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The Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas Files "The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:

The Contents of the Prophesied Book:

Following are the contents of a seven part book presenting the worlds first models for a complete quantum mechanical and molecular biological theoretical paradigm of unification. This is claimed as:

"The Ultimate Theory of Everything"

Although the Subject of the Book takes References in Religious Prophesies, it is not Religion Oriented.
The Interest in--and the Connection to--the Religious Prophesies, is Purely on the basis of Physics and Neurological Theoretical Considerations regarding Man's Perception of the Phenomena of Time. This is explained throughout the Book in it's following 7 Parts:

00 : Introductions The Presentation of the Book.
01 : The Preface The Introduction of the Book's Foundat- ions.
02 : The Premises The Spiritual Justification for the Book.
03 : Part One 1 Introduction to the Cutting Edge of Theo- retical Physics and its Approach to the Theory of Everything.
04 : Part One 2 Introduction to the Venn-set Theoretical Approach to the Theory of Everything.
05 : Part Two 1 The Venn-set Theoretical Models for the  Process during the Creation of Time and the Quantum Wave of the Universe.
06 : Part Two 2 The Venn-set Theoretical Models for the Creation of Mass during the First Second of Time.
07 : Part Three 1 The Initial Connection of the Venn-set QF-Theory of Everything, to the Standard Model of Physics.
08 : Part Three 2 The Initial Connection of  the Venn-set QF-Theory of Everything to Life, the Human Brain and Consciousness.
09 : Epilogue The Initial Philosophical Conclusions and Bibliography.

To Home-Index-Front-Page

Part Two


“I took the Little Scroll from his Hand and ate it,
and it tasted sweet as Honey in my Mouth.”

On the Subject of the Writings in this Book

"The human mind’s ability to grasp higher realities is denied or ignored by conventional science. Standard science is a dead end because it analyzes experience into discrete pieces. The human mind.... has an overwhelming need to impose categories on experience. As a result, the seamless web of physical reality is divided into separate events that seem to occur only side by side or in different parts of time and space."

                                                                                                David Bohm 1917-1992

The Core of the Little Scroll

"And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices... And the angel which I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the thing that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer."

                                                                                The Bible of King James,
                                                                          The Book of Revelation 10-6


The Song of Creation.

 Then was not non-existent nor existent:
there was no realm of  air, no sky beyond it.
 What covered in, and where? And what gave shelter?
Was water there, unfathomed depth of water?

Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal:
no sign was there, the day's and night's divider.
That one thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature:
apart from it was nothing whatsoever.

Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness,
this All was indiscriminate chaos.
All that existed then was void and formless:
by the great power of warmth was born that unit.

Therefore rose desire in the beginning, Desire,
the primal seed and germ of spirit,
Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered
the existent's kinship in the non-existent.

Transversely was their serving line extended:
what was above it then, and what below it?
There were begetters, there were mighty forces,
free action here and energy up yonder.

Who verily knows and who can here declare it,
whence it was born and whence comes this creation?
The gods are later than this world's production.
Who knows, then, whence it first came into being.

He, the first origin of this creation,
whether he formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven,
he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.

Part Two, Chapter One


The First Division

Eternity, Infinity, Absolute Rest.
Presentation of the Special Singularity.
Educated Speculations on Conditions
at the Beginning


In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

                                    Moses: Genesis 11-2

There was something vague before the
heavens and earth, arose.
How calm! How void!
It stands alone, unchanging.

                                                                                    Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching XXV.

  Adjusting our Consciousness to the
Educated Speculations on the Initial

Conditions at the Beginning of the Universe.
What was there when there was nothing? What was before anything was? What was before there was any matter and space? Was it just solid matter? Was it just endless space? What kind of space was there; was it with or without some kind of fabric? If there was just space, how was that space created? Ugh! The questions can be posed no end. Questions to which there are really no answers. Questions that may well be meaningless. Do we really know why we ask such questions? Would the answers tell us something about our self and why we are here, what we are doing here and where we are going? These questions seem to belong to the philosophers, the religious mystics, or the poets.

The mathematician and philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), advises us: “Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent.” This remark does indeed seem applicable to the realm of questions pertaining to the initial conditions of the Universe. These are indeed, conditions about which we can know almost nothing. They are the part of our past about which it seems that all our contemplations will forever remain arbitrary speculation. There are, however, some excellent educated guesses being offered us by the physicists. Certain ideas have evolved out of the implications General Theory of Relativity makes regarding the Universe, in particular regarding space. Here, at the beginning of our journey, we shall be examining the possibilities they offer us but discarding such phenomenon--mentioned in the last chapter of Part I--as bubble universes spawning other bubble universes, quantum umbilical-cord wormholes spitting out universes and colliding membranes producing universes through big bangs, since these suggestions do not offer any explanations for the origins, or first causes of the originating bubbles, umbilical-cord wormholes or membranes. What the QF-theory settles for is the rebound universe seen, since it matches the transcended vision of the author and is in agreement with the spiritual teachings of the Vedic literature. It is further the only one that offers possibilities for physics explanations for its first origins, or first causes, this through quantum fluctuations in some form of vacuum and then through an unknown series of expanding and contracting universes, operating through big bangs and big crunches eventually coming to the Big Bang that created our Universe.

The main agreement with physics is in the formation of black holes with event horizon--from which nothing can ever escape--as a border in the space surrounding it. In the case of extremely deep black holes of high density of matter/energy such as a universal Big Crunch, another, even more exotic phenomena appears that is given the mathematical term singularity. This is the best offer physics can make for the initial conditions--The Edge of the Universe-- but the press has made references to the ideas of singularities connecting them to Man’s concepts of God, which agrees with the QF-models. However, the problem that physics has with this model is in the fact that the laws of physics--which are in the language of mathematics--break down with the collapse of the mathematical functions. This stern reality the QF-theory can deal with in its simplistic terms and can deliver us simplistic insights into the nature of the phenomena that leads to a universe such as ours. Additionally, it can overcome the prime difficulties that are found in the strenuous mathematical relations between the laws of Quantum Mechanics
and General Relativity.

In the case of singularities, it became debated in physics whether such phenomena could evolve into existence without an event horizon. These were given the term naked singularities and Professor Rodger Penrose suggested that: “Nature abhors such phenomena!”, but this came about since no limits could be set to what might happen at a naked singularity: We could not predict anything and anything could and would happen if we waited long enough where no time exists. Whatever the difficulties with the initial conditions, we do indeed have the possibility of find a way around them through the
QF-models, which are so bold as to suggest that the first seedlings of the series of universes producing our universe were short lived singularities without an event horizon.

Since the QF-theorizations are based on models which have been created out of analyzes of an era in the creation process about which we have no information, it becomes necessary to specify how the
QF-theory approaches these conditions. To explain how one can talk about that which one can know nothing about, but in approaching this dilemma, the QF-models make a strange discovery. This is the conclusion that there are a number of questions which he can discard right at the outset, since for the purpose of the QF-theorizations, it is not necessary to have any definite answers to the following questions:

a)    There is no need to know the precise or approximate elapsed time since the event of the Big Bang? Whether it is 12, 15 or 18 billion terrestrial years is of no consequence, or meaning.

b)    There is no need for precise knowledge of the diameter of the singularity at the beginning of our Universe. An educated guess at the moment the quantification of space/gravity takes place is the only measurement of interest.

c)    There is no need for precise knowledge concerning the mass of the singularity or the distance to its event horizon. Such knowledge is considered meaningless. The remoteness of Man ever achieving energies on the scale involved in the events of the
Big Bang eliminates all considerations for precise magnitudes of these energies.

d)    There is no need for precise knowledge concerning other singularities, or other big bang events taking place elsewhere, or the existence of other universes parallel to the Universe we are a part of, or universes spawning universes. Such speculations are considered without any meaning or reality.

It is the basic nature of the phenomenon which is of prime interest, not its measurements in magnitudes. However, regarding the infinitely deep singularity and its infinitely curved surrounding space, the following prerequisite presumptions are necessary for the theorizations:

First: The space the singularity occupies, extending to its event horizon, is considered as relativistic, infinitely curved and timeless, and containing dual polar positive/negative vacuum quantum potential, 6th/5th-dimensional virtual reality energy of absolute vacuum.

Second: The space away from the eventual event horizon of the singularity may extend for an unknown and unimportant distance. It may or may not be Euclidean, but its fabric must contain vacuum quantum potential, virtual spatial energy (zero-negative energy). This is considered to be the reality which our Universe (galaxies and space) is expanding into and is seen as an omni-dimensional and omni-directional In-implicate reality, relative to the singularity and its accompanying infinitely curved space. It may be labeled super-space or meta-space and it is of no consequence for the purpose of the QF-theorizations.

The field equations of General Relativity tell us of the reciprocating effects between space/gravity and matter/energy. John Archibald Wheeler has brilliantly simplified this by his saying: “Space tells matter where to go and matter tells space how to be!” The equations of General Relativity explain how space accomplishes the gathering of matter into lumps of heavenly bodies and Einstein himself had this to say about this part of his theory: “This side of the equation is carved in marble.” The equations then tell that matter tells space to get curved, but not how it achieves this. This is the other side of the equation telling us that, “...matter tells space how to be, or shape, or curve”, but does not go into details as to how it accomplishes this about which Einstein had this to say, “This is the side that is built out of straw.”

To date, physics does not know how matter accomplishes the curving. This is the question whether space can exist without matter, or whether matter can exist without space. Since in the case of our Universe it is matter that comes out of space and not the other way around, the obvious suggestion is that space can exist without matter, but not matter without space. This leads up to the second dilemma; the existence and the nature of the space at the point of the initial creation. In turn, this has to do with the super-space or meta-space--which our Universe is expanding into--which the general suggestions by physicists describe thus: First there was nothing–not time, not space–not even emptiness, since there is no space to be empty. Then from this void, this utter nothingness so complete that no word can make it imaginable, springs… a Universe. This can only be interpreted as a description of a three dimensional volume without any fabric whatever, which unfortunately flies in the face of the General Relativity concept of a singularity surrounded by an infinitely curved space. The QF-explanation for this is in the 1931 Kurt Gödel Incompleteness Theorem which the theoretical physicists choose to ignore, but since mathematics only pertain to one brain-half, which means looking at creation with only half of the brain. This paradox is thus dismissed and the initiation of the QF-theorizations can commence with the super-space, or meta-space, which the rebouncing Universes have been expanding into, but its “fabric”, was and is, the same as that of our local Universe. This then suggests the following requirements for the initial progression:

The first requirement is that the original beginning of the series of universes has to takes place in vacuum fluctuations in the quantum vacuum/virtual energy of the dual polar potential of space as originally suggested by Edward Tryon. This space according to the
QF-theorizations is the previously described super-space, or meta-space.

The second requirement is that at the beginning of our Universe we find a singularity and this would be according to the Friedmann/Lemaitre solutions of the equations in Einstein’s general relativity and produced through a Big Crunch from a previous universe and described through the work of Professor S. Hawking, Professor R. Penrose and Professor K. S. Thorn.

The second requirement would then mean that the singularity out of which our Universe springs will have an Event Horizon. This event horizon may have been there for as long as anyone wishes, but it is there no later than just prior to the far side of the Planck Wall/Planck Energy. This requires the fabric of surrounding space to have quantum vacuum, virtual energy of a
6th/5th-dimensional dual polar virtual reality, without which there can be no singularity and infinitely curve space surrounding the singularity at the beginning.

This then is the QF-scenario for the creation of our Universe; a series of about a 100 previous
Big Bang Universes, which all have been embedded in quantum vacuum, virtual energy of a dual polar potential space. The original initiation in plain vacuum quantum fluctuations series of singularities presents an enigma whose answer can never be anything but an arbitrary educated guess, but it is none the less a part of the  QF-theoretical inquiry.

A series of Universes in Infinity and Eternity.
Figure 045A.
(SCSC has been left open in conventional mode for unknown eons.)

In this First Division and the following Second Division the QF-theory will give an insight into its suggestions for the composition of the original quantum fluctuations that initiate the 100 universes creation series with the first singularity. At the same time these descriptions will describe the composition of the singularity that produces our Universe. This means that the actual description of the creation process begins just at the moment the singularity begins the expansion that is the starts of "our" Big Bang. This is then portrayed in the slides from 45B to slide 57 which represent Imaginary Time from t = -14 to t =-11 although they all happen at the same no-time, but the slides represent the initial conditions of the Universe prior to the existence of time.

These two descriptions in the QF-theorizations allow the initial singularity to be with or without an infinite curvature of space with or without an event horizon, but surrounding the singularity that produces our Universe, infinite curvature of space with an event horizon is an arbitrary--a must conclusion. Although the initial singularity is being formed by wave fluctuations in the super-space, or meta-space, the QF-models do not say whether these fluctuations are necessarily quantum mechanical in nature or not; the quanta has not been created. In what are these wave fluctuations taking place is not known and anyone can take his pick guessing, but without the eventual infinitely curved space and event horizon around the singularity that created our Universe, the QF-theorizations collapse before they have begun. This would mean that there is no cure for the author’s terminal illness and he will have to take his marbles, throw them away and become an insane cripple and die a painful premature death. It is for these reasons that the author has given the conditions at the beginning the label Special Singularity for this greatest mystery of all, which is embedded in the super-space, or meta-space and which in the QF-theory corresponds to the reality that Men call God. The justification for this approach will then be in the end-result of the
QF-theorizations, even though they are initially arbitrary regarding what was there, before the Universe arose.

These are the prerequisite contemplations and conclusions we require before we make the hypothetical observational journey to the mystery at the edge of the Universe. The super mystery from which, our reality and existence springs. The understanding of this mystery may lead us to the ultimate understanding of ourselves, and our existence. An understanding of which Man has now become conscious is the most important understanding in his experience and if we are to take Professor Hawking seriously, this knowledge holds the secret of life itself. Knowledge which according to Professor Fischbach, may be the one on which the survival of all life depends. We shall thus make our journey to the beginning of the Universe undeterred and confident that we shall find our
Special Singularity, quantum smeared or not. This means that even though the mathematics of relativity itself breakdown in the vicinity of a singularity, we will eventually require a minimum of an event horizon and special conditions at its center for the creation of our Universe. What counts in the QF-theorizations is that if these do not exist, both of these will come into existence no later than an infinitesimal short time fraction of a second, just prior to the Planck Energy, or there will be no Universe at all and no WE to contemplate its miracle.

The Hypothetical
Arrival at the Hypothetical Conditions:
It is through the stxth-dimension that we now arrive at the sixth and the fifth dimension of eternity and infinity. Suddenly our question of the existence of an event horizon becomes irrelevant. We realize that if it is not there, then it will come into existence very shortly, since in a timeless eternity everything happens now. Well, the Special Singularity is here somewhere, which is indeed weird when we think of the fact that this is the potency for our existence. That WE are at this non-existing eternity-time, actually located inside the Special Singularity or what ever is at the edge of the Universe.

All right. There it is. Looking quite insignificant. Yet it is the seed of the Universe. This is the seed of the atoms in our bodies, our planet, our sun, and our galaxy. The greatest mystery ever. There is not really much to “see” since light does not exists, and all is darker than dark. We do not know how long we have been here, it may have been just a fraction of a second, or an eternity or two, but just at this time, our tour guide is taking the first picture with the 3-mode Specialized Creation Slide Camera, or SCSC, (pronounced see-see). The three modes for particle photographs: ‘Conventional Mode’, ‘Explicate Zoom-in Mode’, and the ‘Implicate Internal Field Mode’. The CC-film is of course instantly developed and we have a look. To our amazement, all we see is a perfectly black slide. Oh, the picture was taken all right but in the conventional mode and it shows what we are observing. Total blackness. Here is this unusual slide, the first picture at the beginning of the creation of the Universe, Figure 045A.

Next the guide takes a picture of the Special Singularity with the SCSC in the conventional mode and to our amazement all we see is a perfectly black slide. Yes, the picture was taken all right and it shows what we are observing. Total blackness. This indeed is the first picture at the beginning of the creation of the Universe this is the slide in figure 045B.

The Special Singularity situated somewhere in the 
Middle of Infinity and Eternity.
The Special Singularity and it’s Surrounding Infinitely Curved
Relativistic Space.
050_Part-Two-Figure-045B.jpg 051_Part-Two-Figure-046.jpg
Figure 045B, SCSC in conventional mode.
(The pointed spot in figures 045A, 046 and 047 all describe the same environment).
Figure 046, external of figure 048. SCSC in fifth/sixth dimensional explicate mode.

Of course this is not of much interest to take pictures with the magical specialized creation QF-Venn diagram slide camera, the SCSC, in the conventional mode. In order for the camera to be of use to us, it will have to be in either explicate cutaway zoom-in or implicate internal field mode. In the explicate mode the diagrams will actually show the Special Singularity with the quantum effects removed. In the implicate mode it will show us the internal composite nature of the object photographed in the QF-Venn diagram’s set-mathematics format. We even have a further feature that sets the SCSC to an explicate/implicate 6th/5th-dimensional mode, which shows both the Special Singularity and the condition of the surrounding space. Well, this means our first visual contact with the Special Singularity. This we observe conscious of the fact that we are looking into timeless eternity and we may be looking at pure gravity created by and held together by space itself alone. So before the events start to happen, let's have a look at the first slide, but this is a slide of the event of a non-event, taking place in no-time eternity, prior to the beginning of creation. – Indeed, the greatest mystery of "all-times" situated in "no-time".

As we gaze in amazement at the Special Singularity and its infinitely curved space in figure 48, we become conscious that Cantor’s mathematical description of twofold infinity is in actual fact a description of the fundaments of the fabric of space. This is a statement that declares dual polar space to be two realities–not one. The continuation of this is of course the realization that the singularity is nothing but a point in space where these two point are no longer separated but united. A point where the twofold space becomes one–a single reality. Yes, the term singularity is truly fitting. This suggests that all matter particles are in part points where the two realities of space are united in one.

Wow! This then is the stuff that the "rainbow-stuff"--the mass in the matter particles--will eventually be made of. That magical process is what we will be discovering in the next pages. This great mystery, along with all the others mysteries, will now be revealed to us, but our next picture will of course be a explicate cutaway zoom in on the Special Singularity itself.

The Special Singularity “seen”
close-up at 
Imaginary Time: t = -14.
The First Frame: #01A in Figure 030. 
"Absolute Symmetry-Absolute Rest" 
Imaginary Time: t = -14.
052_Part-Two-Figure-047.jpg 053_1-Part-Two-Figure-048.jpg
Figure 047, external of figure 048.
SCSC in explicate zoom-in-mode.
Figure 048. 
SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 048:
053_A-Part-Two-Figure-048.gif Event horizon symbol. Represents the spatial boundary of In-implicate-enfolded reality. Here it represents borders of the spatial sphere of attraction influence in meta-space the Special Singularity of our Universe has prior to creation.
Singularity, Complete Unification Force symbol. An enorm- ous gravitational Superforce effect produced by an infinite number of V-positive and V-negative poles of the vacuum of space, packed into a single point where they become the infinite mass of a stationary W-positive and W-negative dual polarity. This is possibly a hand-over, or a carry-forward from a Big Crunch of a previous Universe.
Supergravity-field symbol. Spatially manifested In -- Impli- cate reality. The source reality of everything produced by the interconnection of the W-positive and W-negative waves, to the V-positive and V-negative of space. Possibly first created by quantum fluctuations and now a hand-over from a Big Crunch of a previous Universe.
Out symbol = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, towards it’s event horizon edge. Omni-directional wave-effect from center. 
In-symbol = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Unidirectional wave-effects relative to it's center.

Wow! This SCSC slide figure 047 is relay something, but we have been told that we have not “seen” anything yet. It is the cameras sixth/fifth dimensional implicate mode, which we are told contains the ultimate magical photographic abilities. The ability to “see” the internal physical composition and nature of its target subjects and present them in graphical symbolism. Now we shall have our first encounter with this magic in the form of the Venn-diagram set-mathematical representation for what is possibly the strangest, if not the most mysterious phenomenon in or out of the Universe: The Special Singularity. The First Frame in figure 048 represents this phenomenon, both as a point that is cm. 10-24 across and the surrounding space, which it is connected to in such a manner that is becomes infinitely curved, but it is the creation of that curvature which is the main mystery of creation. This frame thus represents the mystery of how mater produces the curvature of space.

This time we “see” a two dimensional symbolic representation with a broken line double headed arrow underneath. This is to indicate the Uni-dimensional In-super-gravitational nature of the potentiality at rest. Our 6th/5th-dimensional tour guide explains to us, that the picture we have taken is the QF-Venn diagram’s expression for either a naked singularity, or super vacuum quantum potential, or no-boundary conditions for prior singularities; all we have to do is to remove the letter symbols Eh+. No, we are not going to speculate on what was, or may have been, prior to the appearance of the
Special Singularity. However, the descriptions and expressions in slides 047 and 048 both fail to show us how the super-mass goes about curving the space around the super-mass of the Special Singularity, but here our guide reminds us that we are looking at a fraction of a no-time event and that events may still take place that all happen at the same no-time. We are asked to have patience since with the 6th/5th-dimensional SCSC photographic possibilities that have now become viable, the answer to this question may still be forthcoming. With the magical SCSC camera WE now have almost the same advantage as if we were looking through the eyes of God himself.

At this first event–a non-event–in the sequence of these hypothetical sixth and fifth dimensional observations, the initial concern will be with analysis of the conditions of the surrounding space. The hypothetical observations are aimed at the primary nature of reality in these unique circumstances, and for this end any precise definitions of seizes, volumes or magnitudes are not needed. The conditions are extreme and at the same time extremely simple, requiring simple thinking and simple metaphors on the verge of being childishly naive. The only thing we know is that we are in the presence of an immense–or infinite–energy potential, which is at total rest; the Special Singularity, or the alternative possibilities pertaining to the initial creation processes that have been mentioned.

A further advantage is that as far as the QF-Venn diagrams are concerned, we are able to regard the whole of what exists, the whole of the phenomena, with or without an event horizon, as being one reality. This is the Special Singularity and its accompanying infinitely curved meta- or super-surrounding space, quantum smeared out or not quantum smeared out. What we really do “see”--and that is of importance--is what we found on our arrival: Conditions of absolute rest, absolute symmetry. An infinitely high energy potential, that is in a perfect state of symmetry, but never the less in its nature unstable. This is the potential for the symmetry-break of creation that WE came to “see”, irrespective of how it got there. Yes, it suddenly downs on us that this is all that matters and that this is going to be valid for the theorizations from the beginning to the end, with the real action beginning with observations of the moment just before the quantification of gravity symmetry break, at the Imaginary Time of t = -08, or Second 10-44. It will be after this quantification symmetry break that we shall regard the seed of the Universe, and the surrounding space, as separate objects in two separate interconnected realities.

Since at our arrival no momentum exists, the only thing that exists is absolute rest, but this is none existence. Momentum is existence. Any creation must be the creation of momentum before anything can exist. The story of the beginning of the Universe, our beginning, must first be a story of momentum. Since nothing is moving, temperature does not exist and not even the infinite pressure involved can be described as an equivalent to temperature. In this there exist no laws of physics, but in the infinitely high energy potential there obviously exists an infinite potential for momentum, which in turn suggests the laws of physics. Since the QF-theorizations are impossible without the
Special Singularity and its infinitely curved meta- or super-space potential, the laws of General Relativity will have to exist in that space/matter relationship, but the greatest matter/energy potential exists in the dual polar vacuum quantum potential in twofold infinitely curved space of the vacuum inside the singularities event horizon. This is the Special Singularity's gravitational superforce. The big event in the creation process is the moment that the laws of General Relativity are temporarily reversed at the Planck Energy/Planck Wall.

To sum up the speculative observation we have just made looking at an apparent nothing we do know for sure that this special nothing was there, for if it was not there, we certainly would not be here. What is important for us is to remember that we are making a hypothetical observation with the spatial hemisphere of our brains, with the support of the brain's matter hemisphere's twentieth century's physics and cosmological knowledge. When we took our picture, with our SCSC, we looked at our SC, or special creation chronometer, and noted the time, it was t = -14. Something is stirring inside the center of the event horizon bubble and we keep our
SCSC at the ready for the next events which must be in some form of a symmetry break.

Well, the creation potential is ready and so are we. Although apparently anything can now happen and is allowed to happen, certain events--the symmetry breaks--must happen in a certain precise sequence in order for us to be here asking the questions about this creation process.

The next slides will be the second part of our collection, or:

                              The Second Division;
                                   Second, Third and
                                                Fourth Film Slide Frames.

Part Two, Chapter Two


The Second Division

The Initiation of Creation.
The Quantum-wave Fluctuations.
The Energy of Infinitely Curved Space


And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters.

                                                                Moses: Genesis 12

It acts everywhere, untiring.
It may be considered the mother of everything
under heaven. I do not know its name,
but I call it by the word TAO.

                                                                                     Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching XXV

The Nature
of the Hypothetical Observation.
Absolutely nothing is known about the conditions prior to the onset of the disintegration, or manifestation, at the Planck Energy, or the Planck Wall. In the author’s vision of the creation, this was in the form of a singularity going through transformations. No indication was given whether this was a singularity formed out of the Big Crunch of a previous Universe, or singularity that was being formed through quantum fluctuations arising in the possible vacuum quantum potential of some superspace, or metaspace. Superspace, or metaspace, which our Universe is expanding into. Our Universe having thus conceivably arisen in such quantum fluctuations, expanded and collapsed–about a 100 times–and in the process grown through, the bulk viscosity process which comes into effect through the energy accumulation in the stretching of the photons in each cycle. We simply do not know this and the author’s understanding expressed here regarding the first two divisions of the First Second of Creation, is thus an arbitrary educated guess.

This means the initial QF-Venn diagrams in the First Division and the Second Divisions are--as discussed in the last division--actually describing both the creation of the initial universe through quantum fluctuations in the vacuum quantum potential virtual energy of the meta-space, or super-space that originated the first creation. At the same time these Divisions are describing the condition of the Special Singularity that was created out of the reversal of the last Big Crunch collapsing process, into the last Big Bang creating our Universe. Since the author cannot go back and complain to the sixth/fifth dimensions about this ambiguity in his visions, he will have to accept them as they appear and do his best to interpret them. This interpretation may forever be an arbitrary issue, but it does provide the QF-theory with an educated guess explanation for the first creation causes and at the same time the causative for the Special Singularity that originates our current Universe.


The First Event;
First “Half-Event” of the Hypothetical Observation.
The infinite and eternal conditions of absolute rest, absolute symmetry, of the 6th/5th-dimensional virtual reality, which are unified in the Special Singularity and separate in undefined super-space, meta-space dimensions; are about to change. The alone existence of infinity and eternity is about to come to an end. Eternity and infinity is about to start dividing itself into a Universe. However, the amazing thing about this is that it is accomplished without eternity and infinity ceasing to exist. This is the first symmetry break in our creation process. It is a process that alters the quantum dimensional nature of the gravity super-force, or what ever it was that we had decided to call the Special Singularity potential embedded in the middle of eternity.

The first actual event in the sequence of creation now commence at an Imaginary Time of t = -13, which is the same "moment" as the one we earlier viewed the Special Singularity in slides 046, 047 and 048. The none-logic behind this is of course in the fact that all concepts of time are here without a meaning, so our t markers serve only as identification references. It was the V-negative 5th-dimensional pole in the infinity of the vacuum quantum potential that initiated this event when it originally took place, but this happens through the fact that in infinite timelessness anything can and will happen. There exist no ordinary laws of physics to prevent anything from happening, and should some laws of quantum mechanics exist, then these state that all that is not forbidden is allowed. What now takes place is the appearance of a wave in the center of the mass of the Special Singularity and we shall be labeling this wave with the first letter in the word “wave” and will thus be the W-negative wave. Amusingly enough we are not aware of the fact that the late physics Professor Julian Schwinger, had already assigned this label to a theoretical entity in his theoretical electro-weak unification attempts. However, a due reference was taken of its the manifestations of this wave as the W-negative boson in the CERN 1984 electro-weak unification.

This W-negative wave created by the 6th-dimension will now travel omni-directionally outwards from the center of the positive In-dimension and in the history of the Universe it will appear with many different faces in many different rolls, which in turn will make it difficult for us to recognize in the great diversity and complexity of today. We shall be following the evolution of this wave through out the creation of the fundaments of reality and in the end we shall find it as the blueprint for the functional reality of half of the nucleotides in our DNA’s double helix, which will have a very special consequence for our brains. The next QF-Venn diagram shows the birth of the W-negative side of the two inseparable waves that form and hold together all fundamental particles, be they fermions or bosons.

The Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -13.
The Second Frame: #02A Figure 030. 
The Beginning of Creation.

The First Symmetry Break. 
Imaginary Time: t = -13.
054_Part-Two-Figure-049.jpg 055_1-Part-Two-Figure-50.jpg
Figure 049. Figure 050 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 050. SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 050:
055_A-Part-Two-Figure-050.gif Negative event horizon symbol. Its definite creation is by the action of the W-negative quantum wave in the singu- larity and it represents the boundary of In-implicate reality. It is one-half of the event horizon boundary that eventually surrounds the Special Singularity at the onset of the Universe's creation.
W-negative quantum wave symbol. From the W-negative pole in the singularity springs the W-negative spiral spinnor twistor wave of the eventual superstring-membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative source force in magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-negative pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested phenomena, to form a negative event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, becomes the regulative force in the quantification of matter/space/gravity. This is the magnetic monopole and the lepto-quark, which appear in Big Bang mathematics, never having an independent existence. It will produce the down quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-negative boson. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Singularity, Complete Unification Force symbol. Denotes the enormous gravitational Superforce effects, or the In-falling towards a center effects it produces. It is a part of the vacuum quantum potential/virtual energy of dual-polar space inside the event horizon. It is the Superforce that becomes the source of matter through manifestation in Out-unfolded explicate reality. Acting Out of the In-enfolded- implicate reality, through dual and triplicate superstrings, it gives rise to EMF, WNF, SNF and GTF.
Supergravity-field symbol. Spatially manifested In -- Implicate reality. The source reality of everything produced by the interconnection of the W-positive and W-negative waves, to the V-positive and V-negative of space. Possibly first created by quantum fluctuations and now a hand-over from a Big Crunch of a previous Universe.
Out symbol = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, towards it’s event horizon edge. Omni-directional wave- effects from center.
In symbol = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Unidirectional wave-effects relative to the objects center. This is purely a reference for the diagram orientation.

Here it becomes obvious that any two-dimensional presentation of a three dimensional phenomena will always leave something to be desired. For this reason an attempt is made at improving on this deficiency in figures 049 and 050, this by the graphic here in figure 051. This is mainly done in order to give an impression on how the spinnor-twistor-spiral spin characteristics come about. Therefore the graph shows only the arrow-vectors for the W-negative wave.


Figure 051 (addition to figure 050).
The QF-Venn Diagram’s Second Frame:
 #02A in Figure 030. Explicate Quantum
and Rotations (Spiral/-
Twistor) in the Field
of Creation.
Imaginary Time:
t = -13.

We are trying to visualize how the wave, situated in an infinitely curved spatial field, rotates and curves onto itself through the high-speed rotation of the Special Singularity. When the singularity is then eventually and suddenly chopped-up at the Planck Energy/Wall moment of disintegration-creation, this wave will not just be turned into one of the particle’s spin-poles that are responsible for its spin-characteristics but will also produce one of its two magnetic poles and become half of the graviton hidden in the particle. However, the most important and remarkabel Universal nature of the W-negative wave are its "destructive interfearance", or "enthropy properties". This property of the wave comes about through the fact that it is waving OUT from the singulairy's center into producing disintegration separation in the "singular reality" that the W-negative wave reprecents

What ever in the heavens made the 6th-dimensional V-negative pole starts this enormously powerful ultra violet wave going, we have no way of knowing. All we know is that this must have taken place, or we would not exist to be thinking about it. However, this may somehow be related to a similar occurrence in a supernova that is beginning to explode. Seeking reference in physics to describe and label this wave, we come up with numerous combinatory names to describe it. Here are some of our favorite combinations: half-life-spinnor-twistor-spiral, quark-potential. Physicists have found this wave in the Big Bang mathematics and alternatively labeled it lepto-quark or magnetic monopole. However, neither of these has ever been found and according to the QF-theory, will never be found in any experiments.

The Consequences of the
First “Half Event” of a Hypothetical Observation.
The reference is Imaginary Time of t = -13 and if the W-negative wave that has just appeared and which is described in slides 049 and 050 is taking place in vacuum quantum fluctuations, not in a singularity, then this would mean a description of the first creation without previous universes. The other interpretive description offered by slides 049 and 050 is of the wave traversing diametrically opposite to the direction of the inward direction of the Big Crunch Special Singularity which has a specific event horizon spatial boundary.

So what is the
Special Singularity made off? Is it an infinite In-force unification of mass or mass potential, or anti-space/superforce, or force potential, or grand unification force, or super-gravity, or Ylem? Whatever anyone decides to call that “stuff” which was resting so peaceful in such perfect symmetry at the potential beginning of the Universe, in the simplification of the QF-theorizations it will be called the “rainbow stuff”.

What happens with the W-negative wave is that it waves omni-directionally out from the center of the singularity, outwards to its surface. In the case of a singularity with an Event Horizon the QF-theorizations insist that there can be no “Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space” (ICRS) surrounding it unless a complimentary W-positive wave is present in order for the singularity to “tell” space to curve itself. This may not be the case with the initial beginning of creation taking place in quantum fluctuations in super-space or meta-space. However, with the
Special Singularity this is the main mystery of the QF-theorizations for the initial conditions of the Universe, but they do become resolved with the definite appearance of a second positive wave and an Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (ICRS) with an Event Horizon, in the Fourth Frame, figure 056 on page 208.

The nature of the wave is termed negative and in both cases its origins are in one of the virtual matter/energy poles of the vacuum quantum potential in the super-space or meta-space surrounding the
Special Singularity, which will eventually correspond to the V-negative poles of the space in our Universe. This is the birth of a new force, which in co-existence with an other force (appearing at the same no-time), is to be a part of the permanent nature of all matter fields (fermions), or particles, as well as interaction energy fields/quanta (bosons). This is the moment of the birth, of the W-negative quantum waves and at the same no-time, the very initiation of creation itself, irrespective whether it takes place in the Special Singularity, or in the original super-space or meta-space quantum fluctuations. This wave-fluctuation now grows and--along with its eventual counterpart--will form the matter in the Universe from which we are made of. We do not know which case scenario is applicable, but the most interesting aspect of this is that we do not need to know it.

The Second Event;
Second “Half Event” of a Hypothetical Observation.
The infinite and eternal conditions of absolute rest, absolute symmetry, of the 6th/5th-dimensional virtual reality, which are unified in the Special Singularity and separate in undefined super-space, meta-space dimensions have been broken. The second actual event in the sequence of creation now commences at an Imaginary Time of t = -12, but as stated earlier, the precise moment of the occurrence of this event is at the same no-time as the previous first event. This is the second half of the first symmetry break in our creation process that alters the dimensional nature of the super-gravity force of the Special Singularity . Next is a SCSC slide showing this in explicate cutaway zoom-in mode.

We now have the appearance of the second half of creation initiation, or the half-life spiral-twistor-membrane quantum-wave. In case of the
Special Singularity--in contrast to the W-negative wave, this wave begins at the outer boundary of the, or its Event Horizon on the ICRS which if it did not exists previously will appear now. It may also bee seen as the negative wave fluctuation continuing and reversing itself at the Event Horizon surface of the Special Singularity's. The wave travels in the same direction as the inward direction of the superforce or super-gravity, omni-directionally-In to the center of the sphere. The nature of the wave is termed positive and it adds a new quantum-dimension, or a new permanent nature to the superforce, or super-gravity as it existed previously in the Special Singularity. This wave is to become a new force, which in coexistence with the W-negative wave is to be a part of the permanent nature of all matter fields (fermions) or particles, as well as interaction energy field quanta (bosons). This is the W-positive quantum wave. It will later become better known as the mother/father to a part of the quantum-waves of the nucleons, or one of the quarks of the nucleons, and one half of the strong nuclear force, which means a weak nuclear force. As the W-positive wave later appears in the particle zoo of the physicists, this will be found in different forms/strength and disguises. We later learn that it corresponds to the W-positive boson produce in the electro-weak unification. As far as concerns our use of the concept of Imaginary Time, this wave actually appears at the same no-time as the previous W-negative wave.

As was the case with the
W-negative wave, this wave received its W-positive label independent from–and ignorant of–the labels used by Professor Julian Schwinger in the evolution of the electro-weak theorizations.

The Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -12.
The Third Frame: #03A in Figure 030. The Continued Quantum-Wave Fluctuations. Imaginary Time: t = -12.
057_Part-Two-Figure-052.jpg 058_1-Part-Two-Figure-053.jpg
Figure 052. Figure 053 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 053. SCSC in implicate
internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 053:
058_A-Part-Two-Figure-053.gif Negative event horizon symbol. Its definite creation is by the action of the W-negative quantum wave in the singu- larity and it represents the boundary of In-implicate reality. It is one-half of the event horizon boundary that eventually surrounds the Special Singularity at the onset of the creation of the Universe.
Singularity, Complete Unification Force symbol. It denotes the enormous gravitational Superforce effects, or the In-falling towards a center effects it produces. It is a part of the vacuum quantum potential/virtual energy of dual-polar space inside the event horizon. It is the Superforce that will become the source of matter through manifestation in Out-unfolded explicate reality. Acting Out of the In-enfolded- implicate reality, through dual and triplicate superstrings, it gives rise to EMF, WNF, SNF and GTF.
W-positive quantum wave symbol. From the W-positive pole in the singularity springs the W-positive spiral-spinnor- twistor wave of the eventual superstring-membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative-source force in magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-positive pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested phenomena, to form a positive event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, becomes the regulative force in the quantification of matter/space/gravity. This is the magnetic monopole and lepto-quark, which appear in Big Bang mathematics never having independent existence. It will produce up quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-positive boson. It is one of two wave functions carrying interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Supergravity-field symbol. Spatially manifested In -- Impli- cate reality. The source reality of everything produced by the interconnection of the W-positive and W-negative waves, to the V-positive and V-negative of space. Possibly first created by quantum fluctuations and now a hand-over from a Big Crunch of a previous Universe.
Out symbol = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, toward it’s event horizon edge. Omni-direct- ional wave-effects from center. 
In symbol = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Unidirectional wave-effects relative to the center.

Again we are reminded of the drawbacks of two-dimensional presentation of three-dimensional phenomena and have thus again made an attempt at improving on this deficiency in figures 052 and 053, this by the graphic in figure 054, here, two pages later. As for figure 050, this is done in order to give an impression on how the spin characteristics come about. The graph thus only shows the arrow-vectors for the W-positive wave.


Figure 054 (addition to figure 053).
The QF-Venn Diagram’s Third Frame:
#03A in Figure 030. The Implicate Quantum
Fluctuation and Rotations (Spiral/-
Twistor) in the
Field of Creation.
Imaginary Time:
t = -12.

As with the W-negative wave this W-positive wave is now rotating and curving onto itself through the high-speed rotation of the Special Singularity and when it eventually and suddenly is chopped-up at the Planck Energy/Wall moment of disintegration-creation, this wave will not just be turned into one of the particle’s spin-poles that are responsible for its spin-characteristics but will also produce the other  of its two magnetic poles and become half of the graviton hidden in the particle. Again the most important and remarkabel Universal nature of the
W-positive wave will be its "constructive interfearance", or "negaitve enthropy property". This property of the wave comes about through the fact that it is waving IN towards the singulairy's center into producing integration unity in the "plural reality" that the W-positive wave reprecents

The oscillations in the mass potential of what used to be the Special Singularity are now felt outwards to the event horizon which has by now definitely been established. The Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (ICRS); the potential: False Vacuum, or Higg’s Field, or Negative Gravity Field, around the Special Singularity are now held in the infinitely curved shape by the grips of its anti-space rainbow stuff mass. From now the
W-positive, W-negative quantum waves, will–as long as the Universe exists–give mass to the fermions while at the same time they represent the equivalent of the massless, spin 2, hypothetical particle the physicists call the gravitons. This means that they will be the source of two out of three quarks in the baryons, and both of the two quarks in the mesons.

The Consequences of the
Second “Half Event” of a Hypothetical Observation.
The reference is Imaginary Time t = -12 and if the W-positive wave that has just appeared and which is described in slides 052 and 053 is taking place in vacuum quantum fluctuations, not in a singularity, then this would mean a description of the first creation without previous universes. The other interpretive description offered by slides 052 and 053 is of the wave traversing inward from the Special Singularity's specific event horizon spatial boundary, parallel to the inward direction of the Big Crunch formed infinite In-force-unification of mass, or mass potential, or anti-space/superforce, or force potential, or Ylem, or just rainbow stuff as the QF-theory likes to call it.

As the W-positive wave is waving omni-directionally in from the Event Horizon of the singularity's, inwards to its center, in unison with its complimentary W-negative wave, an Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (ICRS) will be formed extending from the singularity to the event horizon. This may not be the case with the initial beginning of creation taking place in quantum fluctuations in super-space or meta-space. However, with the Special Singularity this is the main mystery of the QF-theorizations for the initial conditions of the Universe, but they do become resolved with the definite appearance of a second positive wave and an Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (ICRS) with an Event Horizon, in the Fourth Frame, figure 056 on page 208.

The nature of the wave is termed positive and in both cases its origins are in one of the virtual matter/energy poles of the vacuum quantum potential in the super-space or meta-space surrounding the Special Singularity, which will eventually correspond to the V-positive poles of the space in our Universe. This is the birth of a new force, which in co-existence with the other force (appearing at the same no-time), is to be a part of the permanent nature of all matter fields (fermions), or particles, as well as interaction energy fields/quanta (bosons). This is the moment of the birth, of the W-positive quantum waves and at the same no-time, the very initiation of creation itself, irrespective whether it takes place in the Special Singularity, or in the original super-space or meta-space quantum fluctuations. This wave-fluctuation now grows and--along with its W-negative counterpart--will form the matter in the Universe from which we are made of. As before, we do not know which case scenario is applicable, but the most interesting aspect of this is that we do not need to know it, but the important part we need to know is that interaction of the W-negative and the W-positive waves in the singularity are now extending into the dual V±-poles of the surrounding space cause the infinite curvature. What is even better is the suggestion that the rainbow stuff mass in the singularity is created out of an infinite number of such V±-poles.

Later in the QF-theorizations we come to the realization that this wave is not only the complimentary part of the weak-nuclear force–the missing half of the weak forces parity–but at the same time the half of the matter manifestation of the origin of the gravitational force, the graviton. We further discover that this is the matter compliment of the much disputed fifth force; The Life Force. Two famous observable manifestation of this force are in the energy state presented in the red color of the rainbow and in the matter state, in one of the IN-(up)-quarks in the hadrons. The complimentary spatial vacuum quantum potential, virtual energy or virtual reality side of this force is uncontrollable by Man and requires a special state or condition of the human nerve system in order for it to be sensed by humans. This state becomes pathologically manifested in psychiatric illnesses, but healthy in what is called enlightenment. It is the connection between, implicate reality manifested in matter and the non-manifested 6th-dimensional implicate spatial reality. Part III presents the QF-theory view for this relationship and its interactions.

The QF-theory further claims that this W-positive wave will in all the coming future of the Universe carry with it a constructive attribute and manifest as the Missing Arrow of Time. It is the arrow of time that runs contrary to entropy producing negative entropy, and that through its manifestation in the bosons–primarily the photon in the electromagnetic field–it will become the cause for the manifestation of the complex molecules which physically manifest life. It will bring about the hitherto unexplained self-organizing abilities of inanimate atoms, or the order in the chaos, which at the end of the twentieth century was being discovered and which much is being written about. This wave has further to do with the sought after Laws of Complexity, which will eventually explain the causes for the mysterious order in the chaos.

These are all questions of primary interest to humanity, particularly in connection with the numerous questions regarding life and its future. These are not only the riddles regarding the management of the DNA and its specialization, integration and morphogenesis attributes but further with numerous unanswered questions about the biosphere. Questions which may–as indicated before–easily be crucial in the selecting the options, Man may have to secure his future. This means the future of life on the planet.

The attempted written description of these events in a manner that the average human being may understand them is truly difficult, particularly since the human brain’s ability for visualizations is currently restricted. The solution is in the SCSC camera and the slide-pictures it produces of the invisible fundamental particles and their innards in the form of the QF-Venn diagrams. Without these, the courage required for undertaking these attempts at describing the events of creation, would not be attainable for the author. With them the impossible becomes possible and even entertaining.

Speculations on the Third Event;
“Combination Event” of a Hypothetical Observation.
The condition of absolute symmetry of the superforce, or super-gravity, is now momentarily restored, but we still have conditions of infinite pressure at the center of the new phenomena that is the Special Singularity, which together with its surrounding ICRS is an individual In-implicate-enfolded reality of super-space or meta-space. The dual quantum wave functions have altered permanently the dimensional nature of the superforce, or super-gravity and the third event in the no-time sequence of creation now commence at an Imaginary Time of t = -11. At this stage further speculations on the original creation quantum fluctuations are abandoned as they would have to have reached them same state as the Special Singularity is now. We begin our observation by taking a slide picture with the SCSC in the explicate cutaway mode.

The phenomena of two diametrically opposite waves, one negative traveling from the center to the surface and the other, a positive one traveling from the surface to the center, represents the end of the first symmetry break. Both of the waves are operating to overtake the infinitely strong gravitational force directed from the surface to the center producing an asymmetrical condition and the whole of the phenomena becomes like a highly unstable neutron although its diameter is many times shorter than that of the neutron. The vibrations of the quantum-wave fluctuations are like those of the neutron’s, though there may be no magnetic field associated with it due to the enormity of the attraction force of the surrounding space. The internal symmetry of the phenomenon is fast becoming extremely unstable and may be ruptured at any moment.

We begin our observation by taking a slide picture of what is taking place with the SCSC in the explicate mode.

The Symbolic-Graphical Expression for the Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -11.
Figure 055. Figure 056 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-symbolic mode.

A Symbolic Expression for the
Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -11.
The Fourth Frame: #04A Figure 030. The Climax of the Quantum-Wave Oscillation. Imaginary Time: t = -11.
060_Part-Two-Figure-055-B.jpg 061_1-Part-Two-Figure-056.jpg
Figure 055. Figure 056 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 056. SCSC in implicate
internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 056:
061_A-Part-Two-Figure-056.gif Neutral event horizon symbol. Its definite creation is by the wave action of the W-positive and W-negative quantum waves in the singularity, and it represents the boundary of In-implicate reality. This is the whole of the formation of the event horizon boundary of the Special Singularity at the onset of the two quantum-waves that initiate the creation of the Universe.
W-negative quantum wave symbol. From the W-negative pole in the singularity springs the W-negative spiral- spinnor-twistor wave of the eventual superstring- membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative-source force in magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-negative pole of vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested pheno- mena to form a negative event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, becomes the regulative force in the quantification of matter/space/gravity. This is the magnetic monopole and the lepto-quark, which appear in Big Bang mathematics, never having an independent existence. It will produce the down quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-negative boson. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Singularity, Complete Unification Force symbol. It denotes the enormous gravitational Superforce effects, or the In-falling towards a center effect it produces. A part of the vacuum quantum potential/virtual energy of dual-polar space inside the event horizon. The Superforce that becomes the source of matter through manifestation in Out-unfolded-explicate reality. Acting Out of the In-enfolded-implicate reality, through dual and triplicate super-strings, it gives rise to EMF, WNF, SNF and GTF.
W-positive quantum wave symbol. From the W-positive pole in the singularity springs the W-positive spiral-spinnor- twistor wave of the eventual superstring-membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative- source force in magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-positive pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested phenomena, to form a positive event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, becomes the regulative force in the quantification of matter/space/gravity. This is the magnetic monopole and the lepto-quark, which appear in Big Bang mathematics never having an independent existence. It will produce the up quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-positive boson. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Supergravity-field symbol. Spatially manifested In--Implicate reality. The source reality of everything produced by the interconnection of W-positive and W-negative waves, to the V-positive and V-negative of space. Possibly first created by quantum fluctuations and now a hand-over from a Big Crunch of a previous Universe.
Out symbol = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, toward it’s edge, or event horizon. Omni-directional wave-effects from center.
In symbol = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Unidirectional wave-effects relative to the objects center. – This is purely a reference for the diagram orientation.

The oscillations and rotations of the W-negative and W-positive are likely to be quite rapid, but the details of this we need not know since all we are after is the general nature of the reality of the events of creation. The precise calculations of this may be left to the membrane physicists. However, at times--while going through these analyzes---all this becomes quite far out in relation to reality as we are experiencing it now. No wonder that there come moments when the author is on the verge of abandoning these strange contemplations. What again and again saves him here is his faith in the QF-Venn diagram, but this renders him capable of continuing these, mildly put, semi-surrealistic speculations. By now we have become well conscious of the association between the ideas behind the W-negative and W-positive quantum waves and the Yin and Yang analogies of the oriental cultures. Although this is not the tradition of physics, it gives a simplistic view into this work and has to do with our sense of beauty. The precise no-time occurrence of these events, are still of no interest to us since the purpose of these speculations is still to “see”--at the end of these wildest of speculations--what we come up with in the form of information concerning the nature of reality. – Our fifth/sixth-dimensional guide interrupts our staring at the invisible nothing, suggesting that we look at the QF-Venn diagram in figure 055 and “see” the Taoist expression for these forbidden speculations. It is no coincidence that this grandest of all phenomena is described as the only describable part of the Great Tao.

As before we have made an attempt at improving on the descriptive insufficiency in figure 056, this by the graphic in figure 057. As in figures 051 and 054, we do this to giving a better insight into the creation of the particle’s twistor, spiral or spin characteristics. The graph shows the arrow-vectors for the
W-negative and W-positive waves and thus presents an additional simplistic insight into the simple events in progression. These two waves will be the backbone of everything in that exists in the Universe in the form of matter or energy, for as long as it exists.


Figure 057 (addition to figure 056).
The QF-Venn Diagram’s Fourth Frame:
#04A in Figure 030. The Explicate-Implicate
Fluctuations and Rotations
(Spiral/Twistor), in the
Field of Creation.
Imaginary Time:
t = -11.

Speculations on the Consequences of the
“Combination Event” of a Hypothetical Observation.
The W-negative and the W-positive forces are now having their field day, or should we say, eternal night. The conditions in and surrounding the Special Singularity described by figure 056 are now the definite state of affairs required for the QF-theorizations to be viable. This is the state that cancels all the paradoxes and ambiguities discussed here in Part Two, chapter one First Division and chapter two Second Division, regarding the initial conditions of the Universe. This is a singularity of infinite density and pressure, with two opposed quantum waves extending into the 5th/6th-dimensional virtual reality dual V±-poles of the surrounding space, creating the Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (ICRS), along with its Event Horizon. At the disintegration at the Planck Energy this will turn the ICRS into "False Vacuum", or "Zero Value Higg’s Field", or "Negative Gravity Field" without which we wont’ have any nucleons and no Universe.

This mass-potential of the momentary existing neutron like object, is in all probability less than a Plank Length  of
cm. 10-34 across, may also bee seen as a monstrous vacuum quantum potential in the form of a triplet-membrane bubble. This means:

0, cm.

The very thought that the goal of all these analysis is to find just one brain-state, just one thought, which is described in the nature of one event that last for an almost infinitesimal short second fraction of the creation process, is somewhat shocking. This is certainly something extraordinary indeed, since it is all for the purpose of discovering the nature of just one event during the so-called GUT-era of the physicists. An era that spans about 1/ part of a second and which in the QF-theory does not exist as such since it does not sustain a Grand Unification of the three forces of electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. The theory can only sustain unification of all the four forces, or electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force and gravity, but the brilliant Nobel physicist Professor Steven Weinberg has expressed his concern that this may well be the only unification possible.

The knowledge that is sought in the physicist's GUT-era covers a time-span that at the best can contain just one “quanta of thought”. How can this short a message contain information of such importance as some of the physicists are suggesting? Here the results of Einstein’s just one quanta of thought thinking may have producing the E = mc2 equation. The dance of the mother and the father waves of the W-positive and the W-negative quantum waves will continue from now on for as long as the Universe exists. Since the W-positive and W-negative waves are created out of the respective spatial V±-poles, their reality will continue to extend into space producing the extended electro-magnetic field, as well as forming the gravitons through which they produce the gravitational curvature field in space.

To sum up the events whose description has been attempted here in the first two chapters of Part II, then the preferred version would be that of an initiation in a Special Singularity with an event horizon. This Special Singularity has its origin in an chain manifestation of unknown number of previous Universes whose matter mass is initially created through quantum fluctuations and out of an infinite number of spatial V±-poles, manifesting the rainbow stuff which everything material is made of.

Well then!–Our creation guide advises that we are once again rapidly arriving at our next Imaginary Time border or the t = -10, so let’s “see” what we got; Yes, it is still dark. It’s indeed dancing in the dark. The situation is highly unstable and some-thing big is about to happen. The star of our show, the Seed of the Universe, is about to begin to bang it-self. This is the end of the disturbance of the nothing, and the effects of the up-sets, are that; the sleeping beauty awakens, but here we no doubt will be moving into a different kind of scenario. This means that we shall soon be having our second symmetry break, but this will have to be quite a spectacle. New Year’s Eve in Scotland, or 4th of July in Disney World won’t be anything in comparison. – Yes indeed, next then begins the real relation;

                                          The Third Division;
                                  Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and
                                              Eighth Film Slide Frames.


Part Two, Chapter Three


The Third Division

The Beginning of the Birth of Time
The Beginning of the Creation-Process
The Quantification of Matter/Energy-Space/Gravity


And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good:
and God divided the light from the darkness.

                 Moses: Genesis 134

If forced to give it a name, I shall call it ‘Great.’ Being

great implies reaching out into space, Reaching out into
space implies far-reaching,...

                                                                                     Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching XXV


Entry Speculations on the
State of the Hypothetical Observation.
The hypothetical observation in slide #04A, figure 054, is to represent the Special Singularity, that is the remains of the last Universe collapsed in a Big Crunch. The singularity has by now a definite dual-polar event horizon and is thus surrounded (according to relativity) by an infinitely curved space. This means that the Infinitely Curved Relativistic Space (IRCS) is composed of the dual-polar vacuum quantum potential: the V-negative and V-positive. It is this part within the Special Singularity’s event horizon, which represents an infinite amount of potential mass/energy.

Our hypothetical observation of the Special Singularity continues where it is sitting in the dark. It is now in a state of extraordinary unstable symmetry, with infinite positive internal pressure (+). The instability is due to the asymmetry between the two W±-waves. Still no time exists, no independent particles exist apart from the “thing” itself. The W±-waves, are furiously effecting the state of the surrounding space, but through their interaction with the V-positive and the V-negative inside the event horizon, this is what creates the infinitely curved space; The ICRS whose dimensions we do not know. The unstable, momentary symmetry of the seed at the center of the phenomena is ready for its second symmetry-break. This time, a symmetry-break in the whole of the anti-space mass, or rainbow stuff. A symmetry break, which will initially cause the singularity to expand, then to go through a quantification disintegration that includes the surrounding space. The subject of this chapter is an attempted description of this. Here we continue to ignore the angular momentum of the individual spin-states of the potential quanta, which is the Special Singularity as a whole. This will be incorporated in our analysis, after the quantification disintegration at the Planck Energy at Imaginary Time of t = -07 or Second 10-43.

The Forth Event in the Process of Creation:
We have arrived at the forth event in the manifestation of creation, and come to the Imaginary Time of t = -10. Whether there is much heat, we do not know, but there are no particles moving about, only waves waving at gargantuan speeds. What is now of the foremost interest is that the dual asymmetric W±-waves have gobbled up–or become–the super-gravity in the singularity. The W-positive, and W-negative waves which have opposite properties and directions, will have to create a compromise between them. This will be in the form of an interference-wave that will have only one way to wave and that is OUT from the center. This is the Z-negative wave that represents the magic of the actual beginning of The Birth of Time, which causes an expansion process to begin to take place in the Special Singularity. This will further lead to an additional imbalance in the potential zero-energy state of the V-positive and V-negative virtual energy of the surrounding infinitely curved space. The asymmetric W±-waves continue to expand the whole of the phenomena into the surrounding infinitely curved relativistic space, the ICRS, which continues to push against the singularity, holding it in the grips of super-gravity. The applicable film frame is 05A on the next page presenting Imaginary Time of t = -10 and showing the beginning of the expansion of the SS and the appearance of the new wave.

This new wave now begins to produce the phenomena of the; The Arrow of Time, which we shall from now on be calling the Temporal Arrow of Time, or TAT in order to distinguish it from yet another time arrow; the Spatial Arrow of Time, or the SAT. The TAT-arrow, or the Z-negative wave is the beginning of the third string-membrane wave that will be the main mass-carrier in all the leptons in the Universe and will eventually be the main detectable part of these particles. For these phenomena we are quite happy with the terminology of; The Beginning of the Birth of Time, but this emergence of the Temporal Arrow of Time is thus the grand beginning of everything.

The event began with the second internal symmetry break, which is caused by the asymmetry in the W±-waves functions. Here we do know the reason for the cause for this event and can trace it to the first causes for which we have partial explanations. However, we shall later discover that our brains are really wired to deal with events that are without apparent causes such as those physics calls random or statistical events. These are the mysterious Jamais vu and Déjà vu centers of the brain which are generally not working correctly in modern Man. If they were, we would be describing the indescribably forceful radiation that is here about to begin to take place, in pure anthropological terms. We might be using descriptions such as; “Radiation of Love”, or something equally dubious, or potentially outrageous. Well! We shall stop trying to describe what we can’t describe and seek refuge in the fast increasing mystery of the simplicity of the QF-Venn diagram.

The Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -10.
The Fifth Frame: #05A in Figure 030. The Initiation of the Second
Rupture of Symmetry. 
Imaginary Time: t = -10.
063_Part-Two-Figure-058.jpg 064_1-Part-Two-Figure-059.jpg
Figure 058. Figure 059 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 059. SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 059, 061, & 063:
064_A-Part-Two-Figure-059.gif Negative event horizon symbol. This is the interaction domi- nating negative half of the event horizon. It is the equivalent of a closed string loop part of the W-negative wave that forms the outer boundary of Out-explicate unfolded reality. It cannot exist alone without its complimentary W-positive wave.
Positive event horizon symbol. This is the interaction sup- porting positive half of the event horizon. It is the equivalent of a closed string loop part of the W-positive wave that forms the outer boundary of In-implicate enfolded reality. It cannot exist alone without its complimentary W-negative wave.
W-negative quantum wave symbol. This is now the W-nega- tive spiral-spinnor-twistor wave of the eventual superstring- membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative- source fore the WNF and magn- etism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-negative pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested phenomena, to form a negative event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, the regulative force in the quantification of matter-space-gravity. It will produce the down quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-negative boson never having an independent existence. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Temporal Arrow of Time (TAT) symbol. This is Birth of the Temporal Arrow of Time, the negative quantum wave that follows the Zero line of light. It will be the primary cause for mass, the electric force,  Coulomb's Law and manifest The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (Arrow of Time). It will produce either up quarks or down quarks in baryons.
W-positive quantum wave symbol. This is now the W-positive spiral- spinnor-twistor wave of the eventual superstring- membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative- source fore the WNF and magn- etism that corresponds to–and is a part of–the reality of the V-positive pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It will eventually curve matter and space of all manifested phenomena, to form a positive event horizon, and with its co-existing wave, the regulative force in the quantification of matter-space-gravity. It will produce the up quarks in nucleons and appear as the W-positive boson never having an independent existence. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities.
Supergravity-field symbol. Spatially manifested In -- Implicate reality. The source reality of everything produced by the interconnection of the W-positive and W-negative waves, to the V-positive and V-negative of space.
Out = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, towards it’s edge, or event horizon. Omni-directional wave-effects from center.
In = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Uni-directional wave-effects relative to the object's center.

Fifth and Sixth Events in the First Second.
The next two QF-Venn-diagrams and their complimentary explicate slides show progression of the Special Singularity’s expansion.

The Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -09.
The Sixth Frame: #06A in Figure 030. The Continuation of the Expansion Rupture of Symmetry.  Imaginary Time: t = -09.
065_Part-Two-Figure-060.jpg 066_Part-Two-Figure-061.jpg
Figure 060 (external “cutaway” of fig.  061 showing the vacuum- quantum potential V-poles as in fig. 027. (SCSC explicate zoom-in cutaway mode)
Figure  061 showing the vacuum- quantum potential V-pole symbols as in figure 027.
(SCSC in implicate field mode)

Symbols for Figure 061 & 063, same as Figure 059.

Later it becomes clear that the field distributions shown by the opposed movements of the rings in the QF-Venn diagrams, from Figure 059 to Figure 082, are expressing the spatial extension of the W±-waves in the leptons. The further the rings are apart, the more spatially “smeared out” the particle. The opposite page shows Figure 062 and in Figure 063 we have the QF-Venn diagram’s Seventh Frame: #07A in Figure 030. This shows the Special Singularity expanding to momentary restoration of symmetry at the Imaginary Time of: t = -08, or Second 10-44. As is the case with all QF-Venn diagrams, these are portrayed from two different angles of analyzes. Externally = the explicate view. Internally = the implicate view.

The Special Singularity at 
Imaginary Time: t = -08.
The Seventh Frame: #07A Figure 030. Continuation of the Expansion Rupture of Symmetry.  Imaginary Time: t = -08.
067_Part-Two-Figure-062.jpg 068_1-Part-Two-Figure-063.jpg
Figure 062. Figure 063 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 063. SCSC in implicate
internal-field mode.

Symbols for Figure 062:
Manifestation of TM = Time.
Manifestation of MA = Mass.
Manifestation of MO = Momentum.
In Taoism this is: “The named Part of the TAO.”
The QF-Venn diagrams shown in figures 059, 061 and 063 show, for the first “time,” the beginning of

The Birth of the Arrow of Time

The Infinitely Curved Relativistic
Space (ICRS) Just Prior to the Disintegration.
We are still at Imaginary Time of t = -08 and now take the SCSC out of the zoom mode to look at the singularity and its surroundings.

The Special Singularity and it’s surrounding Space at:
 Imaginary Time:
t = -08.
The Space surrounding the expanding Special Singularity prior to its Disin- tegration at the Planck Time/Energy of Second 10-44.
Seventh Frame: #07B in Figure 030.
069_Part-Two-Figure-064.jpg 070_1-Part-Two-Figure-065.jpg
Figure 064. Figure 065 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 065. SCSC in implicate
internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols for Figure 065:
070_A-Part-Two-Figure-065.gif V- = Negative Pole: Negative vacuum quantum potential,- virtual energy of space. This is the 6th QF-dimension.
V+= Positive Pole: Positive vacuum quantum potential,- virtual energy of space. This is the 5th QF-dimension.

Figure 065 is the sixth QF-Venn diagram showing the state of the spatial vacuum quantum potential, dual V±-polar, virtual energy, 6th and 5th dimensions, implicate reality of space. Each of these two dimensions further offers infinite spatial dimensional possibilities, which show up in the mathematics of super symmetry and superstring theorizations.

What we have been observing is the continued expansion of the singularity, and when we look at the QF-Venn diagram, we can see in what direction things are evolving. The continued collapse of the internal symmetry continues sending increasing vibrations through the surrounding infinitely curved relativistic space (the ICRS), which by now is about to become a candidate for most important phenomena. This is known as the False Vacuum, or Higg’s Field, or a Negative Gravity Field; the field inside the Special Singularity’s event horizon. We almost forgot. What has happened is that the event horizon has split in two, with an outer layer field (bubble) with a negative event horizon emerging (Figures 059 to 063). This took place with the appearance of the Temporal Arrow of Time.

Let’s look at the “global” situation in figure 065, at Imaginary Time of t = -08. Yes, we can see where all this is going to lead to. The Special Singularity is getting ready to break-apart (be quantified) as soon as the negative event horizon, shown in the QF-Venn diagram for Second 10-44 in figure 063, passes through the center of the positive one. A third kind of momentary symmetry–to be followed by a “quantification symmetry-break”–is rapidly being arrived at, as time goes through the half halfway mark of its own creation. We can see that something quite remarkable is about to take place since light is just about to achieve its initial manifestation, and so is heat. It appears that Newton’s First Law is riding on The Arrow of Time, along with The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and so are WE. We can see that we won’t have to wait long for things to begin to heat-up a little. In addition to the observation of the enormous expansion in progress, we are now coming to the far side, or the inside of the ultimatum of the Universe; the Planck Wall.

The sensation of beauty these contemplations evoke cannot be helped. The main thing of interest in the surrounding ICRS, inside the event horizon, is the state of the V-negative and V-positive vacuum quantum potential-virtual energy of space. The horrendous vibrations in the Z-negative wave and the W± spinnor-twistor-spiral waves, are being felt throughout the whole of the Special Singularity’s spatial extension; the ICRS. The Figures 066 for t = 069 and 068 for t = 071 are intended to represent the last moments before and after the quantification.

The Events at the Planck Energy.
We are riding on the growing Temporal Arrow of Time, and we have arrived at the Planck Energy. This is indeed interesting, especially since our observation, the Special Singularity is not being smeared-out by quantum uncertainty and is not a just a tendency for creation, but quite a positive one as verified by our existence. The Temporal Arrow of Time is now about to experience some crucial changes. Again we zoom-in with the SCSC in order to have a last look at the Special Singularity just before it disintegrates.

We saw in figure 064 and 065 how the force of gravity is manifested in the curvature of the surrounding space and how it is holding its own in this tug of war, maintaining its push against the high density mass of the Special Singularity, even though everything is expanding. This is what the author believes to represent the last moment of Complete Unification, the ultimate dream of the physicists. Through-out the QF-theorizations the forces of nature are really of two–basically different–origins, which we, now observe for the last no-time (time does not exist) as unified. The Venn diagram on the opposite page represents anti-space and actual-space unified as one for the last time in this Universe, but this is a matter of analogy and viewpoints how we actually regard them, as being one, or as two connected phenomena.

The creation of the Z-negative membrane mass-wave--the independent membrane wave--and the gargantuan expansion of the
Special Singularity, has been taking place at the expense of the mass-strength of the W±-membrane spinnor-twistor-spiral waves. The two forces, the Z-negative membrane mass-wave, and the W-negative complimentary-membrane spinnor-twistor-spiral wave are now acting in opposition to spatial gravity. They are obviously in excess to the sum of the W-positive and Gravitation. To show by accelerator collision experiments that these four forces of nature originated in one force, we would need about ten million billion billion eVolts (1027 eV or 1018 GeV), which is an energy which men will never achieve.

A very special state of symmetry is now momentarily achieved as the explicate-negative event horizon goes through the center of the implicate field. Once it traverses the center, the quantification disintegration takes place, but this is the physical beginning of the Big Bang. Here we come to a most important realization. This is the awareness of the fact that after the disintegration, the nature of each of the debris of the singularity will continue to be the same as for the whole phenomena, but not the surrounding ICRS.

The seventh event in the sequence of creation at Imaginary Time; t = -07, is in the transition of the physicist’s
Second 10-43. This is the Planck Energy and now the Special Singularity breaks into tiny bits; it quantifies, and so does the surrounding space, thus making creation of the nucleons possible. This is the unfolding of the Universe, the beginning of the unfolding of you and me. So far we have most unscrupulously been getting around all problems with the breakdown of general relativity, fine tuning of the symmetry breaks, and quantum smear-outs. This we owe to the QF-Venn diagram that on the next page shows us what is taking place with the whole of the phenomenon, as well as with each of the individual quantified bits.

The QF-Venn Diagram’s Eighth Frame: #08A in Figure 030.
 The Moment of the Big Bang.
Transcending of Symmetry-Quantification Disintegration-Fission.
Imaginary Time: t = -07.

The Special Singularity just before its
Disintegration at the Planck Time.
Imaginary Time of: t = -069.
The Planck Energy/Time 
Second 10-43
Commencement of the Big Bang.
071_Part-Two-Figure-066.jpg 072_1-Part-Two-Figure-067.jpg
Figure 066. Figure 067 external just before the Big Bang. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 067. SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 067:
072_A-Part-Two-Figure-067.gif Negative event horizon symbol. This is the interaction dominating negative half of the event horizon. It is a closed string/string loop of the "half-reality" of the W-negative wave forming the outer boundary of Out-explicate unfolded reality. It cannot exist independently without its complimentary W-positive wave Eh.
Positive event horizon symbol. This is the interaction supporting positive half of the event horizon. It is a closed string/string loop of the "half-reality" of the W-positive wave forming the outer boundary of In-implicate-enfolded reality. It cannot exist independently without its complimentary W-negative wave Eh.
W-negative quantum wave symbol. This is the Out waving W-negative spiral-spinnor-twistor wave of the eventual superstring-membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative-source fore the WNF and magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of the reality of the V-negative pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It produces down-quarks in nucleons and appears as the W-negative boson. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities. It cannot exist independently without its complementary half of a W-positive wave.
Manifestation symbol: TM = Time. MA = Mass. MO = Momentum. Temporal Arrow of Time (TAT) symbol: The negative quantum wave that follows the Zero line of light. It will be the primary cause for mass, the electric force and Coulomb's Law. It will produce either up quarks or down quarks. It cannot exist without the company of the W-negative and the W-positive spiral-spinnor- twistor waves.
W-positive quantum wave symbol. This is the In waving W-negative spiral-spinnor-twistor wave of the eventual superstring-membranes. It is the half of what will give rise to matter and depending on where it will be located, the different forces of nature. It is the causative-source fore the WNF and magnetism that corresponds to–and is a part of the reality of the V-positive pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space. It produces up quarks in nucleons and appears as the W-positive boson. It is one of two wave functions that carry interactions between explicate and implicate realities. It cannot exist independently without its complementary half of the W-negative wave.
Quantified gravity symbol. It denotes that the field inside the circles is a quantum gravitational field representing the graviton. This configuration represents the Out-explicate- unfolded reality of lepton gravitons.
Out = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center towards it’s edge, or event horizon. Omni-directional wave-effects from center.
In = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Uni-directional wave-effects relative to the objects center.

After the Disintegration of the Special Singularity and the surrounding Space at the Planck Time.
Imaginary Time of: t = -071.
Figure 068. Figure 067 external just after the Big Bang. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-symbolic mode.

The Quantification of Matter/Energy.
At the moment we shoot through the Planck Energy the negative event horizon passes through the center of the positive one and the quantification of matter/energy takes place and the first numerical constant of the Universe is written. This is the Planck Constant. This is the incredibly small, but never the less, incredibly important and famous h = 6.6 x 10-34 wat/second constant. It is this measurement that showed the world for the first time that energy is not continuous, but comes in distinct sizes, packages or quantities.

The diameter of the seed of creation, the expanded and altered Special Singularity at the moment of quantification, is of course not known, but as we look at the quantification of space, we shall see suggestions that point to a diameter of cm 10-13 (see figure 066). What we know, however, is that now the Special Singularity disintegrates into quanta whose diameter we do not know either, but which we suspect may be the Planck Length of centimeter 10-34, and which when fully expanded will be cm 10-16. What is further taking place is that at this time–primarily Imaginary Time/partially Actual Time–the W±-membrane spinnor-twistor-spiral waves, now–quite abruptly–lets go its collective grip of the complimentary V-negative and the V-positive poles in the surrounding ICRS and reduce it to and individual particle grip. Through this the ICRS will now partake in the explosion through an actual manifestation of the quantification of matter/energy and virtual quantification of space/gravity, but this process may well be the greatest marvel in all of the creation process.

Through the minute quantification of the W±-spinnor-twistor-spiral waves of the Seed of the Universe, the
W±-waves will form the centimeter 10-34 particles--the seeds of the leptons--and at the same time become the internal gravitons for this type of matter particles. From now on and as long as the Universe exists, the W±-waves will interact with each other to form and hold together the quantified self-contained bubble in each particle that is created, while at the same time they will interact with the V±-poles to form the gravitational curvature of space. The graviton of the leptons are thus born out of the interaction of the W-negative membranes spiral-spinnor-twistor waves and the W-positive membranes spiral-spinnor-twistor waves in the particles, with the V-negative and the V-positive poles of the vacuum quantum potential, virtual energy of space-time, continuing to produce the gravitational curvature. This is shown with the Yin-Yang and particle cut-a-way models of the quanta in figure 069. The gravitons are thus an aspect of the particles themselves and do not existing independently. The hypothetical gravitons express combinations of complex spaces inside the particle, capable of curving left and right. This is the reason experimental physics has not been able to detect any gravitons in their accelerators. Presently it is only lepton quanta that exists and in the form of matter/radiation. This is the backbone of the creation-process. We now scrutinize the QF-Venn diagram’s expression for the details of this twofold phenomenon of the minute quantification of matter/energy and the grand quantification of space/gravity, starting with the minutely quantified graviton quanta of the leptons.

The Quantification of the Special Sin- gularity. An Explanatory sample of the Quantified Mass/Matter.
Imaginary Time: t = -07.
The Lepton Gravitons: #08B Figure 030. The Explicate Quantification of Matter- Spatial Gravity. Imaginary Time: t = -07. The Planck Energy-Time or Second 10-43.
074_Part-Two-Figure-069.jpg 075_1-Part-Two-Figure-070.jpg
Figure 069. Figure 070 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 070. SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Interpretation of Symbols in Figure 070 and 072:
075_A-Part-Two-Figure-070.gif Negative event horizon symbol. The interaction boundary of the lepton graviton W-negative spiral-spinnor-twistor wave, interacting with other W-spiral-spinnor-twistor waves and the V-positive pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space.
Positive event horizon symbol. The interaction boundary of the lepton graviton W-positive spiral-spinnor-twistor wave, interacting with other W-spiral-spinnor-twistor waves and the V-negative pole of the vacuum quantum virtual energy of space.
W-negative quantum wave symbol. The Out waving spatial interaction W-negative wave spiral-spinnor-twistor part of the superstring, the half of the gravity generating wave function. This is always a part of the mater particle field and does not exist independently. It produces the gluon-effect within the particle.
075_D-Part-Two-Figure-070.gif Negative gluon field symbol. This is the quantified mater-particle gluon field interaction between the W-negative spiral spinnor-twistor wave and the W-positive spiral spinnor-twistor wave. This is observable in baryons, not in leptons.
Quantified gravity symbol. It denotes that the field inside the circles is a quantum gravitational field representing the graviton. This configuration represents the Out-explicate- unfolded reality of lepton gravitons.
W-positive quantum wave symbol. The In waving spatial inter- action W-positive wave spiral-spinnor-twistor part of the super- string, the half of gravity generating wave function. This is always a part of the mater particle field and does not exist independently. It produces the gluon-effect within the particle.
Positive gluon field symbol. This is the quantified mater particle gluon field interaction between the W-positive spiral spinnor-twistor wave and the W-negative spiral spinnor- twistor wave. This is observable in baryons, not in leptons.
Out = Direction of waves waving out from the objects center, towards it’s edge, or event horizon. Omni-directional wave-effects from center.
In = Direction of waves waving in from the objects edge, or event horizon. Uni-directional wave-effects relative to the objects center.

The quantification of the leptons is–for as long as the Universe exists–written into the vibrations of the W-positive and the W-negative waves as well as the V-negative and the V-positive poles of space. This produces the permanent form of the symmetry-oriented relationship between the two waves and in turn this symmetry gives the particle its permanence and at the same time gives these four waves the authority to regulate the sizes an properties of all leptons and guaranties the absolute uniformity between same type of particles for as long as the Universe exists. The W±-waves forming the gravitons of the leptons are so small that they are not independently detectable through experiments, only the properties they contribute to the particle. Additionally they have no independent existence from the particles, and exist under the same confinement laws as the quarks in the hadrons. This is also true for our next object of scrutiny, which may be regarded as funniest part of the First Second of Creation: The grand quantification of space/gravity.


The Quantification of Space/Gravity.
The suggestions of the QF-Venn diagrams do agree with what many of the world’s physicists are telling us about this event. The surrounding ICRS does not only become a structure that is reminiscent of froth or bubbles, but its functional effects are reverse in relation to the mass/energy radiation phenomena at its center. Where as it formed a positive gravitational field in relation to the Special Singularity, it now--at the Big Bang symmetry break--forms a Negative Gravitational Field relative to the SS which is now the disintegrating Seed of the Universe. We can look at this as a sort of an “out-gravitation”, instead of an “in-gravitation”. The net results of the changes that take place with the ICRS, is that this space now turns into what physicists have variably been referring to as the False Vacuum, or the Negative Gravity Field and physics has provided various descriptions of this field of which the Higg’s Field (X-bosons) of Professor Peter Higgs may be the best known. In all cases its nature is such as to exert something like a very powerful sucking action, or negative gravity on the SS-mass/energy radiation. It will eventually provide for an exponential expansion of the radiation out of the Seed of the Universe.

The QF-analogy of what happened to the space surrounding the point from which the radiation of particles-membrane stream is coming out-off, is the same as those portrait in the figures designated as “V” and “X” in figure 043, (Part One, Chapter Seven, Page 160). What now happens as the two event horizons in figure 067, #08A frame, cancel each other out, and the
Special Singularity rainbow stuff mass disintegrates and begins its “omni-directional outward” expansion. This is the equivalent of the mass inside the black hole of the original Special Singularity, (figure 043, sub-figure “Y”) is suddenly evaporated as the quantified mass/energy now quantum leaps or tunnels into the surrounding space. At the event of the Big Bang symmetry break at the Planck Time/Energy, at t = -07 or Second 10-43, some radical changes--described here prior on page 233--took place in the structure of the surrounding ICRS. The results are disintegration of space itself into independent virtual particle structures such as described under “Z” in figure 043. These are what the QF-descriptions call the “Empty Little Black Holes”.

As the ICRS is left alone without instructions to structure itself around a specific point, the obvious thing for it to do is to break-up into fractions, or better yet, quantifies it-self into numerous spatial bubbles which the QF-theory calls “empty little black holes” and which are given the label; Implicate Reality Hadron Gravitons, abbreviated IRHG and are in essence the "Z" structures described in figure 043. This is indeed, not just a most unusual proposition that appears not only daring, but also outrageous! However, their appearance at this time has corresponding suggestions in physics, where they are called “primordial black holes”. Several calculations verify this but do not see that the inside of these “bubble black holes” has no mass, which in turn makes this the most remarkable ingredient in our soup of the First Second. – We now take a look at the describing how the QF-Venn diagram V-negative and V-positive poles of space form the bubbles of the IRHG.

The Implicate Quantification of the V-Poles of Spatial Gravity. An Explanatory sample
of the Quantified Space.
Imaginary Time:
t = -071.
Hadron Gravitons: #08C Figure 030.  Implicate Quantification of
Matter-Spatial Gravity (IRHG). 

Imaginary Time: t = -07
The Planck Energy - Second 10-43.
076_Part-Two-Figure-071.jpg 077_Part-Two-Figure-072.jpg
Figure 071. Figure 072 external. SCSC in explicate zoom-in-cutaway mode.
Figure 072. SCSC in implicate internal-field mode.

Symbols for Figure 072 same as Figure 070.

Indeed, it is the sudden discontinuance and the altered–transformed–interaction of the W±-membranes spinnor- twistor-spiral waves in the Special Singularity, with the V±-poles in the vacuum quantum potential/virtual energy of no-time space that produces the ICRS bubbles. Some physicists calculate these empty little black holes (in physics: primordial black holes) bubbles, to be cm 10-13 in diameter, which is the diameter of the nucleons and the diameter that the QF-theory adopts, but one consequence of this is the suggestion that the law of the conservation of the baryon number is written in the fermions W±-waves and the spatial V±-poles and their interactions. This further suggests that the diameter of the Special Singularity at the Planck Energy disintegration was cm 10-13. That further suggests that these bubbles will not expand; just gain mass.

This brilliance of the QF-theory's suggestion is that at the moment of quantification of the Special Singularity mass/radiation Seed of the Universe, the connection to the
V±-poles of the surrounding space is momentarily transferred into producing the empty little black holes. These are “bubbles” that form the surrounding negative gravity field and which may well be the QF-correspondence to the creation of the initially massless Higg’s Field X-bosons. The mass acquisition of the QF-theory's empty little black holes is then the process which we shall scrutinize in detail chapters five, six and seven, but the mass-charging of the quantified space of empty little black holes bubbles is another miraculous wonder, where the bubbles themselves do not expand, but the space surrounding them will. Indeed, the physics attempts at analyzes of the interactions between matter and space seem to suggest that the Gödel predicted incompleteness of mathematics is becoming more pronounced the closer we come to the fundaments of reality.

Up until now we have been treading on what is best termed as semi-metaphysical grounds, but then again, no one really knows conclusively what metaphysics really constitutes, no more than anyone knows what randomness is in reality and why it appears to play such a large role in the structuring of the Universe. Just as a high mass/energy shot in an accelerator produces debris, or sub-atomic particle jets, or showers, when it hits the physicists target in the bubble chamber, these theorizations are beginning to look like such shower of debris. However, they are in effect caused by the showers of the findings of the physicists as they shoot through the personal bubble chamber of the author’s brains. The words we use in our daily conversing with each other can’t really sufficiently describe that which is going on here, but in any case, this could not be attempted without the QF-Venn diagrams. It would all sound much worse. This could be described as a radiation explosion, or a stream of radiation, radiation fission out of nothing, with nothing exploding, separately all around nothing. “The ultimate free lunch is indeed beginning to be served!” as the MIT physics Professor Coleman, describes it. Yes, there is a restaurant at the end of the Universe that serves the only free lunch ever. Indeed, it is all quite mind-boggling.

What of it? Since the physicists are telling the world that they will in all probability not deliver the answer before the author personally becomes insane, or prematurely pass out of existence, then there can be no harm done if he tries to figure this out for himself. He is simply going to have to find some solution to the enigma of creation, if that is–as Professor Stephen Hawking suggests–the answer to everything. However, he will not be able to wait until the year of 2050 as Professor Steven Weinberg suggests. He is going to have to adopt Henri Poincaré’s attitude and have a crack at extending his existence beyond the present threat of premature death. The eventual success of the theorizations in saving his life is the ultimate judge of his endeavor. It is with this justification that he is sneaking himself into the physicists holiest of shrines, the private temple where they worship the GUT-era of the First Second of Creation. The outrage here is that as this turns out in the end, his method is not a back door entry, but an entry through the pearly gates of heaven through which he claims to see that which physics is seeking, but cannot see. – What he claims to see will be revealed as we next traverse the GUT-era during the:

                                           The Fourth Division;
                                          The Ninth, Tenth
                                                       and Eleventh Frames.

The next part of the THE LITTLE SCROLL is:

06 : Part Two 2
The Venn-set
Theoretical Models for the
Creation of Mass during the First Second of Time.


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