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P. E. A. C. E. 
Publication Ltd presents:




The 11th
QF- Letter-Essay.

The QF-theory and the
Double Slit Phenomena!


   This file presents a part of a series of open letters depicting in the simplest manner possible, the initial findings of the QF-theory, presented in the 2002 published book THE LITTLE SCROLL and in the PEACE-Files. The QF-theory is a Complete Unification Theory in physics that includes the Observer, Life and Consciousness and is thus claimed as a
Theory of Everything

The QF-Letters and their Subjects are:

The QF : INTRODUCTIONS: The Initial Findings of Man's Greatest Search:
The QF-Ultimate Theory of Everything!
The First
QF Letter:
The Alternate Set-Mathematical Solution offered by: The QF-theory of Everything!
The Second
QF Letter:
The End of Theoretical Physics and the 6-dimensional QF-theoretical paradigm!
The Third
QF Letter:
The QF-theory, the Parallel Universes Theories and The Limits of Mathematics!
The Fourth
QF Letter:
God on the Brain and The Riddle of God and the Brain Neurological and Psychological Quagmire!
The Fifth
QF Letter:
From the Riddle of Désjà vu, to the Riddle of the Autism Mystery!
The Sixth
The two Kinds of Hippocampal Volume Loss in Depressive and Alcoholic Individuals!
The Seventh
QF Letter:
After the Genome! After the Double Helix! The Cancer and Consciousness connection!
The Eighth
QF Letter:
Life, Cancer and the Organization of Procaryot and Eucaryot DNA matching the Human Brain.
The Ninth
QF Letter:
The QF-theory of the Brain's Empathy Center and its connections to Wars and Crimes in Humanity.
The Tenth
QF Letter:
Sir Isaac Newton, the Rainbow and the QF-theory's Fundamental Color explaination.
The Eleventh
QF Letter:
The QF-theory and the Riddles of the Double Slit Experiment!
The Twelfth
QF Letter:
The Solution to One of Humanities oldest Riddle.
The Interview with the Mysterious Mr. 666.

To Home-Front-Index-Page

"I think that a particle must have a separate reality independent of the measure- ments. That is an electron has spin, location and so forth even when it is not being measured. I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it."

                                                                        Quotation from: Professor Albert Einstein


The Twelfth QF-Letter:

The Nineteenth Century Mystery of Light and the
Thomas Young Double-Slit Wave
Mechanics Experiment.

In the year 1800, exactly a hundred years before the birth of the Quantum Theory and the wave-particle duality of light, the world of physics was already getting a taste of this phenomena, which was to become one of the main mysteries of the New Physics a century later. At the time the debate on the nature of light focused on whether light was corpuscular, or particles as the theory of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) postulated and the undulato­ry, or wave, as the theory of Dutch physicist Chris­tiaan Huygens (1629-1695) suggested. Though neither theory was definitely established nor entirely successful in explaining all of the known phenomena of light, Newton's was generally accepted.

It was then in 1801, the first years of the nineteenth century, that the British physicist, physician, and Egyptologist, Thomas Young, (1773-1829), began his study of light with these two theories in the background. By a­lowing light to pass through two closely set pinholes onto a screen, Young found that the light beams spread apart and overlapped, and, in the area of overlap, bands of bright light alternated with bands of darkness. With this demonstration of the interference of light, Young definitely established its wave nature. In 1817 he then proposed that light waves were transverse (vibrating at right angles to the direction of travel), rather than longitudinal (vibrating in the direction of travel) as had long been assumed, and thus explained polarization, the alignment of light waves to vibrate in the same plane. Young's work was received by most English scientists as illogical, unscientific, and some­how unpatriotic, This was partly due to the idea that any opposition to a theory of New­ton's was unthinkable. It was only with the work of the French physicists Augustin J. Fresnel (1788-1827) and Francois Arago (1786-1853) that Young's wave theory finally achieved acceptance in Europe.

However, it would be a hundred years after Young's experimentations, during the early years of the New Physics at the onset of the the twentieth century, that his double slit experiment would take physics deeper into the bizarre mysteries of quantum mechanics and its wave-particle duality than most any other experiment. That is the mystery which we shall be looking at here in this paper, but before we get into the thick of this, we shall first familiarize ourselves with the ordinary double slit experimentation, but for this demonstration we have "hijacked" the double slit experiment graphics from the Professor Stephen Hawking's book: A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. Here then is our story of this most famous of man's dialog es with nature.

Light passing on to a screen through one slit.


This is what we see on the screen with the light passing through one slit.
This is the corresponding wave pattern with the light passing through one slit.

Figure #01.

In this arrangement light behaves as composed of courpulses, or particles and supports the explanation Newton postulated.

Anticipated passage of light on to a screen through
two slits.


This is what we expect to see on the screen with the light passing through two slits.
This is the wave pattern we expect with light passing through two slits.

Figure #02.

This is what some of us have anticipated, but not what happens and can thus be disregarded.

Light actually passing on to a screen through two slits.


This is what we actually see on the screen with the light passing through two slits.
This is the actual wave pattern with light passing through two slits.

Figure #03.

In this arrangement light behaves in an undulato­r manner, or as a wave, as the explanation of Dutch physicist Chris­tiaan Huygens suggested.

Here is the double slit experiment light interference graphics in two forms, the firs is the drawing that Thomas Young made in order to explain the double slit phenomena, the next is a more recent graphical explanation for the IN and OUT of phase effects in the interaction of two waves.

The Thomas Young Original Drawing of Wave Interference.


Figure #04.

In and Out of Phase Wave Interference.

Here the wave crest and through cancel each other out when the waves are out of phase.
Wave crests and troughs coincide and reinforce each other when they are in phase.

Figure #05.

This  represents the double slit experiment in its simplest form and is pretty much the story of nineteenth century wave mechanics in physics, but here is already a hint of the underlying mystery of the bizarre reality that appears in the quantum mechanical experiments that began to emerge in the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the second part of this paper and it deals with the still conclusively un-resolved questions by physics.

"I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics... Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it. 'But how can it be like that?' because you will go 'down the drain' into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that"

                                                                        Quotation from: Professor Richard Feynman

The Twentieth Century Mystery of Light and the
Thomas Young Double Slit

In the year 1900, exactly a hundred years after the birth of the double slit experiment by Thomas Young, the New Physics of Quantum Mechanics was born on the 14th of December, the birthday of Nostradamus who had prophesied about this. This took place when Professor Max Karl  Ernest Ludwig Planck (1858-1947) presented his research finding into black body radiation to the German Physical Society. This science would deepen the wave-particle duality of light mystery even further as the world of physics was beginning to get a new understanding and taste of this phenomena. This came with the discovery of Planck that energy came in discrete packages--particles--and with Professor Albert Einsteins (1879-1955) Special Relativity in 1905 and the the Photon in his explanation of the Photoelectric Effect. This lead to the first double slit experiments in 1090 where just one photon was allowed to pass through the slits at at time. The mystery was again deepened with the parallel concept-that matter also exhibits the same duality of having particle like and wave like characteristics-was developed in 1925 by the French physicist Louis Victor, prince de Broglie (1892-1987) and the mathematical studies of the wave mechanics of orbiting electrons published in 1926 by the Austrian Professor Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961).

We shall now look at the mysteries that appears in the experimentation where just one particle is allowed to pass through the slits at at time, with considerable time-intervals before the nest one was allowed to pass. In these experimentation it does not matter whether we are using individual particles such as photons, electrons or even such massive particles as neutrons. However, for the sake of clarity, before we look at the behavior of "quantum reality" we begin by looking at reality as we know it in our everyday experience. This is the tainted golf balls experiment.

The Double Slit and the Individual Particle Interaction.

This golfer graphic reminds us of the reality we are all experiencing, but golf ball interference patterns are unthinkable.
The golfer tries to hit the blue-color tainted golf balls through the slits, where those who get through make two imprint lines.

Figure #06.

This lead to the first double slit experiments where just one photon was allowed to pass through the slits at at time, with considerable time intervals before the nest one was allowed to pass.

Anticipated outcome of individual photons being fired--with some time-intervals on--on to a screen, through two slits.

This is NOT what we actually see on the screen, with the INDIVIDUAL particle fired separately through the two slits.
This is NOT what happens with the INDIVIDUAL particle being fired separately through the two slits.

Figure #07.

This is what some of us have anticipated, but not what happens, but the results is described by many as the strangest phenomena in all of physics. In this experiment a photon (or a fundamental particle such as an electron or a neutron) of light is discharged individually through the double slit onto a photosensitive paper that collects the individual photon hits. Since there is no other photon to interfere with the photon being discharged, we are ready to wage that there will only be two slit-patterns appearing on the photosensitive paper. However, instead of seeing two slit-patterns appearing on the photo- sensitive paper, we observe the many line interference pattern as if we were conducting the normal experiment with a flood of photons. It is no wonder that this result gave the physicists who first carried out this experiment a real surprise and a shock, but many stories are associated with their reactions, including that this experiment is supposed to have turned physicists to becoming gardeners. The experiment revealed that somehow an individual particle managed to interfere with itself, which to our "common sense" is something utterly absurd, but in-numerous untestable suggestions for explanations have been offered. This is the quantum mechanical realties "one hand clapping" as Professor John D. Barrow so elegantly describes it. Here the most popular suggestion for explanation was offered by the late Professor Richard Feynman, which postulates that particle, be it a Boson (energy carrying particle) or a Fermion (matter manifesting particle), while traveling at high velocity through the vacuum, must "split it self-up" and traverse all possible paths. Figure #08 shows this with the "Feynman paths" of the particle being drawn on to the graphic on the left.

Actual outcome of individual photons being fired--with some time-intervals--on to a screen, through two slits.

Even though just one particle is fired at a time, we see interference patt- erns on the screen. However, we do not see the paths of the particles as in the drawing, but they represent the Feynman explanation for the particle passage through the two slits.
This is the multiple Feynman paths for just one particle from the particle gun to the screen. The explanation requires the particle to pass through all possible paths and thus on the way interfere with itself after passing through the two slits.

Figure #08.

The other grand mystery that appears, both in multi particle and single particle discharges, is the fact that as soon as we try to register it's passage on the "downwind-side" through either slit, the wave-interference effect disappears. The particle "traverses from the  gun" to the screen as a particle and its wave properties disappear.

The photon is being detected as it is actually passing
through either of the
two slits on to a screen.



This is the seen where we try to detect with a photoelectric cell, the passage of the particle through either of the two slits.
This is the actual wave pattern with light passing through two slits just prior to the photoelectric cell being switched on.

Figure #09.

When a photon, electron, or neutron is detected passing through  either of the two slits, the interference pattern disappear.


This is what we actually see at the moment that the photoelectric cell detector is switched on at either of the two slits.
This is the actual wave pattern with light, or individual particles, being detected with photoelectric cells, passing the slits.

Figure #10.

The golf ball experiment is large scale, but we have found that the description by Professor John D. Barrow in his brilliant book THE WORLD WITHIN THE WORLD, to be one of the best analytical description of these two phenomenas and have therefore "hijacked" the following passages from his book.

"Suppose we now see what happens when subatomic particles like neutrons are fired towards the two slits (instead of the golf balls). If we place a photographic film across the target then we find the striking result shown in Figure #08. The neutrons behave like the golf balls in the sense that each hit on the target film produces a definite mark. But as more and more neutrons are fired at the screen the individual hits build up a picture that has the characteristics of a wave interference pattern. There are bands where there is a high development of the target, evenly interspersed with underdeveloped bands each possessing some statistical scatter. Although the neutrons arrive at the target as distinct objects, like the golf balls, the probability that they hit a particular point on the target is determined by a wave intensity. If we close one of the slits then this produces a single wave-intensity distribution with no interference just as in the ­case with the light-waves. Hence the neutrons manifest particle and wave properties at the same time: they arrive at the target as distinct `hits', but with an intensity pattern characteristic of a wave.

There are further peculiar aspects of the wave interference pattern produced at the target screen by the neutrons, which make it subtler in nature than the 'ordinary' interference pattern produced by the light waves. If we fire the neutrons slowly, one at a time, towards the screen so that we can watch the film developing neutron by neutron, and so avoid any obvious interaction between different neutrons which would lead to interference, then we still find the interference pattern being built up bit by bit. More striking still, we could set up many identical versions of this experiment all over the world and fire just one neutron towards the slits in each of them at a prearranged moment. If we add together the results from all these completely different experiments we would find that the net result would look like the wave interference pattern! The single  neutrons seem to be able to interfere with themselves. This is indeed 'one hand clapping'. We could have arranged for the different experiments to be huge distances apart and synchronized the performance of the different experiments so that in the time that it takes for the neutron to get from its source to the target no signal could travel, even at the speed of tight, between one experiment and another to cause a correlation of their results in some way. The result is the same the individual neutron-hits add to form a correlated interference pattern. How does each neutron know which role to play in order to produce the 'right' big picture of wave interference?

An even more perplexing fact about the microscopic two-slit experiment with the neutrons is that any attempt to unravel the wave-particle ambiguity and discover through which slit a particular neutron actually passed en route to the target invariably destroys the interference pattern seen at the target. Neutrons are rather delicate. If we set up a photoelectric cell at each slit in the screen to be triggered when a neutron passes through that slit, then we might expect to discover through which slit each individual neutron passes on its way to the target. Unfortunately this ambition can never be realized. The intervention of the light from the photoelectric cells alters the behavior of the neutrons in a manner ­that destroys the wavelike result of the experiment. If we are ever able to determine through which slit a neutron goes, then the pattern seen at the target screen is changed from the light-wave pattern of Figure #03 into the particle-like result of the golf balls in Figure #06. Whenever we decide to examine whether a neutron is behaving like a particle and determine through which slit it passes, then, and only then, it is found to behave as a particle. If we do not attempt to determine if it is behaving as a particle, then, and only then, it manifests itself as a wave. It is not possible to construct any device, which can determine through which slit a neutron has passed without destroying the wave interference pattern at the ­target. 

This is quite unlike anything ever-encountered in classical physics. It confronts all philosophical positions regarding the character of-the laws of Nature and underlying reality with a totally novel challenge. It appears that the observer of the world plays a crucial role in determining what can be observed, but in a way that is subtly different from the old idealist view that everything is in the eye of the beholder. The naive realist would hold to the belief that there is an objective world that exists whether we like it or not, and which possesses definite properties that exist independent of any measurement of them. Unfortunately this does not stand up to its first encounter with the quantum laws of Nature. The observed phenomenon together with the act of observation together determine what can be observed in the two-slit experiment. This does not mean that one should conclude that everything observed is observer-created, in the sense that the idealist or the solipsist might claim. There is no reason to suspend belief in an underlying reality. It is just that the steps we take to establish it determine what it wilt be found to be. Reality is contextual. We must also recognize that, at the very least, this reality which dictates goings-on in the micro-world of photons and neutrons is very different from the approximate impression of it that we have assumed from our contact with large objects whose quantum wavelengths are ­minute, and whose wave-like properties are for all practical purposes indiscernible. It is not that golf balls do not possess wavelike attributes. They do. But golf balls are so large compared with neutrons and the length of their wave attributes so small, that wave interference effects are indiscernible by the human eye."

With all this in view it is not unexpected that this has lead to concepts of multitudes of universes, or what is known as the "Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" or "Parallel Universes". However, this is not the way the QF-theory interprets the nature and fabric of reality. For that interpretation we shall have to take into account the QF-interpretation for the fabric of space and the QF-interpretation for the interaction of the particles of energy (Bosons) and matter (Fermions) with space. These comprise then the last part of this paper.

No point is more central than this, that empty space is not empty.
It is the seat of the most violent physics.

                                                                        Quotation from: Professor John Archibald Wheeler

The first half of the simplistic QF-explanation is the suggestion that the two infinitely small and invisible "virtual matter-energy V-poles" of space, the V-negative and the V-positive, represent the fabric of space at the quantum level. They represent the "reality" out of which the the matter-energy of the Universe emerged during the first part of the first second of creation in the Big Bang, out of which our creation begins some years ago. This suggestion is thus for a twofold infinite reality of space, or twofold infinity; one with a positive nature and the other with a negative nature. It is then through this reality which the fundamental particles move by making their famous "quantum leaps", or by jumping from one pole to the other. In this they do not jump just between the one kind of pole, but between both the V-negative and the V-positive and thus through the two fundamental realities, or dimensions, of space. This does not suggest an other Universe, or other Universes but is simply a fundamental property of our own Universe. It is this property that comes into play when fundamental particles travel in their quantum leaps through the vacuum as Feynman suggested resulting in "all possible paths". In addition to this the QF-theory suggests that as the particle is going through its quantum leaps traveling through the vacuum, it's V-poles also force it to manifest its opposite spin image and thus produce the wave that produces the interference. In the case of the photon this becomes manifested in the famous Aspen experiment where the second collapsed photon wave always has the opposite spin to the first.

The photon, which is the energy state of matter traveling at the speed of light, is the only fundamental particle that is both its matter and antimatter particle at the same time. With the photons being fired individually in the double slit experiment with some time intervals, it is the antimatter side of the photon that waves in the V-positive poles and the matter side that  waves in the V-negative poles and thus a twofold wave is produced with a single photon. This is how the interference wave mechanics come about with a single photon being fired at intervals, but obviously the collapsing of the wave for each side will manifest opposite spins for each collapsed wave-package. W
hether larger and many times more massive particles such as electrons and neutrons in this experiment are traveling at the speed of light and producing an antimatter wave is not clear.

The QF-theories description of individual photons, electrons or neutrons being fired on to a screen, through two slits.

The graphic shows a single photon- path producing the interference patt- erns as it passes through the slits. The photon is also it s own antimatter particle.
This is the actual wave pattern for the individual photon passing through two slits with time intervals, where the single photon produces two wave-packages.

Figure #11.

In the QF-theory's Venn-set mathematical analyzes, the fabric of relativistic space is in inseparable and inexorably an integral part of the particle and any meaningful discussion of the particle's nature collapses without it, we have therefor incorporated the QF-graphics depicting in all simplicity the two kinds of space. On the one side the timeless Euclidean space and the other, the Rieman space of general relativity with its curved V-polar structure.

The Virtual Matter/Energy V-poles, or the QF-theory's
5th and 6th Dimensions that form the Fabric of Space.

This is a suggestive description for the Dual V-poles nature of the Euclidean Space, with proprieties where all imagi- nary lines intersect each other at right angles.
This is a suggestive description for the Dual V-poles nature of the Rieman Space of General Relativity, with proprieties where all imaginary lines intersect at different angles.

Figure #12.

In the QF-theory's Venn-set mathematical analyzes of the interaction between the twofold waves of energy and their dual function, along with its "half-a-reality" collapse through interference with its processes as is shown in figures #09 and #10 is of significance in the eventual analyzes of the wave functions of consciousness in the human brain in relation to the phenomena of "failed re-uptake" in the action impulse synaptic exchanges. In the QF-theory, this is claimed to be the cause for the creation of all the functional disturbances in the human brain, which in turn cause all of ti's functional disorders and--directly or indirectly--all of man's statistical maladies including that of the causes for cancer. This in turn may have become the most important research subject in the history of science, since it is very likely to be the key to the ultimate and final understanding of the human brain. 

This paper is expected to be revised and updated several times in the coming months and years.

"Quantum theory forces us to see the universe not as a collection of physical objects, but rather as a complicated web of relations between the various parts of a unified whole...  All (physical) particles are dynamically composed of one another in a self-consistent way, and in that sense can be said to 'contain' one another. In (this theory), the emphasis is on the interaction, or 'interpenetration,' of all particles."

                                                                                    Quotation from: Professor Fritjof Capra


Written in English for the purpose of publication on the Internet.
for PEACE Publication Ltd. by Paul John II, 11th November 2004.

Recent subject references and articles:


The next part offers the twelfth of several essays, papers tracts, compositions, treatises or thesis on the findings of The QF-theory presented in the THE LITTLE SCROLL. This is:

The Mysterious Mr. 666


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