This home page is a part of:
The Physics Enigmas And
Consciousness Enigmas Files 
"The PEACE-Files"

P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:


04_QF-Logo-3.gif   The 10th
QF- Letter-Essay. 

Sir Isaac Newton and the Spiritual
Side of his Existence. The Insights and
Creative Intelligence of the Human
Brain in the Light of Newtons Life!


This file presents a part of a series of open letters depicting in the simplest manner possible, the initial findings of the QF-theory, presented in the 2002 published book THE LITTLE SCROLL and in the PEACE-Files. The QF-theory is a Complete Unification Theory in physics that includes the Observer, Life and Consciousness and is thus claimed as a
Theory of Everything

The QF-Letters and their Subjects are:

The QF : INTRODUCTIONS: The Initial Findings of Man's Greatest Search:
The QF-Ultimate Theory of Everything!
The First
QF Letter:
The Alternate Set-Mathematical Solution offered by: The QF-theory of Everything!
The Second
QF Letter:
The End of Theoretical Physics and the 6-dimensional QF-theoretical paradigm!
The Third
QF Letter:
The QF-theory, the Parallel Universes Theories and The Limits of Mathematics!
The Fourth
QF Letter:
God on the Brain and The Riddle of God and the Brain Neurological and Psychological Quagmire!
The Fifth
QF Letter:
From the Riddle of Désjà vu, to the Riddle of the Autism Mystery!
The Sixth
The two Kinds of Hippocampal Volume Loss in Depressive and Alcoholic Individuals!
The Seventh
QF Letter:
After the Genome! After the Double Helix! The Cancer and Consciousness connection!
The Eighth
QF Letter:
Life, Cancer and the Organization of Procaryot and Eucaryot DNA matching the Human Brain.
The Ninth
QF Letter:
The QF-theory of the Brain's Empathy Center and its connections to Wars and Crimes in Humanity.
The Tenth
QF Letter:
Sir Isaac Newton, the Rainbow and the QF-theory's Fundamental Color explaination.
The Eleventh
QF Letter:
The QF-theory and the Riddles of the Double Slit Experiment!
The Twelfth
QF Letter:
The Solution to One of Humanities oldest Riddle.
The Interview with the Mysterious Mr. 666.

To Home-Front-Index-Page

(This web is not proofread.)

The Eleventh QF-Letter/Lecture

Sir Isacc Newton, the
Rainbow and the QF-theory.

The following lecture deals with the mystery of the creative insights of the
human brain in the light of the little known spiritual side of Sir Isaacs Newton.

The discussion is foremost made with reference to the religious, spiritual,
mystical and alchemist subjects in Newtons investigation of nature,
but he kept this part of his contemplations hidden while he lived.

It was not until after John Maynard Keynes had bought the main part of the spiritual
writings of Newton in 1936 that this side of him became known and even after this it
was not much discussed until towards the end of the twentieth century.

"I suspect that Newton's experiments were always a means of verifying what
 he lready knew, rather than a means of discovering new truths."

                                                                                                                                                                    Quotation from: John Meynard Keynes

Much of what here is presented is copied from Mr I. M. Oderberg's review of Gale E. Christianson's 1984 book,


which appeared in the SUNRISE MAGAZINE 1986.
The magazine is published by the Theosophical University in Pasadena, California, which has granted copying

Further material is from Newtons biographers, professor Richard S. Westfall and professor Arthur B. Anderson,
but the later devoted considerable work on exposing the spiritual and religious side of Newton's spirit, in particular the Book of Revelation.

The lesser known Side of the Genious of Sir Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton, the renowned nature-philosopher, who was born at Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire 4. January 1642, was better known for his great contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge of man, rather than his efforts in the spiritual, mystical and alchemical field of investigation and his search for the „grandiose all embracing recipe" which he believed to be the central theme of the Universe.
  Until in recent times the biographers of Newton have been inclined to omit this part of his works believing that public knowledge of its existence might throw a shadow on the reputation of this magnificent scientist.
   The biographers have tended to avoid all mention of the great treasure of his writings regarding the spiritual, mystical and none-scientific  material where the theology alone includes 416 papers.

  The family of the Earl of Portsmouth had inherited from Newton's step-nice, a collection of scientific and other writings of Newton. The family then gave this to the library of the Cambridge University with the stipulation that all the none-scientific material be returned to the family.

Sale of the spiritual, mystical and none-scientific papers of Newton.

06_John-Maynard-Keynes.gif In 1936 the Portsmouth family then offered the manuscripts for sale at an auction where  the renowned British economist, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) bought most of them.

  Posterity owes Keynes great debt for having saved this material, but he had become  rapturous by its contents, but amongst other remarks he had this to say about it: „I suspect that Newton's experiments were always made for confirmation of what he already knew, rather than for discovery of new truth“.  Keynes had much doubt regarding the common nineteenth century opinion of Newton as; "the first and greatest amongst the scientists of modern times; a rationalist which taught us to think with cold and colorless logic“.

  Keynes, who himself was a gifted and creative thinker, saw Newton as "the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians, the last great mind which looked out on the visible and intellectual world with the same eyes as those who began to build our intellectual inheritance rather less than 10,000 years ago."

   In his 1930 PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE, Carl Gustaf Jung describes most eloquently the quantum-neurological reality of the artists brain functions; “The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense - he is 'collective man,' a vehicle and molder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.” These analyses have the same application and scope of validity for the scientist in his initial insight. This is verified in the transcended spiritual experience as describe by Albert Einstein; “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of the true art and true science.”

The ironical or cynica view Newton gave the world of himself.

07_Blakes-Newton.gif                                 William Blake and his Newton

The impression Newton gave the world of himself was of an observer who looked at the world and its composition as a riddle; whose secrete could be unraveled by applying sober thought to certain facts, certain keys which were hidden in various places in nature. Nature could be seen as offering a sort of treasure hunt for the natural philosophers. This side of Newton was precisely the one that the English poet, mystic, painter and graphic-artist William Blake (1757-1827), lamented so much and used as a symbol for the mechanical thinking — the materialism — which was growing in England; ready to swallow the spiritual views to nature, which a long procession of ancient philosophers had subscribed to. Since Blake had no knowledge of the spiritual writings of Newton, he came to the conclusion that his mechanical view to the world and the universe had left God out, the inner man and life itself. He thus believed that Newton had shun all the values that made life worth living and we may ask; What would  Blake have said had he been given an insight into the mystical side of Newtons philosophy?

08_Jahn-Keats.gif       John Keaths and his Newton

The romantic English poet, John Keats (1795-1821) maintained in his young years that Newton had "unweaving the rainbow"  by cutting it into the colors that the prism produced. That he had by explaining the composition of the rainbow, robed it of its beauty. „Far from it!“ says the controversial Richard Dawkins; Newton's unweaving is the key to much of modern astronomy and to the breathtaking poetry of modern cosmology. Mysteries don't lose their poetry because they are solved: the solution often is more beautiful than the puzzle, uncovering deeper mystery."  Through his „rainbow unweaving Newton showed us the truth in the rainbow, but according to the high spirited and renowned prose of Keats himself; truth is beauty, beauty is truth then the rainbow unweaving is equivalent to the exposure of pure beauty.

  Rejecting the duality of spirit and matter arising from the thought of Descartes, Newton reached back to the views of the Pythagorean brotherhood regarding the material cosmos as modelled on mathematical lines such as geometry. He understood well their doctrines, and these included more than mathematics: the harmony of the spheres arising from the Pythagorean theory of music and sound.
For Newton, the precision he discerned in nature was not merely the outcome of laws in mathematics or physics that originated in chance conditions, but rather the indication of the work of a vast, cosmos-spanning Intelligence he called God -- meaning by this something quite different from the view commonly held in his day.

  In his mathematical and scientific work he opened up for consideration a majestic theorem that embraced the fall of an apple or stone, the tides of the seas, the planetary orbits and those of moons, the coming and going of comets, and the "brilliant, stately motion of the canopy of stars." His remarkable intellectual achievements need no detailed retelling here; from his early twenties -- the "miraculous years" -- he had already established the elements of differential calculus (1665), and integral calculus (1666), following with his invention of the reflecting telescope. His Principia Mathematica was published when he was 45, dealing among other things with universal gravitation, a subject inspired by Jacob Boehme's phrase that "attraction is the first property of Nature." The Principia laid the foundation of scientific thinking that prevailed until this century when his laws were subsumed into the more widely-embracing relativity theory of Einstein. His work Opticks (1704) dealt with the properties of light: proposing its corpuscular form -- i.e., consisting of particles sent off in all directions as emanations from luminous bodies.

  To many science was the religion of
Newton since he saw God in everything and Biblical reading was his favorite subject to the same degree as his science. He did not lean towards any specific religion but was attracted to the doctrinal interpretations of the
Unitarian Church of England which was banned by the king for a time. His objection to the doctrin of the holy trinity which he saw as blasphemy, is believed to be the reason why he turned down a post as the rector of Trinity College since it required him to be babtised into the Episopal Church of England, which was Trinitarian.

The God-reality and the Creation-realty ideas of Newton.

What has not been generally known is that the collection of Newton's papers and books held in the Cambridge University Library includes an enormous amount of material dealing with theological, philosophical, and alchemical topics. His interest in alchemy is assumed to have arisen from his attempts to penetrate into the core of the chemical elements, whereas his reflections on the composition of mineral and other atoms and their transmutation one into another reveal his search for the heart of "original Matter" as a link with the all-pervading divine essence.
   Newton interpreted the divine Unity as IT, without predicates, and as the sustaining energy and intelligence of the entire cosmos, initiating every process and phenomenon. His view of divinity pervading the universe is remarkably like the modern idea of God as the Urgrund, the "original ground" or foundation of all life forms.
   In this he adopted Henry More's concept of space as infinite in which, or out of which, come all finite manifestations. H. P. Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine (1888) expresses a like concept of Space as the ever-fecund mother of universes and their inhabitants. Newton's Principia Mathematica similarly distinguishes between time as such and endless duration -- "a work of science to be sure, but of science steeped in profound religious overtones" [cf. Christianson, p. 247].

   Whilst a student at Cambridge, under the heading "Of Atomes," Newton commented on Henry More's The Immortality of the Soul, which ties in the "pre-existence of the soul" with other relevant topics. Dr. More was an influential contact for the younger man. A renowned Cambridge Platonist and an Anglican clergyman who had declined two bishoprics, More was regarded as the outstanding Cambridge intellect of his day. Both men had associations not only through Cambridge University but also going further back to Grantham where Newton had had his schooling.

09_Henry-More.gif 10_H.-P.-Blavatsky.gif
Henry Mores H. P. Blavatsky

The endeavors of the scientists at the leading edge of science, primarily in theoretical physics, have now recognized the need for the inclusion of the observer int their work, in particular after the collapse of the Superstring Theorizations. A major part of this inclusion of the observer is the requirement for a comprehensive explaination for consciousness, but that in turn has raised the demands for the explanations for the spiritual, religious and mystical experiences of man, which obviously demands a comprehensive explainations for the human brain and its functions, including all its malfunctions. The spiritual, religious and mystical experiences of man was also the foundation of all scientific thinking of Newton, as he recognized that we would never understand the world without understanding our selves, but this is the lesser understood side of his thinking.
   Amongst the spiritual papers and books of Newton which John Maynard Keynes bought at the auction was to be found voluminous material, not just regarding mysticism, alchemy, but the prophesies of the Bible as well, this including twenty different versions of the Book of Revelations and a restored version of the Hebraic text of the floor plan of the Temple in Jerusalem, which Newton saw as a "symbol for the organization of the world."  Only one of Newton's book on Biblical matters was ever published in 1733, 6 years after his death, but it was:


Newton's main research regarding the Book of Daniel began when he was only 12 years old and continued to hold a special place amongst his interests all his life. He wrote about prophesies in general and expressed in great humility that he himself had carried special reverence for the prophesies he had been allowed to read. He made the greatest effort on the prophesy in the Book of Revelation but had to admit himself as failure at its understanding its contents and admitted that it confounded him. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the book was intended for only very few individuals to understand until the end of the world was approaching: the time of the highest judgment approaching and the eternal kingdom of the saints beginning to manifest, but at that time people would appear who could understand the prophesy.
   In his late theological paper Irenicum: or ecclesiastical polity tending to peace, Newton stated during a chronological treatment of the history of the Church as originating from Judaism, that "all nations were originally of one religion" and, further, that "the two great commandments of this primitive religion were profoundly simple: to love God and to love one's neighbor as oneself".
Today many are of the opinion that if Newton's hidden interests had been widely known in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we in the twentieth would have inherited a blurred portrait of a heretic and if the general public had been given access to his work, he might even have been murdered by  some religious fanatic.
    Certainly, we would not have been given the general impression that is current -- the archetype of the scientific, supremely rational mind interested only in physical matter because there is nothing else! Newton appears to have belonged to that rare breed of seminal thinkers who inject into the thought-atmosphere of humanity seeds that germinate in their own time when the conditions are right, to effect great changes.
   Newton kept the chair of the Lucasian Professor in Mathematics in Cambridge University for 33 years, but in 1699 was made “The Master of the Mint” or put in charge of the king's money production. He was a parliamentarian for Cambridge University in the House of Parliament and elected the president of the Royal Society; a post which he held for 24 years. He was knighted in 1705, lived until eighty five and was berried in Westminster Abbey where Burnet bishop described him as:

"the cleanest soul I have ever known.”

In the years 2002-3 the BLAKEWAY PRODUCTIONS created a documentary for BBC and WBGH BOSTON, where the story of the mystical side of Sir Isaacs is told, but it carries the title ISAAC NEWTON - REJECTOR OF THE TRINITY BELIEVER IN ONE GOD but in it Sir Isaac is titled NEWTON, THE DARK HERETIC, but here the reference to him being a "heretic" is owing to his refusal to believe in the holy trinity. This hour long documentary may be viewed on the (can be viewed in full screen) and is found at the URL: 
   After the papers of Newton had been published and his religious, mystical, spiritual and alchemical side became known, many began to see his strong religious leanings as an endorsement of the divine by a powerful intellect. On the other hand the skeptics saw Newton as someone who had though so hard that he had cracked and become a delusional nut-case. What the questions regarding the psychology and the inner life of Newton concerns, then there are not many who realize that his thinking processes will not be comprehensively understood and a conclusive accesments made of them before man has final and conclusive solution to the riddle of the human brain, but still much is missing in order for this function will be fully understood. This in particular around the function of the spatial hemisphere since the enigmas are there the most numerous, mostly around the insight- and creative-intelligence faculties, but they are housed in this part of the brain. Newton--who soon realized that all the "why" explanations were missing in his "how" explanations for gravity--had the grand dream of solving the riddle of creation and the universe.
    Newton, who was famous for being absent minded and possibly the father image for the absentminded professor, was in a continuous conversation with "God" in his mind and here it is believed that his "Jamais vu - faith and creativity faculty"--which is at the same time "the cosmic and the collective field" in his brain--was fully functional and he thus in a "conscious contact with the creation reality, or God". This is a brain function which is not generally experienced by modern man and thus a very limited understanding of its functions are available, but it may be understood in different terms if viewed with reference to Newton's contemporary collective consciousness. Newton was thus truly; In the Presence of the Creator, but the insight and creativity abilities here discussed are exclusively those who produce the fundamental discoveries regarding the laws of nature, not the developmental discoveries which ensue from them. Little doubt is that Newton was constantly asking "God for the answers to the riddles he wrestled with, but he could of course not know that most of them were what we to-day know as being of quantum mechanical nature.
    Here the
"God", or "creation-reality", answered him to a great extent through symbolic visualizations and thus no wonder that he had the idea that the floor plan of the Temple in Jerusalem contained the key to the creation mystery and that of the material world would be found in the alchemy, but he sometimes worked 18 hours a day on his alchemical experiments. What has not been generally known is that the collection of Newton's papers and books held in the Cambridge University Library includes an enormous amount of material dealing with theological, philosophical, and alchemical topics. His interest in alchemy is assumed to have arisen from his attempts to penetrate into the core of the chemical elements, whereas his reflections on the composition of mineral and other atoms and their transmutation one into another reveal his search for the heart of "original Matter" as a link with the all-pervading divine essence. The alchemy that eventually presents us with the answers to the riddle of the composition of the material world, does not appear until 300 years after this intensive search by Newton, when Herr Professor Max Karl Ernest Ludwig Planck, on the 14th of December 1900 introduces to the Keiserliche Deutsche Science Academy his ideas regarding the "quantum composition" of energy. To-day we can metaphorically look at Quantum Mechanics as the contemporary "Lapis Philosophorium" or "Alchemy" and the search for the Unification Theory of Everything as the "Floor plan of the Temple in Jerusalem".

   Newton may very likely have been trying to force out some insights, which in his day were still far in posterity, and which requires knowledge of a series of multiple complex discoveries before it is possible to achieve them. Here it is further likely that the functions of the spatial hemisphere were giving him the replies from the "God-reality", the "Creation-reality" or the "Cosmic Consciousness" without him being capable of understanding them due to the lack of the future knowledge of science. Many of those who later are given insight into Newtons thinking 300 years ago are obviously incapable of comprehending their causes and circumstances, whether it be in the light of the prevailing contemporary thinking or the generally limited knowledge of the times, but Newton himself seems to have been well aware of this. For this reason he arranged his affairs so that the parts of his work which could not be commonly understood were only limited available to the public while he lived  as is see in the case of his OBSERVATIONS UPON THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL AND THE APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN were not published until 6 years after his death.

"I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble
or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."

                                                                                                                                                                                    Quotation from: Sir Isaac Newton

Since the documents, which are a part of this lecture and its fractional biographical discussion, came into the public view after the middle of the twentieth century, the interest of scollars and thinkers for the spiritual side of Newtons interests, had steadily grown. In this the book by Gale E. Christianson from 1984 and the BBC documentary from 2003 two of the fruits that have come out of the research this interest has prompted. Many have thought much about, and tryed hard to understand, this man, Newton, who had already become magnificently grand before his spiritual and alchemical interests were known. To them Newton either grows or schrinks at the reading of his hidden papers, but many of those who succeed in adjustinmg themselfs to the contemporary spirit that prevailed in Newton's day see him as an even grander wonder and more magnificient than his contemproaries and later admirers had realised. We now turn to the later part of this lecture:

The Rainbow Phenomena in the Mind of Newton.

  "There are works which wait, and which one does not understand for a long time; the reason is that they bring answers to questions which have not yet been raised; for the question often arrives a terribly long time after the answer."
                                                                                                                Quotation from: Oscar Wild

Newton's Search for the Recipe of the Universe or the Theory of Everything.

The suggestions that Newtons search for the “Lapis Philosophorium” represented his search for the Complete Unification Theory that included the Theory of Everything, explains his constant talking to God within himself and that this made him appear as an absent minded science genius. When he took his dinner plate in the university's canteen and brought it to his table and then walked out continuing his discussion with the voice in his spatial hemispheric subconscious, he is very much in agreement with the QF-theory's brain model explanations for the thinking of the creative genius. This he himself verifies in his suggestion that: "No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess!" , but here the "guess" is the "idea" (in deus) that is coming into his consciousness from the Jamais vu creation reality. This also agrees with the observation of Keynes when he said: "I suspect that Newton's experiments were always a means of verifying what he already knew, rather than a means of discovering new truths." Newton's genius insights into nature, came through his dialog with the creator of nature, where he presented his observations of nature in the form of questions and then abandoning the search once he had presented the question surrendering himself and the answer to the creative reality. The answer would then pop into his head when he least expected it, verifying the claim that all answers are already in our head, the question is just one of the access. This is very likely to have been his method already prior to him reaching the summit of his insights when he was 24 years old, which he later described in his renowned humility by saying; "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants!" and through this humbles himself while recognizing the preparatory work by others.


Newton on the top; "anni mirabiles", or the "year of miracles"  in 1666.

 The time period when Newton is on the sumit of his insights the Black Death epidemic raged across Europe not sparing London in the years from 1664-1667 and Newton,which was 22 to 25 years old student in Trinity College Cambridge, sought an asylum shelter at his Woolsthorpe Manor farm in Lincolnshire. The plague then finaly began subsiding after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

   When Newton arrived at Woolsthorpe Manor he was on a "Black Death school-vacation" and could now turn to his most pressing subjects of interest, but here we suspect that he had already“accepted his ideas and all he needed to do was to execute his confirming physical experiments where applicable--as Keynes suggested--and carry out his mathematical exercises where applicable for confirmation of his ideas. There he discovers the“binomial theorem”, “fluxation method”,, the “three laws of motion” (inertia) but included in this is his creation of the “calculus mathematics”  which is a part of his grandest discovery; “the laws of gravity”.. The same year he carries out his famous prism experiments and through it proves the composition of white light from three different colored light waves an by this refutes the so called “Modification Theory of Light”, but the conclusions of this experiment became the first verification for the simplistic QF-theory.


The modification theory had maintained that the prism modified the appearance of the homogeneous white light so as to produce the colors. Newton's experiment proved that the light is composed from three different colors which through the properties of the prism are spread out but were not created through it. It would take 15 years before the academy agreed that this was the truth of the matter, but before he had been accused of stealing the ideas from others and even for high treason in connection with this discovery. It was the then siting president of the academia which opposed him the most.

   Here we have some graphics that show the story and the experiment which Newton carried out to investigate the truth in his ideas regarding composition of light from three fundamental-colors. Above the center graphic description of the experiment is the Venn-logic graphic showing the the composition of light at each stage of the experiment.

13_A_Newtons-Prism-Experiment.gif 13_C_Newton-Prism-Right.gif

Newton's refutation of the "Modification Theory" trhough the Prism Experiment

The Magnificient Dream of Newton and his Discovery Methodology.

The central focus of this story is the fact that when Newton had made his two grand discoveries regarding gravity and the composition of light, he had become the first and foremost witness in the search for the Theory of Everything. He had become aware of this and consequently had hoped that he would succeed with his method to find the final answer although this dream of his did not become known until after his death and the publications of his documents. Newton may be described as being enraptured with the beauty and simplicity of his discoveries, but he was well aware of the fact that they were only "how" discoveries without the "why" explanations which were needed for it to represent a Complete Unified Theory. With his discoveries Newton never the less placed the cornerstone for the efforts of modern physics to prove the logical necessity for the existence of the Universe as we are experiencing it. Here it is not the physicists decelerations concerning their progression which is the purpose of their work but the dream of Newton, which was and is, the ultimate goal of physics. The guidepost to that goal--say the physicists--is the "beauty in their equations"; which express the rational consistency in nature; beauty, however, according to Shakespeare and Hume, has to do with being in the "eye of the observer." 

   In this quest of Newton for the final goal, his prime advantages over others, was his method of asking the Creation Realty for the answers and his his unique ability to ask the right questions and formulate them focused on their core. Here he asked what was behind gravity in its Universal function of spreading instantaneously allover space and how it interacted with the mass in the matter. His equations only showed how gravity behaved but not what was behind this all-effecting force, which appeared so subtle, or weak. The other question was not less profound, although it was very simple. It concerned the conclusion that light was constructed from three fundamental colors or; What was it in nature that demanded that the fundamental colors be only three? Why not 2, 5, 7, 12 or any other number?
   What further raised his interest was the explanation for the reason why the colors that appeared in the prism were four, as in the rainbow; Red, Yellow, Green and Blue  where it was known that one could not mix any colors together and obtain Read or Yellow, or Blue and they therefor seen as the fundamental colors, while Green  on the other hand was a mixture of Yellow  and Blue, and the Green band in the rainbow thus color-mixture. His took Newton to the question; Why then is there no wide color-mixture band in Orange, between the Red and the Yellow bands in the rainbow and the prism?


The three arrows in the prism colors express the quantum-wave spin-direction of the three quantum
waves that are the inner structure of all matter particles (Leptons and Baryons of the Fermions)
and exclusively the photon in the energy particles (Boson) 
according to the QF-theory.

These questions shot back and fourth in the consciousness of Newton for many years but he had from th onset been employing his previously described“riddle solution method” on them. What Newton did of course not know when he directed the light beam through the prism and looked at the three fundamental colors, that he was carrying out one of the simplest quantum experiment possible, which at the same time is one of the most fundamental quantum experiment thinkable. Although he knew how to ask the right questions but his perfect “riddle solution method” on failed since much scientific knowledge was still lacking for this, or any other, method to work. Newton, who looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues which God had hid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher's treasure hunt. Here he needed certain facts that were missing, but the replies from the creation reality must have been suggesting that; The time is not ripe for these answers. The time for the answers will come at the time when the prophesy of the Book of Revelation manifests. It is thus no wonder that Keynes had found 20 different versions of the book of revelation in the Newton papers. What is here missing is obviously the discovery and development of the quantum theory which takes place in the first 30 years of the twentieth century, as well as the relativity's theories of Einstein which appear during this period. It is then the General Theory of Relativity (1915) of Einstein which produces the answer to half of Newton's first question, but science is still missing the final answer to explain what it is in the matter particles which produce the curvature of space and through that, gravity.

As regards the twofold question concerning the prism and the rainbow, then the science world is still at a loss for the explanations in spit of the New  Physics which will eventually produce the answer.  What stops physics from producing the answer is the fact that its mathematics are incapable of connecting quantum mechanics and general relativity through mathematics. This is where science becomes bogged down in its quest for the Theory of Everything that includes the observer. This discovery was what Newton thought he would find in the „Lapis Philosophorium“ which he secretly sought.
   The answer to Newtons question regarding the Green mixed-color in the prism experiment and in the rainbow are at the same time the final answer regarding the composition of all matter particles, plus the photon. Such an answer cannot be achieved without the explanation for the connection between matter and space, which is at the same time the answer to the riddle of the connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity and thus the final answer to the last part of the riddle of gravity. That answer will thus be the key to the long sought after Complete Unification Theory of physics and the Theory of Everything, since it will contain the organization of the DNA-molecule, Life and the Consciousness of the Observer. Obviously it will also contain the final mystery of the rainbow.
   The most remarkable in all this is the God-consciousness question technique of Newton and his awareness that the ultimate answerers for the Universe and Life where to be found. He knew that the ultimate answer's were only to be had from the
God-consciousness that was found within man himself and which had been promised by the creator through the Book of Revelation Chapter 10, verse 7; "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." Newton is thus teaching us through his 300 year old mystical writings how we must approach the non mathematically resolvable riddles of nature. Th question is; Are we humble enough to accept his wisdom so we may become capable of understanding what he is teaching us.

"No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess."

                                                                                                                                                                Quotation from: Sir Isaac Newton



QF-theory's Explanation for the Fundamental Colors only being Three.
As the explainations for the gravity riddle and the answer of the QF-theory are complicated phenomena, we will let it suffisce to explain how the fundamental colors of nature are created and why there is no wide-band orange color mixture band. We will thus turn to the answers of the QF-theory for the fundamental clors by going briefly through the main points in the period of the First Second of Creation, which is beyond the End of the Birth of Time (second 10-36) and the Big Bang (second 10-43). This is accomplished in Venn-set logic which describes the creation of the three quantum waves which the QF-theory claims as the foundation of the matterial world, but this takes place before the Big Bang begins.
  As the QF-theory is produced in a graphical set-math format and not in traditional formalistic calculus mathematics (discovered by Newton), then it is accessible to the understanding of the general public without 20 years of university education. We thus begin by showing one picture that shows how the Venn-set material that follows looks in the in the traditional mathematical form. This is then followed by 6 QF-Venn-diagrams and their physical equivalent which shows the creation process in the relatively simplistic Venn-set logic compared to the formal mathematical approach. 
  The fundamental findings of the QF-theory are that ALL matter particle (Fermions) in the Universe are composed from three waves; not just the baryon-hadrons with their three quark waves. This means that the leptons are also composed from triplicate waves. The reason for physics not being capable of finding these three waves in the leptons is in the fact that they are very small and that during the creation process, two of those waves--W-negative and W-positive--gave most of their mass into one wave—the Z-mass wave--which is the only part which they can distinguish.



Creation secondfraction 0.

For further understanding of the Venn-set logic models of the creation the book THE LITTLE SCROLL,
which is found on this web under THE UNIFICATION FILES on the "master index page."


Creation secondfraction 1.


Creation secondfraction 2.


Creation secondfraction 3.


Creation secondfraction 4.


Creation secondfraction 5.


Creation secondfraction 6.


Creation secondfraction 7.
Hér eru grunn-litir náttúrunnar full skapaðir.


Creation secondfraction 8.


Creation secondfraction 09.


Creation secondfraction 10.

The QF-theory's Explanations for the Difference in the Mixed-colourbands of the Rainbow.



In the heraldry of the British Crown we find a lion and a unicorn and some say that the lion represents
Richard the Lionheart and the unicorn represents
Isaac Newton. What is true in this we do not know but the accompanying pictures are here fitting as we examine the color composition of the rainbow in the riddle:Composed by the creators hands, gracefully contains four colored bands. What is this read, yellow, green and blue, arch set in the heaven above you?” 
   This is what the old riddle says but a special attention is required to catch the fact that it does not say: read, orange, yellow, green and blue”. Does this require the meticulous attention of the natural philosopher, or physicist to pay attention to such minute detail. Even fewer are those who realize that in the "why" explanation for the reason that there is almost no orange mixed-color band where as the green mixed-color band is the same with as the one of the fundamental colors, is found one of the most important insight into the fundamental construction of the Universe.

To understand what the QF-theory is telling us regarding the reason for only one wide mixed-color band in OUR rainbow, it is a good start to realize that OUR rainbow is a matter-rainbow, not an antimatter-rainbow. Here we have a graphic presenting both kinds of rainbows, but the one on the right we do not find on earth.  



The QF-explanation for the Mystery of the Rainbow.

In the Venn-set expressing the electron it can be seen that two of the three quantum waves which form the particle are waving OUT; the YELLOW and the BLUE but the RED one is waving IN. The two out waving waves have thus time and function which allows them to mix and form the GREEN color mixture band. The RED one is waving IN and has thus not the time nor the function to mix with the YELLOW and form an ORANGE color mixture band.

   This is the triplet wave arrangement of nature for all matter particles (Fermions) but it is reversed in the anti-matter particles as can be seen in the anti-matter rainbows.

In the Land of the Rainbow.

To find the conclusive explanation for the rainbow men will have to travel to the land where they are greeted by art in the form of the rainbow.

This is not a reference to what we call a coincidence, rather the management of the reality which originally set the Universe in motion, put life on planet Earth and which Newton saw as the origination of all order of events. Newton thus believed that there were no coincidences; only different understanding by humans of the origin of the causative reality as there are different interpretation of reality.

    The Ruri-Rainbow in the
Land of the Rainbow.

Very few have read Newton and it is because that in order to understand him, education is required. On the other hand many are eager to talk about him, but for that one does not need to know anything.”
                                                            (Dedicated to the author of the lecture)


Written on Perihelion 2007.

(Perihelion = Greek forr “next to the sun”, but that day for the earth is 4th of January.
Forth of January was the birthday of Newton).

"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants."
                                                Quotation from: Sir Isaac Newton


The QF-theory and the Double Slit Phenomena.


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