemicals.
06 : Forth part Recovery and permanent brain-changes.
07 : Epilogue Conclusion and lecture discussions.

To Home-Index-Front-Page


Here starts the real scrutiny of our subject where we examine the construction and fundamental programming of the human brain that is in the form of models, which are founded on the findings of the "Venn-set mathematical models" of the QF-theory. Here we make an extra effort at achieving the greatest simplicity and clarity in this description and in order to simplify this complex subject we have mounted it in the simple Venn set-mathematical form, but here above on the entry slide the Venn-set circles are drawn on a vertical slice of the brain. The circles express at the same time the brain's "event horizon", which is in the cortex outer layer, but it is through this boundary that the consciousness interacts with the environment. In this arrangement the blue ring represents the matter-perception hemisphere--usually the left--and a read ring expressing the spatial-perception hemisphere--usually the right. Information on the origin of these ideas presented in this lecture is found in the origin of the QF-models presented under the UNIFICATION FILES, found at the PEACE-Files Master Index Page.

We shall here repeat the claim that without the insights the QF-theory offers, the creation of the models that are presented here, would not be possible.  Here the reference is specifically to the Slides #2-05, #2-06, #2-07, #2-14, #2-15, #2-16, #2-17 and #2-19, but without the insights they represent, the situation would be the same stalemate as in molecular biology, that is, we would only have the "how" explanations, without any "why" explanations.

We begin our scrutiny of the human brain by a brief history of humanities acquisition of knowledge of the nucleus of all life; the DNA-molecule. This inquiry was initiated by the Moravian (Czech Republic) Augustinian priest and scientist, Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) who became the "father of modern genetics" through his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants between 1856 and 1863. Gregor published his findings in 1866 with little impact and plenty of criticism and it was not until the turn of the 20th century that his work was recognised and became known as the Mendel's Laws of Inheritance. Its rediscovery prompted the foundation of genetics and remarkably only a small portion of his findings have required revising.

However, not much progress in the study of genetics would be registered until a Swiss biologist, Johann Friedrich Miescher, (1844 - 1895), isolated various phosphate-rich chemicals, which he called nuclein (now nucleic acids), from the nuclei of white blood cells in 1869 at Felix Hoppe-Seyler's laboratory at the University of Tübingen, Germany, paving the way for the identification of DNA as the carrier of inheritance. It would take almost a 100 years until the 1943 invention, by the British scientist Dr. William Astbury, of a method to produce the first roentgen images of the DNA-molecule, would make it possible to solve the riddle of the nucleotides. Ten years later this would lead to the production by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins of the roentgen images which Francis Crick and James Watson used to solve the riddle of the DNA-molecule. This discovery lead to the birth of molecular biology and the Nobel Prize in medicine for Crick, Watson and Wilkins in 1962. Rosalind Franklin had by this time died through the radiation she had received while creating the roentgen images.

Crick and Watson discovered the arrangement of the four nucleotide-molecules in the DNA known as: “adenine”, “cytosine”, “quinine” and “thymine”, which are attached to sugar phosphate molecules which are then arranged in such a manner that they for a sort of "spiral staircase" known as the double helix. It was then the double helix spiral that made the copying of the whole of the DNA possible since the "steps in the ladder", known as the “base-pair nucleotides” were always of the same type. This meant that facing a C-nucleotide (cytosine) was always a G-nucleotide (quinine) and facing a T-nucleotide (thymine) was always a A-nucleotide (adenine). The DNA-nucleotides that formed the genes were then copied by other nucleotides that fitted them in the base-pair. This produced the RNA-nucleotide copy that served as the template for the protein assembly from amino acid molecules that form the body of eukaryotic organism.


(Videoclip #01)

Here in Slide #2-02 we see a model of a cell and it's nucleus in which we find the DNA-molecule. Out of the nucleus extends an image of the the DNA-strand where we can see its brilliant packing method of the double helix ladder. In the year of 1990 appeared in the USA a government run bio-tech company The Human Genome Project, which in an international co-operation with other such companies concentrated on the counting and mapping of the human DNA nucleotides. eight years later, or in 1998, another such company, privately owned, Celera Genomics, started on the same project separately. In August 2000 both of these companies published the first part of their findings jointly; the final count and mapping of the number of nucleotides which turned out to be A year later these companies then published the mapping of the genes themselves, which used only 1 and 1/2% of all the nucleotides of the genome to form the 30 to 35.000 genes. A few years prior an American bio-tech company had taken out a patent for 140.000 genes. In 2004 then new figures for the number of genes appeared which had now been reduced to 20 to 25.000, using about 1% of the nucleotides of the DNA-molecule.


We next turn our investigation to reviewing our high school biology knowledge regarding man. This is a very simplistic overview review of the findings of the reductionistic method of the physics and biological sciences. We shall have a brief overview of what the electronic microscope can show us and what quantum mechanics tells us, progressing clockwise through the 10 frames on Slide #2-03.

Frame #1. The human body is made from cells. It is claimed that this may be as many as 100 trillion cells or: About 1 pro mill of these cells are neurons, or about The organism that the human represents is known as eukaryotes (multi cell organism) where each and every cell contains within itself complete information for its construction, its role in the organism and its execution. The bodie’s cells are then divided into two main groups: neurons and body cells, which then are divided into many different categories within their group.  Here in this lecture it are primarily the neurons that are of interest to us, but it is through them that the experience and regulation of life takes place. All of the body cells contain the programs for their creation in the well known DNA-molecule of life. This program creates initially the body and maintains it through continuous recreation and repairing of accidental damages, while at the same time the program collects into itself evolutionary information through the generations. However, when it comes to the neurons, there appears a most remarkable exception to this rule in the fact that their self-recreation program stops functioning at the birth of the organism. This means that at birth the creation program has been fully at work during the gestation and that it had created all the neurons at the time of birth. That the neurons then at birth loose the ability to repair themselves so that should a neuron somehow be damaged later in life, it is not repaired, but this is then the reason for all the permanency in accidental or sickness paralysis. In other words, if the spinal cord is severed, then it does not heal and the individual remains paralyzed. What reasons nature has for this program redundancy is not conclusively known, but it is considered most likely that it may have to do something with the specialization the neuron will be engaged in for the rest of the organism life, such as the thinking functions and information storage and retrieval, and through this, manifest the management of life. Being conscious of this fact is most helpful in the scrutiny of the sickness which we intend to investigate here in this lecture.

Frame #2. In each cell there is the cell's nucleus. This is in all cells except the red blood cells. Each nucleus contains the whole of the blueprint for the whole of the organism. We begin by viewing closer the grandiose creation program manifested in the famous DNA-molecule, but it contains the information for the creation, recreation and role of each cell, as well as its execution. The circles represent the view in the electronic microscope where we have placed a small bit of the skin and see that it is composed of a multitude of cells which have a cell-wall and in the center, the dark cell's nucleus.

Frame #3. The cell's nucleus contains each 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 altogether.  If we increase the view of the cell we see its details where the nucleus is the most prominent and interesting so that we magnify its contents. There we see the 46 chromosomes that are divided into the 2 sets of 23 each one form each parent.

Frame #4. The chromosomes contain the DNA-double helix strands. The DNA-double helix is so masterly packed by nature that compacted it is only about 0,2 mm in length, but if all the 46 chromosomes are unwrapped and put end to end, it forms a sugar-phosphate chain that extends for 180 to 200 cm. To these are attached four kinds of nucleic acid molecules which are called nucleotides. These are the four "biochemical letters of life"; Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine, but they represent the creation blueprint for the organism.

Frame #5. The genetic information is in the DNA-biochemical letters of life. These  biochemical letters of life are all together about units which are attached on the two spiral sugar-phosphate strands. It is always the same nucleotides that face each other, A to C, G to T and are called base-pairs, but it is through this arrangement that the rapid copying of the DNA is possible. The nucleotides are made from 63 different kinds of nucleic acid molecules, but the body itself is made from only 20 different amino acids which create the proteins of the body. In other words 20 amino acids form the body, but 63 nucleic acid molecules manage its construction.

The construction and basic function of the double helix of live--the DNA-molecule--was discovered in 1953 and recognized through the Nobel Prize in 1961. Not much was know in the beginning of the datails of the functions of the genetic material, but in 1977 it became known that it contained an enormous number of nucleotides and that only small fraction of these nucleotides formed the genes, or the nucleotide sequences that were copied for the manufacture of the proteins. The nucleotides that formed the nucleotide sequences for transcription were called exons, but extra nucleotides that were found haphazardly in between these sequences were called introns. The rest, about 95% of the DNA-nucleotides, was apparently not used for any kind of transcription and their purpose not known and the biologists began calling them "non-coding intergenetic DNA". The general census has been that these represented leftovers from the evolution that  the cell had failed to wipe out.

It was then in 1990 that in the United States, a government project for the DNA-nucleotide counting and mapping of the genome, was initiated. This was done through a gigantic state owned biotech company called the Human Genome Project, which worked in a world wide co-operation towards this goal. Eight years later, or in 1998, a private company was formed for the same ends, but this is Celera Genomics. In august 2000 both these companies had completed the nucleotide counting and they published this first half of their findings; but the final count of all the nucleotides turned out to be about

Frame #6. A small part of the DNA’s nucleotides form the 30 to 35.000 genes that are the blueprints for the proteins that make up the human being. This represents only about 5% of the genomes nucleotides. The nucleotides of the genes are divided into two groups: exons which are the 2,5% that represent the nucleotides that form the genes copying sequence, and introns that are the remaining 2,5%, which science does not know the reasons for. The rest or about 95% of the nucleotides are considered by biologists to be “junk-nucleotides”.

These were the findings of the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics, which were published in February 2001, but they raised a lot of eyebrows, but with this it became obvious that the riddle of the DNA-molecule and life was only partially solved and that it had become considerably more complex than had been anticipated in the beginning. In this it became clear that the mouse had a similar number of genes as man and hints were that the same was the case with the elephant, only the genes in the mouse needed fewer number of copys and in the elephant, a greater number of copys.  The basic blueprint  and building materials were the same. What turned out to be even more puzzling was the fact that the same gene could be repeatedly transcribed over and over--even thousands of times--and the transcription then cut and spliced by a complex molecule called spliceosome so that from just one gene a huge number of different proteins could be obtained. At this investors and the interested public became aware of the fact that the biggest part of the DNA-riddle was unsolved and a big apart of it lay in the function of the master regulatory homeotic genes and the spliceosomes, but the consequence was a world wide fall in the value of the shares in biotech companies.

The discoveries regarding the homeotic genes and the spliceosomes have a speciall importance in the brain models that this lecture is founded in, but according to the QF-theory there are no “junk-nucleotides” in the DNA. In the QF-theory all of the nucleiotides are divided into two symmetry groups: 50% exon and 50% intron, but this will obviously be closely scrutinized here in this lecture.

Frames #7+#8+#9. Here we have arrive at the end of what the electron microscope can discern and from here on in the reductionism, the reality of the New Physics, or quantum mechanics, takes over. It is in this reality that to the QF-theory takes the foundations for its brain and consciousness modeling. It is in this realm that we face the very foundations of reality and the bizarre laws of quantum physics, but they present an altogether different reality than we are used to. For this an altogether different type of microscope has been developed since here there is nothing that we can "see" or measure directly, but these are the gigantic particle accelerators of experimental physics. They can, however, through high energy collisions, only show us in a special liquid, the tracks left by the fractions and fraction-fractions out of the atoms. These tracks are then analyzed by the application of mathematics. Here it becomes obvious that this method cannot be employed in research of the functions of the genome and its expression or in brain-research, but it is at this level that the the details of the information storage of the brain's consciousness takes place. The technique that comes closest to this is in the employment of huge electro-technical apparatus such as the MRI-scanners and PET-scanners. This means that we have arrived at the final frontier of science, at which there is no-passing across, but here it is the argument of the author that this may be achieved by turning the consciousness inward as do the yogis, Buddha monks and those who practice meditation. After all, it is the consciousness that is the Ultimate Observer. The arguments for this the author draws from ancient mythology and prophesies, which he claims to be metaphors expressing the quantum mechanical reality of the human brains interactions between the consciousness and the genomes.    

The accelerators have made it possible for us to find atoms and parts of atoms such as electrons and  fractions of the nucleons called quarks, but in the last 20 to 30 years these are being seen as strings or membranes, which we see here in the graphical expression for such particle models.

Frame #10. Perhaps the most amazing fact from the findings of physics, is that the foundations of material reality is that the solid matter of the universe is built only form four kinds of particles: Neutrino, Electron, Up-quark and Down-quark, where the neutrinos are only leftovers from the nuclear furnaces of nature, which are being scattered into space. The neutrino is so small that millions are going through our bodies every second without us ever experiencing it, not even at the DNA level. All these basic particles may be produced in their mirror form in laboratories--the antimatter form--but so far no part of the universe has been shown to be made from this matter. In other words, the perfection of the creation reality is such that it needs only  three particles to create the complicities that appear in the human being, is it thus any wonder that we wonder whether nature is so clumsy that it constructs the code of life out of 95% more material than necessary. -- We think not!


(Videoclip #02)

Here in Slide #2-04 we have an overview of the genome's nucleotide classifications by the Molecular Biology, but this is different from the approach of the QF-theory as shown in Slide
#2-05 here following.

Since 1977 Molecular Biology has known that only a small portion of the DNA-molecular nucleotides formed the nucleotide sequences know as genes that served as copying templates for the RNA copy. It also became known that not all of the nucleotides in this sequence were copied in the final mRNA message. The nucleotides that were copied into RNA were given the name exons, but the nucleotides that were not copied in the final RNA message and were found between the exons, were given the name introns. In the nineteen eighties it was it was believed that the exons nucleotides were about 30% of the genetic sequence (hnRNA) and the introns constituted the remaining 70%, but the newest account now puts this at 55% exons and 45% introns. However, these gene sequence forming nucleotides constitute only a small fraction of the huge number of nucleotides in the DNA-molecule, but the rest has variably been called non-coding-DNA or intergenetic-DNA, which we can simply label as non-coding-intergenetic-DNA. After the completion of the DNA's nucleotide counting and mapping their number is now generally put at nucleotides for the human genome, we now only have about 3% of the nucleotides forming the genetic nucleotide sequences forming the real exon genetic codes. The function of the remaining 97% nucleotides are thus classified as either on-coding-intergenetic- DNA (94%) or intron junk (3%). No one in Molecular Biology knows with any certitude the reasons for the existence of these nucleotides and most molecular biologists believe them to be leftovers from evolution of the eukaryotes (multicellular organism) or some form of hitchhikers which nature failed to evict, or in other words, this is plain junk-DNA.

Here in Slide #2-05 we have an overview of how the QF-theory classifies the genome's nucleotides, but this is considerably different from the approach of the Molecular Biology as shown previously in Slide #2-04.  

It was in 1984 that the world renowned physics professor, Stephen Hawking declared it to be his lives goal to discover the so called Complete Unification Equation for the Universe, or the Recipe for the Quantum Wave of the Universe, which he described in the following terms:
"I would like to know exactly what happened between 10-33 second and 10-43 second. It is there that  the ultimate answers to all questions about the universe—life itself included—lies."

During that same year the author of the ALCATRAS lecture acquired some extraordinary ideas for the answer to these questions in the form of a Venn-set mathematical equation for the Big Bang second fraction of  second 10-36. The consequence of that equation is that its symmetry-properties contain features that will eventually produces the evolution of life. It is altogether on the basis of this insight--given the title the QF-theory--that this lecture is founded. The two fundamental extra-spatial dimensions of this "life explaining symmetry equation" of the QF-theory, explains the fundamental properties of reality including the "universes two arrows of time". These extra dimensions are essentially the same as those appearing in the work of the late physics professor, Dr. David Bohm, where the are known as THE IMPLICATE ORDER. Of the two arrows of time, it is the so called "missing arrow of time" that has the  increasing teleological properties amongst the atoms and the molecules; a property that results in the pheonomena of life. In the QF-quantum Venn-symmetry equation for life, this is also the reality of space; space from which the material universe emerges and which professor Bohm called the "enfolded-reality", or "implicate-reality". The regular arrow of time expresses the reality of matter, but this Bohm called the "unfolded-reality", or "explicate-reality".

It is for this reason that ALL the ACGT nucleotide letters of life in the DNA-molecule are in the QF-brain models divided into two groups of 1.600.000.000 nucleotides, where one group of 1
.600.000.000 nucleotides represents the exon manifested reality or explicate-reality and the other of the other represents the intron enfolded-reality, or intron-implicate-reality. In accord with the nature of these realities, then the properties of the nucleotides in the intron-enfolded-reality are in the form of creativity and causative programs, while the properties of the nucleotides in the exon manifested reality are in the form of action and manifestation programs. Obviously this equal distribution is not a precision suggestion, rather a theoretical model for the fundaments of a scientific explanation for a subject that is still a major riddle. The number of nucleotides may be leaning to one side or the other somewhat, but according to the QF-theories brain model their functional programs explaination is as follows:

In the QF-model the half of the DNA-molecule that contains the intron-implicate-reality with the creativity and causative nature and is the "hard disk" for the programs that regulate the homeotic master regulatory genes, which govern the biological activity (homeostasis) of the cells and neurons in their morphogenetic, specialized and integrated work including the epigenetic marks, which turn the genetic protein prescription chains (genes) on and of.

In the QF-model the half of the DNA-molecule that contains the exon-explicate-reality with the action and manifestation nature and which contain the exons (PSE or Protein Sequence Exons) that form the genetic protein prescription sequences (genes), while at the same time they are the "hard disk" for the programs that regulate the functions of the spliceosomes that execute the excision of the introns from the hnRNA and produce the mature mRNA copies for the processing by the ribosomes.


(Videoclip #03) 

After 30 years of research the US scientist, Dr. Eduard Lewis, succeeded in the beginning of the eighties, to show that the body of the fruitfully was created through the intervention of 8 master regulatory genes, or homeotic genes, where each created a specific part of the body. The same genome was found in every cell, but a double set of homeotic genes in each cell selected the genes that had to be copied for the production of the proteins that were needed for the creation of the cells. Later it was learned that the same arrangement was in vertebrates, but in them the set of homeotic genes was fourfold. This suggested that this corresponded to the so called "body chakras" of the yogi science, but this had been discovered through the reductionistic approach of science by taking the fly apart, where as the yogis turned their consciousness inward and "talked to the body", achieving the same results.

The QF-brain models in this lecture are based on the QF-theory's suggestion for a symmetrical and even distribution of exons and introns in the DNA of the seat of consciousness, a distribution that is also applicable to all cellular functions as shown in the Slide #2-05. These models have shown themselves to fit other research and to be able to provide hitherto unknown explanations for the brain's malfunctions. A very important part of the models is that in evolved central nervous systems such as that of the vertebrates, the function of the homeotic genes that initially created the neurons, is changed at the initially first light of consciousness at birth, so they from now on interact for the creation of the two kinds of neurotransmitters. This means that the neurons discard their ability to divide themselves through "mitosis" and thus repair damages. The reasons for this presents a major riddle, but many suggest that this may have something to do with the functional role of the neurons, that is to collect and submit information and to manage the life of the individual organism by thinking.


To simplify our analyzes of the brain we have divided it into seven main sections, but they are: Left-hemisphere, Right-hemisphere, Left-limbic system instinct brain, Right-limbic system instinct brain, Left-cerebellum, Right-cerebellum. In the center is the upper spinal section with its medulla oblongata, pons, thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary gland but only a part of the last section can be seen in the drawing. Additionally to this is the field of consciousness, which is flowing in the neo-cortex of the brain. We shall now review the fundamental construction and functional programming of each of these parts, but the description of this function is based in part on the finding of the QF-theory, where in the brain models an altered function of the DNA-molecule in the neurons in the seat of consciousness is the based in the division of the DNA-nucleotides into two even groups, where the concepts of exon and intron are used. This means that the concept of exon is not used exclusively for nucleotides used in RNA-coding.

The left-hemispheric functions are usually in the exon part of the DNA-molecules, which produce the matter and form perception (trough the cooperation of the spatial hemisphere). It is at the same time in this hemisphere that the perception of our individual's personal "I-perception" takes place, but it is in the matter that is my body, which "I" live. This personal perception is not tied to a specific nerve center or faculty, but is distributed every where in this hemisphere with a focal point around the temporal lobe area.

The right-hemispheric functions are usually in the intron part of the DNA-molecules which produce the spatial and form perception (trough the cooperation of the matter hemisphere) and it is at the same time in this hemisphere that the perception of other persons, the "WE-perception" takes place. Relative to me other individuals are situated in space and are therefore perceived by this hemisphere. This personal perception is not tied to a specific nerve center or faculty, but is distributed every where in this hemisphere. Its functional focal point around the Déjà vu center in the temporal lobe area is the part of the brain in which the biggest riddles are found, but we shall be looking at them later.

These two major sections of the brain are then connected through the big bridge, or the Corpus Callosum, which contains about 200 million neurons. Below it is then found the twofold limbic system, instinct brain, through which flows the electromagnetic field that produces the wave of consciousness flowing from the forehead to the back of the head, thus rendering the 24 to 30,000 million neurons in the two neo-cortex's, into one twofold holographic reality. The left and right limbic system instinct brains, the hippocampuses, are for the neocortex the origin of the instinct impulses, as well as the sensing of pain and pleasure, fear and anger, which are then processed in the two cortexes. The limbic system instinct brain is then the intermediary processing center between the sensory perceptions and the neocortex, which means that it perceives everything first: vision, sound, smell, taste and touch. The two little read balls at the lower front end of the hippocampuses are know as the amigdals. They are thought to be the nerve-centers for the fight or flight response, which in turn makes them the origin of the fear and anger response and may thus also have to do with initiation of action drive. In the mid-twentieth century some neurologists believed that the reason for alcoholism was anger, but since the amigdals are connected with nerve fibers to the frontal lobes of the neocortex, it was suggested that the alcoholics could be relieved of their addiction by severing these neuronal pathways. This lead to thousands of alcoholics having such an operation, which certainly relieved the patient of their anger but not of their alcoholism and they continued drinking worse than before. The motion picture Francis tells a story of such a case. The large read ball then, the ,,puttamen" are by some believed to be the seat of short-term memory, but this is not verified.

Two brain-pouches at the lower back of the neo-cortexes--behind the instinct brains--is the cerebellum, but this is believed to learn and synchronize movement and sensory impulses. They are believed to contain the programs for learned movements from walking to the playing of the piano. This part of the brain is not of further interest for our purpose in this  lecture.

The top part of the spine is called medulla oblongata and pons and contains the involuntary neuronal functions that keep life going from second to second, such as the heart, breathing, digestion, arteries, the skin etc. Additionally this area contains the reticular formation where the neurons that work as the switches "ON" and "OFF" of the flow of electromagnetic energy to the field of consciousness for awakening and sleeping. On top of this is then found the lives rhythm regulating neuronal center of the thalamus and the hypothalamus regulating the dual neurotransmitter production functions of the twofold pituitary gland. In the neurotransmitter exchange business of the neurons, this gland serves as the "central banking" service.

We end the viewing of this slide by scrutinizing in some detail the important area of the brain that are found in the spatial temporal lobe and which contain the two French named nerve centers:  Jamais vu and Déjà vu. In this lecture it is claimed that it is this area that stops functioning, in it production of neurotransmitters, in the addiction sicknesses. When they are recovered the addicts claim to have "tapped an unsuspected inner resource". As mentioned in the introduction this area in the brain, along with its field of consciousness, it is still officially this area that is the brain's greatest mystery and thus the foremost cutting edge and final frontier of all the sciences. It is thus the field of consciousness, which we fittingly examine next.


This slide offers us two different research views of the electromagnetic field of consciousness. They are one on the upper side, an indirect picture of the field and on the lower side, the descriptions of the electroencillographic readings of the electromagnetic field of consciousness during awakening and sleeping states.

The upper picture shows a PET-scan graphic of  an electromagnetic field of consciousness, but PET stands for "Positron Emission Tomography", which means topographical contours of a positron radiation. Where as the field of consciousness is an electromagnetic one, then that means that, according to quantum mechanics, it is composed of photons. To take a normal photograph of such a field is not possible since it swallows into itself all photons that may be directed at it and in turn do not bounce any back to produce a photo. The PET-scanning technique, which was developed in the latter part of the 20th century, has given us the second best likeness we can get. This is achieved by giving the patient a glucose that contains small doses of antimatter electrons, or positrons as they are called, but these in turn produce the scan-able radiation. The upper part of the patient is then slid into the scanner, which senses the radiation and sends it to a computer that produces the graphic. This is the closest we can currently get to achieving a direct photograph of the electromagnetic field of consciousness that makes all the 24 to 30.000 million neurons of the two neo-cortexes a one twofold holographic reality, but it is this reality which the represents the individual first and foremost. A healthy PET-form of consciousness reminds us of a butterfly and is thus often called "the butterfly pattern of consciousness".

A technique to sense the electromagnetic waves in consciousness and to write their wave-patterns on paper with a machine was introduced in 1929, but this is known as "Electroencephalography", abbreviated as EEG or EKG. In this process, sensors are placed on the scull and the oscillations in the electric field, recorded by an electric graph. These are the well-known Alfa, Beta, Theta and Delta waves, but on the slide can be seen how different waves appear for different consciousness conditions, in particular how the wave-pattern decrease as the sleep gets deeper. One variation of this technique is the polygraph or lie detector.

The field of consciousness is one of the last and foremost riddles regarding the functions of the brain. Here the father of the computer, Allan Turing, suggested shortly after the 2nd World War--in his famous paper, Artificial Intelligence--that in the human brain the consciousness might be the program and the neurons the computer. However, now the QF-theory is suggesting that this may be the other way around; the brain the program and the consciousness the computer. We therefor scrutinize next the QF-suggestions for the function of the field of consciousness.


(Videoclip #04)

When we start looking at the brain's electromagnetic field of consciousness, then we are entering the realm of the New Physics, or quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics are a science discipline that deals with the fundamental nature of matter, energy and space and in this they define four different kinds of energy: electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and gravity. According to this science then each energy field has its own specific carrier or energy quanta that carries with it the interaction this field represents. In this the energy quanta for the electromagnetic energy is the photon, which is different from all other particles in that it is actually two particles in one. The photon is practically the only particle that is both, its own matter particle and at the same time, it's own antimatter particle. It is thus the only energy phenomena that represents both the know realities of matter and space, or is jumping between these reality states at an enormous speed.

For simplification and an easier understanding of the quantum mechanical function of the photon, we have superimposed its graphical presentation in the QF-Venn Mathematical-set on top of a graphical presentation of the brain's butterfly-field of consciousness. According to the QF-theory the photon is not just twofold, but the wave function in its matter side is a holographic function that is continuously waving OUT from all centers. At the same time its antimatter side is a holographic function that is continuously waving IN to all centers from the  rims. This means that the wave is composed of a twofold reality whose components are independent of each other. In the DNA-molecules the matter-function is then everywhere in the "seat of consciousness" in direct contact with the exons and the antimatter-function is everywhere in the "seat of consciousness" in direct contact with the introns. In turn this is the reason for only the exons being manifested in consciousness on the matter side of the brain and only the introns being manifested in consciousness on the spatial side of the brain. This is the motive behind the expression in the PEACE Publication Ltd. cover graphic used on all its publications, of the spirit being and the butterfly pattern with the Venn-set rings superimposed on it.

It is through this arrangement by nature, that the functions of the brain's consciousness are capable of retrieving information from the brain's sensory neurons, instinct banks and memory banks in the atomic orbits in the DNA-nucleotide basis. This at the same time as holistic photon memory quanta depicting the momentary experiences is being laid down in the memory banks. Through this is achieved an explanation for this two-fold none conflicting process and the enormous speed and efficiency in the function of consciousness, which cannot be adequately be explained through the individual electric action potential impulses of the neurons. In the QF-models for the brain, these are seen as the neurotransmitter reward consequences of the "service rendered" for the whole of the living neuronal community (organism) by the neuron. This means that when the neuron receives or submits a photon quanta, it is  rewarded by being allowed to "do business" by firing an action impulse.


Here we have the key for the simplification of the brain and its function, but as we have already acquired an overview for both the brain and its wave of consciousness, we can take both and put them into the Venn-set. In this we find that it matters not whether we do this in a lateral or horizontal slice of the brain and consciousness, so we ad a sum line for the neuro-transmitter state of the brain. This is then accompanied by a ball symbol indicating the brains focal center of function in the wave of consciousness.

At the end of the twentieth century science has isolated and chemically defined about 320 different neurotransmitters in the brain, but they are divided into different families, with many different species within each group. However, all these neurotransmitters are either excitatory and the inhibitory and that is what we are primarily concerned with here. The identifications and chemical analyzes of the natural neurotransmitters has lead to the production by the pharmaceutical industry, of a great variety of artificial copies, in the form of mind altering drugs. As we are mentioning the brain's neurotransmitters, it is fitting that we explain it right here at the outset, that as far as this lecture is concerned, there are only two kinds of natural neurotransmitters involved in the brain's functions. As far as we are concerned, they are the excitatory and the inhibitory neurotransmitters, but the same effect is experienced in the consciousness through the copies, the drugs, although their effects on the neuronal programs are radically different. With a few exceptions, it is only as either excitatory or inhibitory, which we analyze the neurotransmitters and the drugs in this lecture.

The neurotransmitters are then the agents that decide the overall neuronal state and co-operation between the neurons in the "seat of consciousness" deciding the state of the reality perception. The imaginary summary line of the neurotransmitter state can be in any configuration resulting in the focal point of consciousness being anywhere in the brain. This in turn decides the performance and mental stability of the brain, as well as the physical state of the individual, but the production of neurotransmitters and the consequences of the consumption of their substitutes--the false neurotransmitters or counterfeit neurotransmitters--is the main subject of this lecture.


As an overview of our discussion of the interaction of the DNA-molecules and the wave of consciousness, through the neurotransmitter production, we have produced the very simplistic graphic paradigm for the fundamental functions in the perfect functioning brain. In the center vertical cutaway of the brain we see the Venn-set expressing the left and right, matter and space, explicate and implicate, OUT and IN sides of the brain, free of any functional disorders. The consequence is a perfect balance in the excitatory inhibitory production of neurotransmitters, which means emotional and spiritual stability. This is manifested in a slow and whole balanced field of consciousness across the brain--shown in the graphic to the left--and an even OUT and IN field in the wave--shown in the graphic on the right. Below is a simplistic graph for the emotional states of consciousness where the green line expresses perfect and permanent balance, but on is superimposed a read-brown line depicting the actual state. The slightly waving line expresses absence of emotional swings and stability of the mental state. This is the most ideal mental state man can achieve and the most sought after one, but unfortunately not many achieve this and maintain it throughout their lives, no matter what happens. The desire for this state leads to man's substitution of neurotransmitters with counterfeit ones, leading to insanity and premature death, but what is still little known is that it also leads to inherited alterations in the intron programming of the brain's seat of consciousness DNA-nucleotide bases. The gradual accumulation of these alterations has even worse consequences in the statistical sickness of man.

It should be obvious from the graph that an individual with such a perfect brain function as shown in the slide, is not only in balanced and steady state of consciousness, but is also endowed with many qualities. Qualities, such as evenly distributed high degree of logic-intelligence, emotional-integrity and intelligence, morality- integrity and intelligence, as well as a high degree of creative-intelligence. This means that he is a very mature and spiritual individual, but in turn, he is different from the majority of his fellows and is likely to be of different opinions than most. Such an individual will have to adjust to others as he cannot expect others to adjust to his mental level, but Einstein is here a case in point. This is also the state of the founders of the religions, most sages and masters of wisdom, as well as  many of the geniuses of humanity. This state further presents the foundations for the individual living in a perpetual state of happiness under all circumstance, irrespective of his economic and social circumstance, but we scrutinize this further at the end of the lecture.


The vertical-cut of the cortex and the wave of consciousness inside it, is intended especially for those who are practicing chanting, meditation and prayer, to show how the wave is interacting with its outer layer, as well as the white matter inside. The graphic is also intended to show the two poles of the neurotransmitter production of consciousness are situated on each side of the brain and how important it is for the brains performance and balance that the wave be in the same wave-rhythm on both sides and thus not split. If the wave is split, the brain's half are separated and cannot "speak to each other". However, the wave may be "tuned", either through the thoughts and neurotransmitters of the speech faculties of the "I-am" side in the matter half of the brain, or through the thoughts and neurotransmitters of the compassion faculties of the "WE-are" side in the spatial half of the brain. The first is usually accomplished through chanting, mediation and prayer, the later through all kinds of compassion, but mostly through attending 12-step meeting. In some chanting and meditation techniques an effort is made to remove the wave of consciousness out of the outer motor and sensory layers of the cortex, leading to a quantum jump into a whole-wave. In that state, inhibitory neurotransmitters are produced, quantum biofeedback correction of the brain's programming takes place, and the individual experiences feelings of well being.


All of the outer layer of the cortex is involved in the interaction between the wave of consciousness and the environment, but this function is concentrated and dealt with by the neurons in two specific bands across the top of the brain. These are the motor cortex, which moves the body and the sensory cortex, which perceives most of the bodily sensations through the skin. Then there is the speech cortex, through which the commands from the wave function to the speech organs are given, audio cortex where the hearing is perceived by the wave function, and the occipital lobe where the vision impulses enter into the wave function. Where as the DNA-programming and the wave of consciousness, represents a twofold reality, then the sensing experiences are at the same time from sensory organs, INTO the wave of consciousness for processing. At the same the wave is functioning into the memory banks in the exons and the introns, or OUT from the wave of consciousness to the motor cortex for moving the body.

The sensing of odor is not a part of the cortex, but of the instinct brain, the limbic system, which senses the vital sensations of odor, sight and sound, first. The odor is sensed directly through the olfactory bulbs in the nose, but the other two eventually through the cortex. This priority is manifested when people are suddenly startled, by events or sounds, but that is the instinct brain reacting. The speech area is in most cases found in the cortex in the matter-I-hemisphere. but speech may be initiated in different parts of the brain. There are also unconfirmed suspicions that the spatial-WE-hemisphere may contain an are in the cortex that is capable of interacting with the speech organs and that this are may become active in a strong spiritual or religious state and produce what people call "the speaking in tongs" (however, not confirmed by Professor  Persinger). Reviewing the sensory inputs to the brain,we should be conscious of the fact that we do not speak with the tong and vocal cords, hear with the ears, see with the eyes, but with the brain; more precisely, with the wave of consciousness. Our sensory organs are just receptors of waves changed into photons, which are then emitted into the wave of consciousness for processing, such as that of the optical lobes in the back of the brain.

Viewing the slide attention should be paid to how much of the motor/sensory cortex is involved in the face and the hands, but in this fact is the reason for people practicing meditation, as well as in many religious ceremonies, the hands are kept in specific postures. In Sanskrit these postures are known as "mutras" and serve the purpose of calming the activity in the wave of consciousness. The same is true for the facial- and eye-postures, which along with the hand-postures, should be kept specifically still in all forms of chanting and meditation techniques.


Since the QF-theory divides all the DNA’s nucleotides of the neurons evenly into exons and introns, and according to the Venn-set math theories arrangement for the "quantum wave of the universe" is a division between matter and space sides, then the brain models ensuing from the theory have to be in the same manner. Since then the DNA-molecule is found in all of the neurons in the brains seat-of- consciousness, then the model which is presented here in Slide #2-14 hast to be in agreement with this. Prior in this chapter we have senn (Slide #2-05) how the QF-theory divides the standing wave of consciousness in the brain as well into two independent fields, where one of them is constantly waving OUT, while the other is constantly waving IN. This arrangement produces a brain that is in rality two brains in one, inside each other, with a consciousness field which is in reality two waves in one, each inside the other. This is nature’s perfect holographic arrangement, but the marvell of this model is that it produces explainations for most all of the still unresolved riddles regarding the brain’s functions and misfunctions, but this we scrutinize closer in the nesxt three slides.


The interactions of the wave of consciousness and the exon-intron DNA-nucleotide base pairs of the 24.000 to 30.000 million pyramid neurons of the brain's seat of consciousness, are in both directions, IN and OUT. In this the impulses from the instinct brain are the profoundest and depend on the availability of inhibitory neurotransmitters in this part of the brain. The pyramid neurons of the seat of consciousness contain the prime reality program for the adjustment of the reality perception through their regulation of the neurotransmitter production, but these programs are inherited as character traits by the individual and carried through the generations. Whether the pyramid neurons also contain the prime memory storage, or just the short-term memory is not known. For each of the 24.000 to 30.000 million pyramid neurons of the brain's seat of conscious, 10 to 50 glia neurons are present, but they may possibly be the storage deposits for long term memory for learning and experience, which is not inherited. As early as 1993, the QF-theory suggested that this might be the case but no supporting research could be found anywhere. This is now being researched, but is obviously extremely difficult to establish.

According to the QF-theory, the instincts, character programming and memory are all stored in the form of holographic modulated photons, in the space of the atomic orbits in the DNA-nucleotides. These holographic photons are stored in the exon-intron DNA-nucleotides through the IN-antimatter side of the wave of consciousness, but the retrieval from the exon-intron DNA-nucleotides is through the OUT-matter side of the wave. Each time an exon-intron nucleotide base in a neuron receives, or retrieves a holographic photon-quanta, it is "allowed" to emit an action impulse and through this, have a neurotransmitter exchange interaction with other neurons in the surroundings. It is then through this that the whole of the field of the brain's reality perception is regulated.

Where as the pyramid neurons in the seat of consciousness have, during the time around the birth of the individual, discarded their "self creation", or mitosis program, in order to regulate the reality perception and the memory-storage services, their basic program becomes different from that of other cells. According to the QF-theory, this is then the basis for the twofold wave of the seat of consciousness causing the functions of the exon and introns in these neurons to become evenly distributed. This in turn, along with the fact that the DNA-spiral is a double helix,  renders the overall reality of the brain's seat of consciousness to become holographic. This means that if I had a portion of the brain's white matter in my hand, then it would be the equivalent of me having the whole brain in my hand. A famous case in point is the one where an individual has had a "water brain" and has been quite normal. This was the case of the 1844 discovery of Dr. A. L. Wigan in England, who dissected a man who he had known to be quite normal while living, but found that he had no spatial hemisphere, only a matter hemisphere. In the holistic arrangement the exon-nucleotides handle the roll of the matter-I-hemisphere and the intron-nucleotides the roll of the spatial-WE-hemisphere, but this is the primary programming of the brain. Opposed to this are the mirror programs in the DNA-nucleotide pairs behind each hemisphere, but this is the secondary program of the brain's seat of consciousness, but through it the brain's reality arrangement becomes holistic.

From 1975 until 1980, Professor Karl Pribram carried out ingenious research into the long-term memory of central nervous systems, in which he removed ever more area of the neocortex in mice, who knew their way to their food through the maze. As he removed different sections of the neocortex in the mice, he found that they always found their way, but needed ever more time to their food as more of the cortex was removed. The only explanation Professor Pribram could come up with was that the long-term memory storage might be in a holistic form, but unfortunately, he could not proof this hypothesis and consequently did not get the Nobel Prize. The QF-theory arrives at the same results, but through a totally different approach. The QF-model for the brain arrives at a holographic long-term memory on the basis of a double helix exon-intron DNA-nucleotide arrangement interacting with a two-fold OUT-IN realty wave of consciousness. This means that we better have a look at the holographic phenomena next.


In 1666 Newton created the two-sided calculus mathematics which soon made men realize that it would be possible to have light-rays pass all in the same direction, a phenomena known as the laser. All that was missing was the technology to do this, but this appeared in the early sixties, about which time the first holograms were produced, but as early as 1947, Denis Gabor had created the theoretical principles for the 3-dimensional holographic image. For this he received the Nobel Prize in 1971. Holographic images have now become commonplace, but they are composed as shown in Slide #2-16. There we can see that a holographic film contains everywhere all the information about the picture, but the clarity of the picture is dependent on how much of the film is exposed. The 3-dimensional holographic image can be viewed from ail sides and we can even pass through them, but many remember the Star Wars I seen where R2D2 is made to project a holographic image of the "princess pleading for help". For the creation of moving holographic images an extraordinarily expensive process is required, but with it we can create the perfect transparent ghost movies, by cutting the film vertically in the middle and projecting only half of it.


Since many have difficulties in envisaging how a holographic arrangement is achieved by nature in the construction and function of the central nervous system's long term memory mechanism, we have created this extreme simplistic comparative description of the QF-brain models expression for this. This graphic shows a simplistic schematic for a regular holographic photographic system on the left, then in the center this is transfered onto the human central nervous system anatomy and then on the far right we have the details of the wave-splitting and interference-patterns as they are claimed to be in the central nervous system. It should be clear that this arrangement is only possible is the electromagnetic field of consciousness is doubled (Slide #2-09) and that the functions distribution of the DNA-nucleotides in the brain's neurons is divided into two approximatley even groups (Slides #2-05 and #2-06), which is the case with in the QF-models. In the QF-models the two groups are given the prior existing biology terms of exon and intron.  In the QF-physics theory, the prime difference between these two gropes is found in the quantum spin properties of the DNA-nucleotides. It should be realized that this graphic is trying to express what is constantly taking place everywhere in the holographic consciousness field of the brain, but that is obviously not possible to express graphically.


The same year as Professor Karl Pribram was making his discoveries into the long-term memory storage during the years from 1975 to 1980, Professor Roger Sperry was making another major discovery into the brain's programming. He created a brilliant method for investigating the brain's functional programs in people who had gone through a brain operation where the two hemispheres were separated. These were people who suffered from epileptic seizures and could no longer be treated with drugs, as they had through the years developed tolerance to them, to such a degree, that the dosage required had become life threatening. Since there is a 50% possibility of death in "grand mal seizures", in the early part of the 20th century doctors began to operate on the brain to remove the Jamais vu and Déjà vu areas in the spatial hemisphere in order to save the lives of the patients. After the middle of the century this practice was changed to the cutting asunder the corpus callosum, or the 200 million neuron bridge that connects the two hemispheres. Soon it became known that this produced a most remarkable state of consciousness in the patients, where literally, the right hand did not know what the left did. Since each eye serves both hemispheres through the arrangement of the vision neurons, they to had to be severed, but Professor Sperry utilized this unique state to search out the fundamental work and functional program of the brain shown in Slide #2-18. In 1981 Professor Sperry then received the Nobel Prize for this research discovery. What is of special interest in these findings is that it shows the mathematical-, language- and reading abilities to be exclusively in the matter-I-hemisphere, but that the spatial-WE-hemisphere expresses itself through images and music, but that in this hemisphere we find all the creative abilities.


(Videoclip #05)

This overview slide is intended to show and emphasize in gross detail how the fundamental organization of the fundamental programs of the brain, including the functional program are intertwined with the instincts, which come into the consciousness from the instinct brain. At the same time this presentation shows that it is in the intron-nucleotide pairs of the DNA-molecules in the spatial-WE-hemisphere, where all thoughts and all decisions have their initiation, but there the thoughts are born or ignited as shown in the top fundamental program. This becomes apparent in the famous riddle of the controversial "binding problem free will" experiment of Dr. Benjamin Libid shows, but as this part of a healthy consciousness does not contain an "I-function", it becomes necessary to look at other factors before this program is explained. That is undertaken in the next chapter, particularly in Slide #4-09. This riddle is also involved in the question regarding the "instinctive morality" of man, or the "voice of the conscious". This has to do with the findings of the QF-theory, which presents the reasons for the findings of Dr. Libid experiments but these are a part of the QF-theory. It is the claim of the QF-theory that the solution to this riddle, requires the ultimate and final solution to the riddle for the fundamental arrangement and function of the human brain, but that makes it the most difficult riddle ever.


Of all the bodily organs, the brain is the highest energy consumer using 20 to 25% of the oxygen from our breathing, at the same time it consumes 20 to 25% of the glucose energy of the body. While the oxygen flows to the neurons through the blood, the triplicate electromagnetic field flows up through the spine with its flow being regulated by the time rhythm programs in the thalamus and hypothalamus on the top of the medulla. This flow is regulated for sleep by the pituitary glands emission of dopamine through the spinal fluid into the "reticular formation" area where it restricts the flow. The effect of this dopamine restriction is not stronger than that a small disturbance will awaken the sleeper.

During the day, the intron programs in the brain's temporal lobes and the two hippocampuses in the instinct brain regulate the flow of the field-energy to consciousness. This flow can be interrupted by the infusion of chloroform or ether into the "reticular formation" area, which is done to prevent the sensation of pain in surgery, but the strength of this is such that the patient may be cut to peaces without awakening. The remarkable acupuncture techniques of the Chinese can achieve the same effect on the pain perception with the patient awake, but this is achieved through the influence of the needles into the intron programs of the DNA. In spinal puncture during operation where the patient is awake, but in this procedure local anesthetic is administered around the spinal area.

Here ends our First Part of the lecture, giving us insight into the construction and fundamental functional programming of the human brain. It is this which represent the foundation of our life and existence and what we are. Next we endeavor to scrutinize how the neurotransmitters are created and how this production is regulated and how the neurons then practice "business and commercial" exchanges with each other in these neurotransmitters in order to regulate the reality perception, thought processes and our general state of consciousness, state of being.

The next part of this lecture is:

02 : Second Part.
The Brain’s Regulation of Reality Perceptions.


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