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The Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas Files "The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:


The Contents of the Prophesied Book:

Following are the contents of a seven part book presenting the worlds first models for a complete quantum mechanical and molecular biological theoretical paradigm of unification. This is claimed as:

"The Ultimate Theory of Everything"

Although the Subject of the Book takes References in Religious Prophesies, it is not Religion Oriented.
The Interest in--and the Connection to--the Religious Prophesies, is Purely on the basis of Physics and Neurological Theoretical Considerations regarding Man's Perception of the Phenomena of Time. This is explained throughout the Book in it's following 7 Parts:

00 : Introductions The Presentation of the Book.
01 : The Preface The Introduction of the Book's Foundations.
02 : The Premises The Spiritual Justification for the Book.
03 : Part One 1 Introduction to the Cutting Edge of Theo- retical Physics and its Approach to the Theory of Everything.
04 : Part One 2 Introduction to the Venn-set Theoretical Approach to the Theory of Everything.
05 : Part Two 1 The Venn-set Theoretical Models for the  Process during the Creation of Time and the Quantum Wave of the Universe.
06 : Part Two 2 The Venn-set Theoretical Models for the Creation of Mass during the First Second of Time.
07 : Part Three 1 The Initial Connection of the Venn-set QF-Theory of Everything, to the Standard Model of Physics.
08 : Part Three 2 The Initial Connection of  the Venn-set QF-Theory of Everything to Life, the Human Brain and Consciousness.
09 : Epilogue The Initial Philosophical Conclusions and Bibliography.

To Home-Index-Front-Page

The Preface

The Tao that can be told of,
Is not the Absolute Tao;
The Names that can be given,
Are not Absolute Names.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Named is the Mother of All Things.

                                                                                                     The Tao Te Ching I

"I believe that nothing is without beginning but God; and no nature, no matter, no spirit, but one only wise, only good in His nature, and so He is eternally Father, Son and Spirit in persons."

                                                                                                         Sir Francis Bacon

In 1857, James Clerk Maxwell received correspondence from Michael Faraday, where Faraday discussed the possibilities of describing that which the equations of mathematics were beginning to describe regarding electricity and magnetism (eventually electromagnetism). Faraday hoped for a description, using common ordinary words, giving visualizations compatible with Man’s experiences in his everyday reality. At the time, neither one of them could foresee that the difficulties Man was beginning to experience in this respect, were yet to be confounded in the century to come. With the birth of the relativity and the quantum theories, Faraday’s hope that “When the mathematician has arrived at his conclusions may they not be expressed in common language as fully, clearly, and definitely as in mathematical formulae?” seems to have receded further from becoming reality. It is particularly the findings of the quantum theory that are difficult to express in the terms of common ordinary everyday language, especially the First Second of Creation, generally referred to as the Big Bang.

Now–155 years after Faraday’s writings to Maxwell–humanity finds itself “moving towards the discovery of nature’s first law” as the Nobel Laureate, Professor Steven Weinberg (University of Austin, USA.) puts it. This is variably referred to as, “The Unified Field Equation”, (UFE) or “The Grand Unified Theory”, (GUT) or “The Complete Unified Theory”, (CUT), depending on its scope. Whereas the UFE would be a mathematical unification of the four forces of nature, then the GUT would mean the unification of the forces of nature without gravity, in a mathematical theory (possibly also experimentally). The CUT would then mean the theoretical unification of all four forces (not experimentally), along with the unification of the two great theories of our times: The quantum theory and the theory of relativity. An ultimate theoretical construction would then be achieved by the inclusion of explanations for life itself in a Complete Unified Theory. This would then constitute a paradigm that is generally known as the Theory of Everything. A compulsory part of this would obviously be the inclusion of the Observer’s Consciousness. This search has been made possible with the coming into being of the New Physics of quantum mechanics, at the onset of the twentieth century. It has been conducted primarily through alternative interactions of theorization and experimentation. Theorizations that are based on mathematics and experiments that are conducted with tools such as accelerators. The results of the accelerator experiments are analyzed with the theories of mathematical physics.

The accelerators are the biggest machines Man constructs. They are also the most expensive machines Man builds and create the highest energies Man is capable of. In this they are in reality asking the biggest and most profound question Man can ask of nature, at the same time they are making images of the smallest things Man can discern. In this quest the huge accelerators are in essence nothing but a form of microscope. They are the most powerful microscopes Man can build–the electronic microscopes–are limited to looking at things that are smaller than the width of one wave-phase of an electron. It can only resolve images of structures that are larger than the length of the waves of electron-quanta that are reflecting of them. With smaller objects the waves pass around them, which in turn means that no image is received at the microscope. The ingenious method employed in the accelerators is the acceleration of mass/energy to speeds close to the speed of light, and then this mass/energy is directed to hit a target, or shot into a complimentary beam going in the opposite direction. In such experiments one of the beams may be composed of antimatter. The collision usually takes place in hydrogen plasma, situated in so-called accelerator bubble chambers. It is there that pictures are taken of the particle tracks created by the ensuing collision disintegration, but these are then analyzed with through mathematics or mathematical theory. In this process nothing is seen anywhere, only the tracks left by the particles are seen in the plasma.

For the last half of the twentieth century or so, Man has, at enormous costs, been conducting an enormous number of such experiments. In this process, Man has been able to establish the composition of the sub-atomic world and define “how” things are and happen. However, Man has, for the most part, not been able to figure out “why” things happen in the sub-atomic realm. The causative question may be the prime unresolved mystery of quantum mechanics, to which many physicists react by saying that there is no cause behind the events in quantum mechanics, but 20th century pioneering research into quantum reality produced several conclusions of which the ones of the Danish Nobel Prize physicist, Professor Niels Bohr remain currently the most widely excepted. This is the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which asserts that:

1)    “There is no deep causative reality behind quantum reality.” (ie: the censorial world is real, yet it is
         based on a non-existent void)
2)   “Quantum reality is created by observation.” (ie: the censorial world wouldn't exist if it weren't for an
         observer to give it existence).

However, the focal point of our discussion regarding the accelerators is not to be found in the interpretation of quantum mechanics, but in the evolution of mathematics in the last 400 years, but almost all we know of the nature of the sub-atomic reality, quantum reality, has been derived through mathematics. The writer’s analyzes of this evolution begin with a famous book published between 1910 and 1913, PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. This work claimed that the mathematical systems presented in it, could explain, prove, or disprove anything. It was to be 18 years later that a theorem published by a 25-year-old Austrian mathematician would prove this to be false. This was Kurt Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem (see pages 106 to 108), which in 1931 showed Man--possibly for the first time--that there were limits to what mathematics were capable of accomplishing. As far as the author knows, the causes for the statements of this theorem have yet to be conclusively explained. However, as the author sees it, 50 years after the presentation of this theorem, its complimentary clarifying discovery was made. Here the author is referring to the 1981 Nobel Prize award to Dr. Roger Sperry for discovering the Functional Program of the Human Brain. This through ingenious tests conducted on human beings that, due to a terminal epileptic disorder, had gone through the severance of their Corpus Callosum (the neuronal bridge between the two brains). The results of these tests showed that only one hemisphere contained any mathematical skills worth considering. The author of this book would then later relate this fact to the limits imposed by the Incompleteness Theorem and from there to the limits of the analyzes in the accelerator experiments. The suggestion was that when Man was analyzing the tracks made by the sub-atomic particles in the accelerator bubble chambers, he was essentially looking at quantum reality with just the matter perception half of his brain.

A continuation of these causative realizations was that it was the brain’s mathematical matter-perception hemisphere, which dealt with the consequences in the order of events, but the brain’s non-mathematical spatial-perception hemisphere that dealt with the causality. In other words, it was the spatial non-mathematical hemisphere, which dealt with the causative reality. For the mathematical hemisphere this would correspond to a non-linear order of events that could only be determined statistically. The logical progression of this was the question: By what method would the brain’s spatial-causative hemisphere be analyzing the results from the accelerator bubble chambers? The answer to this question would come to the writer via a Vital Spiritual Experience during a Transcendental Event in December 1984.

At this point the author is likely to run into serious trouble with his reader since a phenomenon such as a transcendental event, or a spiritual experience, is a relatively rare occurrence. To most people who do not know this first hand, it is further a highly suspicious claim, as the author would personally experience. However, as providence would have it, a 1985 book by the brilliant writer, Ken Wilber, QUANTUM QUESTIONS, Mystical Writings of the World’s great Physicists, would at the time come to the aid of the author and serve as a reference in explaining to him what “a Vital Spiritual Experience during a Transcendental Event” represents. Here are some of the insights presented by Wilber.

QUANTUM QUESTIONS presents for the first time the mystical writings of some of the world’s great physicists: Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Einstein, de Broglie, Jeans, Planck, Pauli and Eddington, who it is claimed about “all expressed a deep belief that physics and mysticism were somehow fraternal twins.” It is from the introduction of this book that the author has taken the here following quotations to give the reader some insight into the meaning of Transcendental Mysticism and how this relates to physics. These do of course not do any justice to the subject of the mystical experience, nor do they explain what this is or how it comes about. Those subjects are dealt with in in numerous books and somewhat later in this book. Here are the quotes taken from Wilber’s critique on the suggested parallels between physics and mysticism. “The central mystical experience may be fairly (if somewhat poetically) described as follows: in the mystical consciousness, Reality is apprehended directly and immediately, meaning without any mediation, any symbolic elaboration, any conceptualization, or any abstractions; subject and object become one in a timeless and spaceless act that is beyond any and all forms of mediation. Mystics universally speak of contacting reality in its ‘suchness,’ its ‘isness,’ its ‘thatness,’ without any intermediaries; beyond words, symbols, names, thoughts, images. Now, when the physicist ‘looks at’ quantum reality or at relativistic reality, he is not looking at the ‘things in themselves,’ at noumenon, at direct and nonmediated reality. Rather, the physicist is looking at nothing but a set of highly abstract differential equations–not at ‘reality’ itself, but at mathematical symbols of reality.”*

The mundane explanation of the method that was shown the author in his Transcendental Event VISIONS and the history of its origins, begin with the Newton/Leibniz discovery of the calculus. Sir Isaac Newton (the granddaddy of all physics-mystics) is believed to have made his discovery in and around the year of the great fire of London, or in 1666, while Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is said to have done this ten years later, or in 1676. A hundred and seventy-five years later Newton’s calculus would influence the creation of a new form of algebra. It would be another Englishman, George Boole, born in Lincolnshir on the 2nd of November 1815, who would provide the next step in the development of the extremely simple method, which was handed to the author in his spiritual experience. Boole developed algebra of logic, Boolean algebra, which would eventually lead to the development of electronic computers. This system of logic was in part founded in algebra and the Newton/Leibniz calculus, which in turn was composed of two phases: the differential, and the integral, but Boole’s development eventually helped to establish the modern symbolic logic. Here the realization that the spatial hemisphere (integral hemisphere) is the hemisphere of symbols is quite relevant and vital in this context.

The third phase in the development of the symbolic logic employed in this book would then come from the third Englishman, John Venn. Venn who was born in 1834 developed the Venn diagrams as a means of depicting mathematical sets and subsets, as a graphical aid in the study of Boolean algebra of symbolic logic (figures 026-027, pages 118-122). This is the method the author employs as a means of re-analyzing the findings from the accelerator tracks in the bubble chambers. This by re-arranging the theoretical mathematical findings symbolically in the logic of the Venn diagrams. The ensuing result was a form that can be described as a triplicate membrane or superstring-membrane-spinnor-twistor-spiral-field concept. The reader may take his pick, but here we shall be using primarily the triplicate membrane concept where it is turned into a Venn diagram set. The author’s argument is that this form represents the simultaneous logical analytical faculties of both brains’ hemispheres and through it the brain may look at the fundaments of reality, quantum reality, including it self and its own fundamental functions, in a proper perspective. The prime supportive argument being that Man cannot look at this with just one half of his brain. As soon as the author started to analyze the Venn diagrams of his spiritual vision, he started glimpsing the possibilities of the various explanations they offered. Of these, the connection to the observer’s consciousness became the most important, but this was directly related to a health problem he was facing at the time.

Regardless of warnings from friends, citing the classical warning on quantum mechanics from Richard Feynman: “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics… Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it. ‘But how can it be like that?’ because you will go ‘down the drain’ into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that”*, suggesting that an attempt to write an explanation for quantum reality in a Venn diagram concept format, would be the equivalent of an insane act, the author would press ahead to publish the initial drafts 17 years after gaining the insights.

What do our physicists have to say about such a theoretical goal as a unification theory? Professor Stephen Hawking (University at Cambridge, Great Britain) has this to say about it: “...it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason—for then we would truly know the mind of God.”* During the eighties, professor Hawking also expressed his belief that this will be achieved through the language of mathematics and that he is convinced that “God understands that language.”*

At the onset of the nineties ever-increasing doubts were being expressed by physicists, suggesting that the final answer might not be in mathematical terms. Professor Roger Penrose (University of Oxford, Great Britain) made suggestions that are in line with this thinking. Professor Penrose’s remarks were made in connection with the question whether Man could build powerful enough computers to provide the final answer. His answers are based on the 70-year old Incompleteness Theorem by Kurt Gödel (see pages 106 to 108), namely that: “...this mathematical demonstration shows that any moderately complex system of axioms yields statements that are self-evidently true but cannot be proven with those axioms.”* Penrose reminds us further that: “Computers can’t understand. No deterministic, ruled-based system that is, neither classical physics, computer science nor neuroscience can account for the mind’s creative powers and ability to ascertain truth. The mind must exploit non-deterministic effects that can be described only by quantum mechanics, or a new physical theory that will bridge quantum and classical mechanics and will go beyond computation.”* In the author’s analyzes these words echo the insights he made, when he in October 1984 connected Gödel’s theorem to the findings of Dr. Roger Sperry.

The ideas set forth in this book are a theoretical construct based on this insight. Although its author is a layman in physics, this has non-the-less given him novel and revolutionary insights into the findings and analyzes of the main themes of 20th century sciences. This is saying that although the theory in this book is not a formal mathematical scientific theory in the traditional academic manner, the book presents a method of looking at the findings of physics in a new form that presents new insights. These presentations are descriptions of a spatial hemispheric symbolic language, where attempts are made–in part in an arbitrary manner–to describe the fundamental truths and logic of the Universe, in a form, which may eventually be understood by all the human inhabitants of Planet Earth. What is most important in all this is that the presentation includes the Observer and thus solves the riddle of the measurement problem in physics. It thus provides the basis for understanding the foundations of Life-it-self and the organization of the DNA-molecule and the reflection of this organization in the construction of the human brain. This thus provides further the basis for understanding its consciousness functions and malfunctions, as well as the most important spiritual questions regarding Man's concept of God the Devil. These are the most important insights sought by Man and may decide his survival since these ideas permit an insight into the incredibly small details of creation and thus look into the core of the most profound questions and subjects of understanding undertaken by Man. This feature of the QF-theory is what makes it The Theory of Everything.

During the twentieth century, the physics phenomena under study have variably been described with concepts of dimensionless points, as waves or wave functions, and as fields. It is the field concept that has been the most rewarding of the concepts employed by physics. At the time of its appearance, Albert Einstein had this to say about its importance: “A new concept appears in physics, the most important invention since Newton’s time: the field. It needed great scientific imagination to realize that it is not the charges nor the particles but the field in the space between the charges and the particles, which is essential for the description of physical phenomena. The field concept proves most successful and leads to the formulation of Maxwell’s equations describing the structure of the electromagnetic field and governing the electric as well as the optical phenomena. The theory of relativity arises from the field problems. The contradictions and inconsistencies of the old theories force us to ascribe new properties to the time-space continuum, to the scene of all events in our physical world.” It is a variation in the employment of this concept–in looking at what no one has ever seen, nor will ever see–which this book is all about. In this, the novel field concepts-ideas employed are basically ideas drawn from the most recent, and most promising, addition to the physicists’ particle modeling. The concepts of one-dimensional fundamental objects: strings and membranes. Once these have been incorporated into supersymmetry equations of group theory, they become the familiar and promising  super-string and or super-membranes.

The particle models for the fundamental particles in this book are dual-and triplet-strings super-membrane field concepts. These are six-dimensional membrane structures, with the additional two-dimensions in the fabric of the vacuum of space and the particle attachment to it. These are field concepts expressed through the using a new approach that is partially mixed with all the concepts used by physics so far, or concepts of super strings, membranes, twistors, spinnors, spiral fields. The author has given this method the name: Quantum RElativistic Super-membrane Triplet Field, abbreviated QREST FIELD, or QF for short and QF-theory for the theorizations. What is here new is that this idea is manifested and presented in the symbolic form of Venn diagrams set-math symmetries, which is mathematics in a pictorial form that represents an alternative physics method. Through this, complex phenomena can be reduced to simplicity in an overview form, which make things easier to visualize and understand. The maximum simplicity the subject permits being the author’s ultimate goal. In turn the book does not contain any formal mathematical presentations and mentions only a few universally known mathematical formulae, although it’s subject is dealt with in a version of mathematical abstraction. It is the author’s opinion that the QF-Venn diagram set is accessible to anyone who is interested enough to apply himself to its understanding.

In spite of this, the treatment of the subject is one that prompts the author to say: beware!
THE LITTLE SCROLL is indeed a most unusual book. Not only due to the nature of the topic--its subject of discussion--but further due to the numerous strange words being used in dealing with relatively strange concepts. This is confounded by the fact that that the author has had to create numerous new combinations of expression, mainly due to the fact that he is with this subject in part entering an uncharted territory.

Owing to the nature of quantum mechanics, much of what the author tries to say is of an indirect meaning, or dualistic meaning. However, the prime concern is to avoid cluttering the subject with jargon in some form of pseudo-academic dialogue. Here again, the warnings of Professor Steven Weinberg apply, not to: “...confound obscurity with profundity”, or to believe that greater the jargon, or the use of fancy and rare academic words, the greater the profoundness. This is not intended as a cheap escape method of a writer hiding his limited vocabulary. In this the author freely admits his shortcomings. In such an undertaking, there will always be complex expressions where the difficult words and jargon may not be avoided. However, in the register at the end of the book an attempt is made to improve on this problem. Again, in these writings the author encounters a new form of difficulty since he is not directly describing quantum phenomena. Quantum phenomena are events where many different things are happening at the same time and not necessarily behaving according to our normal perception of cause and effect. What the author is attempting to describe has more to do with the scenes behind the events of quantum phenomena: The creation of the quanta and what is behind the strange and bizarre events observed in quantum reality. This unique undertaking is the pinnacle of the strange journey the reader undertakes in this book. A journey, that truly runs through the most unusual of landscapes. Through realities, which the author himself, and for that matter not even our foremost physicists, are thoroughly familiar with. The journey is one through a looking glass. A mirror that takes the reader to the very earliest moments of the creation of the Universe as well as that of our body’s building blocks. This in a journey during which no drugs, mind-altering chemicals, alcohol, or hallucinogenic chemicals of any sort may or have been, or can be used, neither in small or large dosages.

It is during this extraordinary journey to the moment of creation, some (± years ago, that the reader makes the most amazing encounter of all. This is the ultimate encounter and confrontation with the origin and the creation of reality and the matter parts that make-up our bodies. This is the stage where Man’s most fundamental questions and answers parade and it is here that the main paradox of this presentation appears. It is the suggestion that in order to make the initial insights their author will have to be a person without a degree in physics. This claim should become clear with the progression into these writings. All this has to do with the fact that the science of quantum mechanics only knows the “hows” and not the “whys” but it is the missing “whys” which render quantum mechanics incomplete.

An ultimately valid Theory of Everything may possibly represent the most important intellectual insight achieved in the history of Man’s search for knowledge and understanding. This is a fact that renders the creation of such new physical principles total agony for anyone who undertakes it. Most people do not even know what an ultimate and final Theory of Everything is all about, let alone are aware of the ultimate scope and meaning of such a paradigm. That the ultimate and final Theory of Everything may have something to do with their personal lives is even further from the average citizen. In turn this suggests that what ever this book may be, it will most definitely help the reader to understand what this subject of a final Theory of Everything is all about and what it has to do with her or his life.

A Theory of Everything can thus never be considered from any sort of a literary viewpoint, or assessed as an achievement in any literary sense. Neither is there any such thing as a partial, or partially correct, Theory of Everything, nor a rather bad or pretty good Theory of Everything. There can only be one theory–once and for all time–that merits the title The Theory of Everything. That theory will have to include an explanation for the Observer, or it will have to be discarded. The reader himself may eventually become a judge in this matter. Whatever the judgment, the reading through the QF-theory will in all cases make the reader thoroughly familiar with the final questions Man is asking at the leading edge of science. This in particular since it offers the reader possibilities for greater insights into the questions being posed around the Big Bang and the unification theorization.

The consequences of these theorization are that they eventually lead to answers to the fundamental questions Mankind has posed, will pose and can pose, regarding life itself, its existence and purpose. In this, the author claims that the theory achieves a harmonious unification, not just of nature’s forces, but of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and general relativity, as well as the spiritual sciences with the physical sciences. Physicists reiterate the importance of the goal of the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity other thinkers suggest that the unification of the spiritual sciences with the physical sciences is an even more important goal. Some cynically inclined suggest that if this unification does not take place, it may mean that eventually there will be no one left on Earth to marvel at the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

If the
QF-theory turns out to be valid, then no field of the human endeavor will be untouched by its findings. This will cover that which Man calls physics, as well as that which Man calls metaphysics. This is a tall claim indeed, but the author cannot speak of a Theory of Everything if this is not the case. He would have to be talking about a Theory of Something. It is the grandiose nature of these suppositions that unquestionably renders their creation some of the grandest self-inflicted mental tortures anyone can suffer. Obviously the reader will ask at this stage: Why has the author not had this alternative physics theory reviewed by some accredited theoretical physicists? Why does some academic authority not verify the credibility of the theory? Why is there no accredited scientist writing Preface to this book? The answers to these questions are found in some of the recent writings of prominent scientists:

01. The 1985 book STEPHEN HAWKING’S UNIVERSE by John Boslough, describes this situation as it regards Professor S. Hawking. The quote is from pages 33 and 34: “Several letters each week come to Hawking from people far out of the mainstream. He is rather amused by them. One he showed me was a savage scrawl of equations on a single sheet sent by a man from Michigan. ‘He thinks he may have found the secret to the universe,’” Hawking said. “’But this man is no Galileo.’”

02. The 1992 book DREAMS OF A FINAL THEORY by Professor Steven Weinberg, describes on page 50, how he: “receives in the mail every week about fifty pre-prints of articles on elementary particle physics and astrophysics, along with a few articles and letters on all sorts of would-be science.” Weinberg describes the would-be science as: “astrology, precognition, channeling, clairvoyance, telekinesis, creationism and other such kind.”

03. The 1993 book THE GOD PARTICLE by Professor Leon Lederman (former director of Fermilab), deals rather conclusively with this theme and the author has quoted the good professor: “If the casual disregard for such writers turns me off, the true charlatans positively disconnect me. In fact, TAO and WOO LIE constitute a relatively respectable middle ground between good science books and a lunatic fringe of fakes, charlatans, and crazies. These folks guarantee eternal life if you restrict your diet to sumac roots. They give first hand evidence for the visit of extraterrestrials. The expose the fallacy of relativity in favor of a Sumerian version of the FARMERS ALMANAC. They write for the NEW YORK INQUIRER and contribute to he crackpot mail of all prominent scientists. Most of these people are harmless, like the seventy-year-old woman who reported to me, in eight closely spaced hand-written pages, her conversation with small green space visitors. Not all are harmless, however. A secretary of the PHYSICAL REVIEW, a journal, was shot to death by a man whose incoherent article was refused publication... The ethics of the scientist–that they should remain open to the young, the unorthodox, and the rebellious–creates an opening for the charlatans and the misguided, who can prey upon scientifically illiterate and careless journalists, editors, and other gatekeepers of the media. Some fakes have had remarkable success, such as the Israeli magician Uri Geller or the writer Immanuel Veilovsky or even some Ph. D.´s in science (a Ph. D. is even a less a guarantee of truth than a Nobel Prize) who push totally off-the-wall things like ‘seeing hands’, ‘psychokinesis’, ‘creation science’, ‘polywater’, ‘cold fusion’ and other fraudulent ideas.”

04. In the 1994 book, THE ASTONISHING HYPOTHESIS by Professor Sir Francis Crick, (Nobel Prize in biology for the co-discovery of the DNA double helix), takes the trouble to explain why he is not interested in considering everything popping up in people’s minds. Here is an excerpt from the book’s preface: “I shall be most grateful to readers who write to me to point out factual mistakes. I am less enthusiastic about corresponding on more general matters. Most people have their own ideas about consciousness and not a few feel compelled to put them on paper. I hope I may be forgiven for not reading everything sent to me on the subject. My normal practice is to consider only those ideas that have already been put forward in a refereed journal or in a book published by a reputable publisher. Otherwise the constant clatter of other people’s suggestions makes it impossible for me to think effectively.”

From this it is obvious that no leading physicist is going to bother to plod through an alternative physics theory by a none-professional. On the other hand, since the final answers in physics are not known, the final judgments on such a theory will have to come from many quarters. It is now common knowledge that the ultimate answer produced by any GUT, CUT or TOE cannot be born out by any high energy accelerator experiment, as has been the case with previous theories in physics until now. The energies required are simply far too high. However, the QF-theory includes a feature that to its author serves as an indirect experimental proof. This reference is to a feature of the geometrical nature of particle spin that offers possible unification verification. In addition to this feature there are further findings in the QF-theory in this book that match the findings of other theories. The QF-theoretical models come to the same conclusions as other theories do by using entirely different methods than they employ; this is the QF-Venn diagram graphical mathematical set-symmetries.

How the suggestions in this book for a Final Complete Unified Theory/­Final Theory of Everything Paradigm, have come into being, is yet another most unusual story. Here, one of the main elements of rarity involves the possibility that the discovery events may have been prophesied a long time ago, even as early as 4.500 years. It is the author’s belief that the ideas and insights presented in this book, were prophesied in several different prophesies, in several different parts of the world, at different times in history. Of these, the most detailed and important is the prophecy in the NEW TESTAMENT’S Book of Revelation.

On the last pages of this most published document on the planet, is to be found one of the greatest riddles in the annals of religions and literary history. This riddle is alternatively described as a futuristic prophecy or a mystery pertaining to events that will supposedly happen in the future, or it is classified as a malfunction of the human brain in the form of manic-psychotic hallucination. If we discard the latter suggestion, then the last pages of the Bible contain some enigmatic descriptions of events that will presumably take place in some future.

In the tenth chapter of the Book of Revelation is a description of a spiritual event where someone is being handed a written document called
THE LITTLE SCROLL. Scrolls were the standard format and descriptions for books in the days when this event took place. The author thus submits to the reader, that a part of the book he now has in his hand is THE LITTLE SCROLL being described in this prophecy. This is the reason for the book’s title.

It is THE LITTLE SCROLL that proposes to explain–directly or indirectly–the cosmic creation and everything in the cosmos that serves Man’s spiritual reality as well as his physical reality, but further, why and what prophesies are, as well as how they are possible. The theory not only proposes to explain what is behind all the pertinent riddles of physics, but what constructs are behind the dynamics of consciousness itself. In this, it tackles one of the main riddles of physics regarding the human brain, which has to do with the question why we know (remember) only the past, not the future. Why consciousness is slaved to the arrow of time in such a manner that we can apparently only know of the future in some exotic states of consciousness, which we then call transcended states, which in turn produce prophecies.

The philosophical and spiritual implications involved in theorizations regarding the creation of the Universe, are something most physicists shy away from. The phenomenon of prophesies* are generally denied by theoretical physics, since the only prophesy this discipline recognizes are theoretical predictions of the appearance of specific particles in the accelerator collisions. The classical arguments regarding the mechanism and validity of prophesies, will not be dealt with in details in
THE LITTLE SCROLL (a subject of another book). However, towards the end the reader will find insights that begin to explain the phenomena of prophesies and how they are possible.

Only a few quotations from the Book of Revelation will be included here. These have to do with the suggestion that this theory is the central subject of that prophecy. The actual event of the receipt of the theory–through a spiritual vision–is described in the biblical prophecy as the receipt of
THE LITTLE SCROLL. This is the subject of the 5th and 10th chapters of the Revelation. Dealing with the experience of the receipt of the insights, was what required the greatest courage on the behalf of the author. The discussion of this suggestion is raised in the next part: The Premises. That introductory part presents indeed the real foundation for this book.

The author did not intend to go on this journey, nor did he ask for it. As it were, the involvement with this subject brought him in contact with forces above and beyond his own will. Forces that have since engaged him in a subject about which he initially possessed only the flimsiest of knowledge. An almost indescribable subject, that he furthermore lacks the literary and intellectual brilliance to perfectly describe. Be that as it may. In THE LITTLE SCROLL attempts are made at dealing with reality in a unique way, in order to achieve the ultimate description of reality through a vision of the events of The First Second of Creation. Events for which there are no easy descriptive words. Since the difference between what is simple and what is complicated is the understanding, each will understand, as she/he is capable of. In other words, the subject will seem complicated or simple in relation to the reader’s capacity for understanding.

Another feature of this book is the fact that much of its contents are taken from the writings of others. What the author has done is to arrange this material in order to--not just--support, but to explain his ideas and that which he is intending to portray. This is necessary, not just in order to achieve a comparison between the method of the author and the method of physics, but to seek support in the findings of physics in general. However, the parallel comparison to the methods and findings of physics further renders it necessary to draw the attention of the reader to the following: This book contains numerous quotations from some of the world’s best known and foremost physicists found at the headings of the chapters and elsewhere in this book. This should not be understood to mean that the opinions and theories expressed in this book have anything to do with, or are necessarily those of the physicists quoted. Of the suggestions, speculations, theorization and opinions expressed in this book, the world’s community of physicists is innocent. However, the ideas, truths and proof produced by the thinking and the work of the physicists is the foundation for the author’s interpretation of his spiritual visions. They are the foundations for the author’s consequential creation and formation of their interpretative expression in the form of the QF-Venn diagram mathematical sets.

 *   Note: Italics and bold letter by the author.
**  Note: The Greek word for prophesy is "apocalypse."

            "Peril Lurks in Definitions.....

                       so Runs an Ancient Maxim of Law!"

                                                                                                    B. N. Cardozo

The next part of the THE LITTLE SCROLL is:

02 : The Premises
The Spiritual Justification for the Book.


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