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The Physics Enigmas And Consciousness Enigmas Files "The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:



QF- Letters-Essays!


The End of
Theoretical Physics!


This file presents a part of a series of open letters depicting in the simplest manner possible, the initial findings of the QF-theory, presented in the 2002 published book THE LITTLE SCROLL and in the PEACE-Files. The QF-theory is a Complete Unification Theory in physics that includes the Observer, Life and Consciousness and is thus claimed as a
Theory of Everything

The QF-Letters and their Subjects are:

The QF : INTRODUCTIONS: The Initial Findings of Man's Greatest Search:
The QF-Ultimate Theory of Everything!
The First
QF Letter:
The Alternate Set-Mathematical Solution offered by: The QF-theory of Everything!
The Second
QF Letter:
The End of Theoretical Physics and the 6-dimensional QF-theoretical paradigm!
The Third
QF Letter:
The QF-theory, the Parallel Universes Theories and The Limits of Mathematics!
The Fourth
QF Letter:
God on the Brain and The Riddle of God and the Brain Neurological and Psychological Quagmire!
The Fifth
QF Letter:
From the Riddle of Désjà vu, to the Riddle of the Autism Mystery!
The Sixth
The two Kinds of Hippocampal Volume Loss in Depressive and Alcoholic Individuals!
The Seventh
QF Letter:
After the Genome! After the Double Helix! The Cancer and Consciousness connection!
The Eighth
QF Letter:
Life, Cancer and the Organization of Procaryot and Eucaryot DNA matching the Human Brain.
The Ninth
QF Letter:
The QF-theory of the Brain's Empathy Center and its connections to Wars and Crimes in Humanity.
The Tenth
QF Letter:
Sir Isaac Newton, the Rainbow and the QF-theory's Fundamental Color explaination.
The Eleventh
QF Letter:
The QF-theory and the Riddles of the Double Slit Experiment!
The Twelfth
QF Letter:
The Solution to One of Humanities oldest Riddle.
The Interview with the Mysterious Mr. 666.

To Home-Front-Index-Page

“If this law is found, it could prove almost meaningless, or it could lead to a new golden age of science.
Scientists don't know just as they had no idea that Einstein's unification of mass and energy would lead
to a new age  of the atom. Or that quantum mechanics, the mathematical system
 used by physicists to explain the movement of subatomic particles,
would be used to make the first laser.”

Quotation from: John Boslough in an intervie with Professor Stephen
Hawkinds, disscussing the possible discovery of the "Ultimate law of the Universe".


The Second QF-Letter:

The Superstring Grodonian Knot!
or is the
'Theory of Everything'
tying Reasearcher up in Knots?

San Franscisco Chronicle Monday, March 14, 2005
'Theory of everything' tying researchers up in knots
Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer

   The most celebrated theory in modern physics faces increasing attacks from skeptics who fear it has lured a generation of researchers down an intellectual dead end.
   In its original, simplified form, circa the mid-1980s, string theory held that reality consists of infinitesimally small, wiggling objects called strings, which vibrate in ways that yield the different subatomic particles that comprise the cosmos. An analogy is the vibrations on a violin string, which yield different musical notes.
   Advocates claimed that string theory would smooth out the conflicts between Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics. The result, they said, would be a grand unifying "theory of everything," which could explain everything from the nature of matter to the Big Bang to the fate of the cosmos.
   Over the years, string theory has simultaneously become more frustrating and fabulous. On the one hand, the original theory has become mind-bogglingly complex, one that posits an 11-dimensional universe (far more than the four- dimensional universe of Einstein). The modified theory is so mathematically dense that many Ph.D.-bearing physicists haven't a clue what their string-theorist colleagues are talking about.
   On the other hand, new versions of the theory suggest our universe is just one of zillions of alternate, invisible -- perhaps even inhabited -- universes where the laws of physics are radically different. String buffs claim this bizarre hypothesis might help to explain various cosmic mysteries.
Untestable theory
   But skeptics suggest it's the latest sign of how string theorists, sometimes called "superstringers," try to colorfully camouflage the theory's flaws, like "a 50-year-old woman wearing way too much lipstick," jokes Robert B. Laughlin, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist at Stanford. "People have been changing string theory in wild ways because it has never worked."
   Already, the split over string theory has caused tensions at some of the nation's university physics departments. "The physics department at Stanford effectively fissioned over this issue," said Laughlin, now on sabbatical in South Korea. "I think string theory is textbook 'post-modernism' (and) fueled by irresponsible expenditures of money."
   The dispute could become explosive this year, with the publication of contrarily minded books by two of the best-known and most eloquent scientific popularizers of physics, string theorist Michio Kaku of City University of New York and astrophysicist-particle theorist Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
   Skeptics have long mocked string theory as untestable, because experimental studies of it would require machines of huge scale, perhaps even as big as the solar system. In his new book "Parallel Worlds" (Doubleday), Kaku disagrees and argues that the first experimental evidence for string theory might begin to emerge within several years from experiments with scientific instruments such as a new particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, which opens for business near Geneva in 2007.
Wormhole travel
   Kaku, whose previous books include the acclaimed "Hyperspace" and equation-packed textbooks on string theory, also suggests that humans might eventually travel to those alternate universes, perhaps via hypothetical portals in space called wormholes.
   Such claims dismay Krauss, a leading expert on cosmic dark matter and dark energy who is popularly known as author of a best-seller, "The Physics of Star Trek." In his book "Hiding in the Mirror: The Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions," to be published by Viking in September, Krauss argues that string theorists have produced no satisfactory explanations for anything. Krauss believes continued research is worthwhile just in case it pans out. But he said that so far, string theorists have promised far more than they have delivered and have fostered the false impression that string theory is the only feasible way to explain cosmic mysteries.
   Those who dabble in alternate-universe speculations might be just modern versions of "16th century theologians (who) speculated that spirits and angels emerge from the extra-dimensional universe," says Krauss, who is also an outspoken foe of creationist teaching in schools.
   A great deal is at stake. Over the last two decades, a generation of brilliant young physicists -- the kinds of proto-Einsteins who historically have led intellectual revolution after revolution -- has flocked to string theory because their professors told them that's where the action was. Now many of them are reaching middle age and have gained tenured posts on prestigious campuses. They're also educating a whole new generation of fresh- faced wannabe string theorists who are thrilled by the publicity that string theory attracts, which has included several best-selling books and a special effects-packed TV extravaganza on PBS.
   The dispute has split partly along subdisciplinary lines, and mirrors a timeless squabble in the philosophy of science: Which is more important for scientific innovation -- theoretical daring or empirical observations and experiments?
   "Superstringers have now created a culture in physics departments that is openly disdainful of experiments. ... There is an intellectual struggle going on for the very soul of theoretical physics, and for the hearts and minds of young scientists entering our field," says physicist Zlatko Tesanovic of Johns Hopkins University.
   String theorists and their foes can't even agree on what constitutes success or failure. For example, the most unexpected and counterintuitive discovery of recent science occurred in the 1990s, when astrophysicists at Berkeley and elsewhere realized the universe is expanding faster with time. The apparent reason: a mysterious dark energy pervades space and drives the accelerated expansion.
   Critics mock superstringers because their so-called theory of everything failed to predict this colossal discovery. String theorists fire back that no one else predicted it, either, and besides, "string theory is the only approach that has the potential for explaining dark energy" based on pure theory, says John Schwarz, a pioneering string theorist at Caltech.
   That's because string theory is the only existing hypothesis that holds serious promise of merging the two grandest branches of physics -- the theory of gravity, the basis of cosmological theory; and quantum mechanics, the science of the subatomic realm, Schwarz says.
   Even so, "it's my impression that more and more physicists are starting to join Krauss as 'skeptical agnostics' about string theory," said mathematician Peter Woit of Columbia University, who offers comments on string-theory developments at his blog:

   One possible reason for the sea change is that string theory's ambitions have radically changed since the 1980s. Back then, theorists hoped to develop a string theory that would predict the existence of one universe -- ours, of course -- with its given physical forces and constants, such as the known intensity of gravity and the known electrical charge on the electron.
   In later years, though, string theorists realized their theory predicted innumerable possible universes with widely varying physical forces and constants. As usual, superstringers and their critics viewed this development differently.
   To critics, like Woit, it is a disaster for string theory because the sheer number of estimated universes -- equal to the number one followed by 500 zeroes -- is unimaginably large.
   If true, it means that string theory is so flexible that it can be used to predict almost any kind of universe you want, no matter how crazy, and hence it predicts nothing specific enough to be scientifically interesting.
   "A theory that can't predict anything is not a scientific theory," Woit says.
   But what if the universe is unimaginably complex and as jammed with diverse universes as the seas are jammed with diverse fish? That's the thesis of Kaku, who compares the history of string research to "wandering around the desert and then stumbling on a tiny pebble. But when we examine it carefully, we find that it's actually the tip of a gigantic pyramid."
   "But just as we are about to open the door," Kaku says, "some critics say that it's taking too much time, that the writings are too hard to understand, that (it) is draining resources from other projects, that it's getting too much publicity, that the script seems to be mutating as we go from floor to floor, et cetera, et cetera."
Opinions on the theory
   In an informal Chronicle e-mail survey, the world's physicists expressed widely differing, sometimes emotional, opinions on the dispute over string theory:  -- "String theory is anything but a futile effort," said an e-mail from David Gross of UC Santa Barbara, who shared the Nobel Prize in physics last year. Among other accomplishments, it has enabled physicists "to understand, finally, many of the mysteries of black holes. ... I am convinced that string theory, as presently understood, is on the right path, but that this path is quite long, and (perhaps many) further breakthroughs are required."
   -- "I agree entirely with Larry Krauss," says Nobel Prize-winning physicist Philip Anderson of Princeton University. In academia, "we from outside the (string) field are disturbed by our colleagues' insistence that every new semi-adolescent who has done something in string theory is the greatest genius since Einstein and therefore must occupy yet another tenure track. ... Our sciences are becoming increasingly infected with quasi-theology, a tendency which needs to be openly debated."
   -- "To the considerable extent that string theory has been developed, it has turned out to be a logically consistent quantum theory of gravity," says string theorist Raphael Bousso of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. "This is a very significant achievement utterly unmatched by any other approach to this problem -- and many have been tried over the past several decades."
  -- "There has been, in recent years, a pernicious, uncritical hype of string theory," says Carlo Rovelli of the Centre de Physique Theorique in Marseille, France. While the theory is worth developing and is a "very interesting attempt to address the fundamental open problems of physics," he says, "so far it is only an attempt, (one) that has delivered less than what was expected some years ago," and "its uncritical promotion is damaging to science."
   -- Krauss' charge that string theory "has probably been the least successful 'great' idea in physics" in a century is unfair and premature, replies string physicist Brian Greene of Columbia University, author of two acclaimed books on the topic, including "The Elegant Universe." "That's like someone going into Antonio Stradivari's workshop and complaining about the sound produced by one of his as yet unfinished violins."


   E-mail Keay Davidson at kdavidson@sfchronicle.com.
Copyright 2005 SF Chronicle

"What one needs is a quantum mechanical model with a wave
 function that describes not only various systems under study,
but also something representing a conscious observer.

                                                                                Quotation from: Professor Steven Weinberg  1992.

The End of Theoretical Physics
The 6-dimensional QF-pardigm

On the 29th of April 1980, Professor Stephen Hawkings was inaugurated as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a chair once held by Sir Isaac Newton. On the occasion, Hawkings presented a lecture titled: "Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?" In this lecture he proposed that the goal of theoretical physics might be achieved in the not too distant future or perhaps by the end of the century. By this he meant that humanity might have a complete, consistent, and unified theory of the physical interactions, which would describe all possible observations. A firmer understanding of the four forces observed in nature, whose key would be a quantum theory of gravity. He later conceded that "it is altogether possible that we'll either become bogged down and have no more progress or that we'll soon find the unified theory…"
    In the lecture Hawkings reminded us that: "Although in principle we know the equations that govern the whole of biology, we have not been able to reduce the study of human behavior to a branch of applied mathematics." However, Professor Hawking does go further than this, regarding the connection of such theorizations to life. In an interview with the science writer John Boslough in 1981, Professor Hawking made this remarkable remark regarding the life and consciousness connection: "I would like to know exactly what happened between 10-33 second and 10-43 second. It is there that the ultimate answers to all questions about the universe--life itself included--lies." Then there is of course his famous remark from his book, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, where he says: “If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason—for then we would truly know the mind of God.”

    The Nobel laureate, Professor Steven Weinberg, who has made a prediction that we may have the ultimate theory by 2050, made the following remarks in his 1992 book, DREAMS OF A FINAL THEORY: "Speaking of a final theory, a thousand questions and qualifications crowd into the mind. What do we mean by one scientific principle 'explaining' another? How do we know that there is a common starting point for all such explanations? Will we ever discover that point? How close are we now? What will the final theory be like? What part of our present physics will survive in a final theory? What will it say about life and consciousness? And, when we have our final theory, what will happen to science and to the human spirit?"
    These two men do sum up the situation in theoretical physics at the end of the twentieth century, but unknown to either of them, the prediction of Professor Hawking regarding the possibility for an "end-of-theoretical- physics-theory" appearing by the end of the century, may well have become a reality. This is the claim set forth in these writings. This is the claim that what is described as the Six-dimensional QREST FIELD-superstring Complete Unification Theory of Everything, has solved the fundamental riddles of the processes during the first second of creation in such a manner as to include a fundamental explanation for life and consciousness. This by employing an alternate method of mathematics (Venn-diagram sets). An alternate approach from the classical formulation in the terms of differential equations, which are the prime tool of quantum mechanics for attempting to describe the events of the first second and to solve the fundamental riddles of quantum physics.

    The main problems of theoretical physics involving the search for the final theory are founded in the fact that according to general relativity, the Universe is inaugurated in an extremely deep black hole known as the Singularity. This represents a state of such extreme gravitation that the laws of physics are said to "break down", or "cease to exist". Here the physicists do not reiterate the fact that the quantum mechanical and general relativity "laws of physics" are expressed in the terms of mathematical equations, which "break down", or "cease to exist". The laws of physics themselves do not break down, they remain as eternal as the Universe but their initial manifestation takes place during the first second of creation. The problem being simply the fact that we do not know how to express them and how to work with them, in such extreme conditions as are represented by the singularity. This is what the 1998 introduced and in 2002 published Six-dimensional QREST FIELD-superstring-mem- brane Complete Unification Theory of Everything, for short--The QF-theory-- claims to achieve. In the arguments for the alternate mathematical approach employed in the QF-theory, a vital reference is taken from the 1931 Incompleteness Theorem of Professor Kurt Gödel and further, in the most remarkable split brain research discovery of the Brain's Functional Programs, made by the 1981 Nobel laureate, Professor Roger Sperry. Only one leading physicist has linked the "end-of-theoretical- physics-problems" of physics to the Incompletness Theorem, but this is Professor Roger Penrose at Oxford. The very reason for physics having "become bogged down and having no more progress" in their search for their "end-of-theoretical-physic-theory" is embedded in this fact. The inability of the physicists, to connect to, or to accept the two dictums of nature presented by Kurt Gödel and Roger Sperry. The realization and acceptance of the "laws of nature" represented by these dictums, has enabled the QF-theory to analyze in detail the events of the first second of creation and to come up with a Universe that matches the one we are experiencing. What is more, it does come up with explanations for the mystery of life and consciousness. It further comes up with explanations for the great variety of unverifiable and undiscoverable phenomena produced by the physics of the conventional mathematical approach. What is even more intriguing is the fact that the QF-theory predicts that physicists should "become bogged down and have no more progress" in their quest, and at the same time explains why. Parallel to all this the QF-theory solves the riddles of the "asymmetry of the human brain" and the "binding problem" in neuro physiology, while at the same time solving once and for all, all the riddles of the spatial hemisphere of the human brain. Unknown to most physicists, that is an unseparable part of the "end-of- theoretical-physic-theory" riddle.

    Since the sixties, physics has seen many brilliant endeavors at producing the final answers in theoretical physics and several different conventional mathematical approaches were utilized producing several different experimental predictions, which have not materialized. All these models have been dependent on differential equations. Theories such as N=8 Extended Super- gravity, Super Gravity, Super Symmetry, String Theory, Superstring Theory have emerged, with the String Theory being incorporated into the Super Symmetry theory in the latest developments, producing the first so called Theories of Everything. These, however, do not include explanations for life and consciousness and are thus in fact only Theories of Something. What has made matter even worse is the appearance of 5 different Super String theories, which is 4 theories too many. These theories have then claimed to be either Grand Unified Theories, or Complete Unification Theories and some of their predictions are phenomenas such as: "The Higg's Field", "The X-boson", "The Lepto-quarks", "The Magnetic Monopoles", "Proton Decay", "The Susy Particles" and "The E8-shadow Parallel Universe". None of this has ever been detected and according to the QF-theory, will never be found. An additional problem with all this is the fact that in order to have their differential equations work, the Super String theories are proposing anywhere from 10, 11, 26 or 32 dimensions. This means 6, 7, 22, or 28 additional dimensions to the 3 spatial dimensions and 1 of time we commonly experience and requires special--yet to be constructed-- mathematical re-normalisation proced- ures, to roll them up and make them disappear. The QF-theory proposes only two extra di- mensions in addition to the ordinary 4, however, it does not require any corrective measures to its modeling since it does explain where these two additional dimensions are to be found.

    The latest effort at solving these problems is through the creation of what is known as the M-theory, or Membrane Theory, but this is an 11 dimensional mathematical fusion of just about all previous attempts. These are Super Gravity, Super Symmetry and the Five Super- string Theories incorporating a "Parallel Universe". Variations of the theory provide basis for Big Bang mathematical analyzes, without a Singularity and the "mathematical laws of physics" are thus kept alive. However, the whereabouts and existence of the 7 extra dimensions and the extra universe, still defy experimental verification and the M-theory, or the Paralell Universe theory, provide no clues to the riddle of the Observer connection, Life and Consciousness. This is the equivalent to "being bogged down and having no more progress".

    The most elegant feature of the QF-theory is that it shows us how the twofold quantification of gravity, the "lepton quantification of gravity" and the "hadron quantification of gravity" takes place at the Planck time of second 10-43. This produces a perfect explanation for the connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity and at the same time shows us--in extreme simplicity--that there is NO Grand Unified Theory (GUT) possibly--showing the unification of the electro-magnetic force, the weak and the strong nuclear force--to be discovered. The QF-theory thus claims that there is only a Complete Unified Theory (CUT), showing the unification of all four forces, or that they all originate in one original force, but the none-existence of the Grand Unified Theory has been speculated by some prominent physicists such as Weinberg. In the QF-theoretical explanation for quantified gravity, a rare insight into the symmetry of the minuscule neutrino--whose gravitational mass has not been verified--suggesting that it's gravitational effects may be even greater than the extremely small size of the neutrino would suggest. This is then proposed as the cosmological explanation for the mystery of the "dark matter", or the "wimps", holding the galaxies together, along with the black holes at their center.

    The current efforts at the detection of the so-called "God-particle", which is a nickname for the "X-boson" of the "Higg's Field", postulated in the sixties by the Scottish physicist, Profesor Peter Higgs, is now the "hottest" subject of experimental physics. This field also appears in the QF-theory and is at the same time the "exponential expansion negative gravity field" of the Universe during its Inflationary Leap. The QF-theory describes the field of the "X-bosons" as one of "virtual hadron quanta", which "sucks into it self" the antimatter photons and positrons that are being drawn out of the quantum vacuum or zero-point energy. The QF-theory thus provides explanations for the "negative gravity field", the "baryon mass" and at the same time shows what became of the "missing antimatter", all in one go and in a most elegant manner. However, the QF-theory suggestions for the nature of the "X-bosons" is that they are initially a form of "empty little black holes" (a form of virtual particles) created out of the "infinite curvature of space" and can thus only exist during the creation. The QF-theory explains why the classical mathematical process expects these bosons to manifest this since it is unable to "see" inside these particles, but this is the reason the QF-theory predicts that the "X-boson" will not be detected.

     In the eighties, experiments--utilizing huge detector monitored pure-water containers deep in the ground--were conducted to try to "catch" magnetic monopoles and proton decays. None was detected, but the QF-theory predicted that result (that nothing would be found), since it indicated that magnetic monopoles were subject to the same laws as the quarks of Professor Murray-Gell Mann, which cannot have an independent existence and only exist in pairs. It further predicted that the proton has the same life span as the Universe, but this is arrived at through a slightly different arrangement--to the Standard Model's arrangement--for the quarks in the baryons. QF-theory suggests that "lepto quarks" did appear in the first part of the first second of creation, but that they quickly became so small that they are in fact many times smaller than the tiny neutrino. Like the "magnetic monopoles" they obey the same law as the quarks we know today and have no independent existence, and cannot be detected independently, as the quantum vacuum does not exist in only one version.

  The "Super Symmetry" theorisations predict twice the number of particle described in the Standard Model of Physics. These are the "Super Symmetry Particles", or the "Susy Particles". However, these particles are predicted to produce observable tracks at energies that are calculated for the GUT/CUT TOE era of the First Second of Creation. They are thus not likely to be ever detected by man, but the QF-theory in turn declares these particles as noneexistent and explains the "Super Symmetry" mathematical suggestion for them as being caused by the fact that the human brain is holistic. This means that the "matter hemispheric mathematical functional programs" for the human brain are repeated in the "spatial hemisph- ere" as a "secondary program" and that it is into this reality, which the symmetrical differential equations dip, when they are "gauging", or "seeing" the Susy particles.
    This is one of the most remarkable and important achievements of the QF-theory. Although the main experimental proof of the theory is based on the agreement with the "curious geometrical nature of particle spin", what makes it a "major intellectual achievement", is its ability to show us why the classical mathematical processes do not work when it comes to the fundaments, or the edge, of reality. Why they "break down" or do not function properly when we try to use them to analyze the underpinnings of the workings of the gravitational force and what this has to do with the construction of our brains. This fact is further a powerful reminder of the suggestions made in the same year Professor Hawking made his remarks to John Boslough (1981), by the physics professor and science writer, Professor Fred Alan Wolf. In his book TAKING THE QUANTUM LEAP he makes the suggestion that: "Quantum mechanics appears to describe a universal order that includes us in a very special way. In fact, our minds may enter into nature in a way we had not imagined possible... Perhaps the appearance of the physical world is magical because the orderly processes of science fail to take the observer into account. The order of the universe may be the order of our own minds." This fits the insights offered by the QF-theory in its new ways for looking at the human brain, where it provides us with the brains fundamental reality program, or that of the "quantum wave of the Universe" and thus solves numerous riddles regarding the brain. Of these the most important is the insight into the two-dimensional reality of the DNA, or that of the exon and the intron nucleic acid bases, where the exons represent the "explicate reality" and the introns the "implicate realty". At the same time it solves another major riddle, possibly the most fundamental enigma of them all. This is the riddle of the brain's wave of consciousness, which is a "semi standing electromagnetic field". According to quantum mechanics, then all fields of energy have their specific quanta. Here the quanta for the electromagnetic field is the photon, which in quantum theory has been shown to have its "matter side" and its "antimatter side", but the QF-theory suggests that this represents a twofold wave property. One wave function for the matter side that is constantly waving "out from its center" (explicate) and at the same time another wave function for the antimatter side that is constantly waving "in from its rim" (implicate). The physicist, Professor Eduard Witten has presented mathematical proof showing such quantum wave action possible. The main consequence of this is the suggestion that the phenomenon of thought is actually in the quantum wave of consciousness and not in the "consequential" firing of the neurons, which is a secondary neuro-transmitter exchange action for the adjustment of the reality perception. A continuation of this explanation is the illumination of how it is possible for the consciousness to retrieve information out of the DNA exon/intron (explicate/implicate) intra somatic realties and discharge them through speech or other means. At the same time the consciousness is loading into the DNA exon/intron (explicate/implicate) intra somatic realties, information in the form of long term memory quanta.

    In his book: STEPHEN HAWKING'S UNIVERSE, John Boslough reminds us that no one knows what the ultimate unification theory will bring us when he writes: "If this law is found, it could prove almost meaningless, or it could lead to a new golden age of science. Scientists don't know just as they had no idea that Einstein's unification of mass and energy would lead to a new age of the atom. Or that quantum mechanics, the mathematical system used by physicists to explain the movement of subatomic particles, would be used to make the first laser." This is still the case with theoretical physics, but we are spending astronomical amounts of money on research involving the search for such theorisations.

    The primary promise held out by the QF-theorization has to do with our understanding of ourselves. Our final understanding of Life, the DNA, the Brain and Consciousness, which as a matter of fact, is the most important information of all the insights sought by man. It may quite possibly lead to a much-needed renaissance in the human experience and man's management of himself and his existence. A renaissance that may produce marked improvement in the important, but currently severely handicapped disciplines of psychology and psychiatry. This through the QF-theories fundamental insights into how the psychiatric malfunctions initially manifest and how these functional disorders serve to effect the physical body, producing its numerous statistical disorders such as multiple sclerosis and cancer. A renaissance that leads to solutions of the multitude of man-created problems looming on the horizon and which nowe are threatening man's future and that of all life on this planet.


“Speaking of a final theory, a thousand questions and qualifications crowd into the mind. What do we mean by one scientific principle 'explaining' another? How do we know that there is a common starting point for all such explanations? Will we ever discover that point? How close are we now? What will the final theory be like? What part of our present physics will survive in a final theory? What will it say about life and consciousness? And, when we have our final theory, what will happen to science and to the human spirit?”

Quotation from: Professor Steven Weinberg

Written in English for the purpose of publication on the Internet
for PEACE Publication Ltd. by Paul John II, 22nd January 2004.

Recent subject references and articles:



The next part offers the third of several essays, papers tracts, compositions, treatises or thesis on the findings of the QF-theory presented in the THE LITTLE SCROLL. This is:

Parallel Universes - Limits of Mathematics


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